Yucca: One of my neighbours showed me a... - Asthma Community ...

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One of my neighbours showed me a little bit of an article about vitamin supplements and it says that Yucca ""is rich in steroid-like saponins that elevate the body,s production of cortisone""-it mentions the anti-inflammatory uses but mainly as a (supposed) alleviation of arthritic-type conditions.Does anyone have any experience of taking Yucca supplements or does it not really help asthmatic-problems?



10 Replies
KateMoss profile image

Not heard of that one before.

Now, shall I go and chomp a chunk out of Spike, my 8ft Yucca plant?

Sounds interesting though!


PS Spike is safe - no teeth marks in him! LOL.

someone told me it was good for my sunburn.... end result was I was covered in green sticky stuff and still burning lol

Hope spike is in one piece!


KATE LEAVE SPIKE ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KateMoss profile image

Spike still safe...

Julie ... it is aloe vera gel or lotion that is good for soothing skin!

Glad to hear spike still safe Kate. please keep it that way i would hate you to lose a friend like he obviously is. lol

ahhh ok so breaking a bit off and wiping the juice on face wasnt a good idea!

lol :-)

Yuccas flower too. A very high scented smell, made me sneeze. Had to cut them off.

KateMoss profile image

Julie, neat aloe gel is OK as long as you avoid the little spikes on the edge of the succulent leaf.

LMC - wow your Yucca flowered? Mine is over 20 years old and yet to flower.

I know some flower when outside and the flower bracts are huge! They are scented to atract insects to pollinate them.

Spike still happy & chomp free! LOL! He has a ribbon around his two branches as the main thick stem is only a foot tall and the two sub stems are 6ft up then curl around a bit before the leaves point upwards - ribbon stops it doing the splits! LOL!



To get back to the question, I know the aloe vera plant is used for various skin conditions, but have not heard of any links between the yucca plant and anti-inflammatory benefits, but I will ask a friend of mine who is very knowledgable about plants and let you know.

Hi Guy's. I've been very pleased with the results I've had from a Weleda Nasal spray woth Aloe vera, (Rhinodoron) sold as a support for allergies. also found using this little nose spray has helped my breathing generally.

I know the aloe vera plant is used for various skin conditions, but have not heard of any links between the yucca plant and anti-inflammatory benefits,

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