Posts - Action on Postpartum Psychosis | HealthUnlocked

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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All posts for August 2012

Should a woman who has experienced PP with no prior history of mental illness be informed that it can be associated with bipolar?

openeyes profile image

Care plan for second pregnancy?

Hello. I suffered PPP after my daughter was born in November 2009. I was section...

What Can One Do to Prevent the Onset of PP in the First Place?

I'm new to mothering but not new to mental health issues. I'm due to have my fi...
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If you're recovering from PP, should you read other people's blogs?

Do you find it helpful to read other people's stories? At what stage of PP is it...
andrea_at_app profile image

When did natural feelings of being a new Mum be replaced by PP?

Being pregnant again, I have been thinking about the birth and I just wondered i...
hel212000 profile image

has any one had bad experiance with social services :( ???

am currently in a battle after being in hospital for 6 months they wont give me...
kleigh profile image

How are you coping with PP?

How are you feeling? Are you struggling right now? Are there any questions you'd...
andrea_at_app profile image

How did you feel returning to work after PP?

What difficulties did you face & how did you deal with them? Did you tell your c...
HKPhooey profile image

Feel free to introduce ourselves?

Hidden profile image

My Story -PP then depression and diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder!

In Jan 2008 I had a beautiful Son, but became ill shortly thereafter and develop...
Tania1 profile image

What were the early warning signs of PP?

Hidden profile image

My story of ppp

Hi, I thought I'd share my story. I'm a single mum, My son was born on the...
juliet1981 profile image

Is Electroshock Therapy “ECT” an Effective Treatment?

Is Electroshock Therapy or Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) an effective treatmen...
JenniferM profile image

Was your body weight an issue during your PP experience?

Did you gain or lose weight & how did it make you feel? Did you feel the need to...
andrea_at_app profile image

My story

A bit of background about myself. I had no history of any health problems and ha...
sarah_at_app profile image

My Story - 'From the Pits to Piccadilly Circus'

**Please note: If you are feeling fragile or vulnerable, please read with cautio...
andrea_at_app profile image

Are support forums such as this one useful? What do you think of 'Peer Support'?

Tell us what you think of asking & getting answers to questions in this way. Are...
jess_at_app profile image

How do you access a Mother & Baby Unit?

Are mother & baby units better than alternatives? In some areas of the country g...
jess_at_app profile image

How can you prepare for a second pregnancy?

It can be a difficult decision to become pregnant again after experiencing PP. W...
jess_at_app profile image

I have a friend suffering from PP - how can I help?

What things can I do to help? If you have experienced PP, what kinds of things d...
jess_at_app profile image

What do partners need support with during an episode of PP?

We'd like to know about partners' experience of PP. What do women and men feel ...
jess_at_app profile image

Recovery from PP - what can help and hinder recovery?

Tell us about your experiences of recovering - how long it took (remember to ans...
jess_at_app profile image

What were your experiences of PP and of treatment for PP?

Tell us about your experiences of PP and the treatment you received - what were ...
jess_at_app profile image

Sources of Information about Postpartum Psychosis

You can find lots of information about Postpartum Psychosis, FAQ, resources and ...
jess_at_app profile image

A Blog on Postpartum Psychosis Blogs...

The word ‘blog’ stands for ‘web’ + ‘log’. Essentially, it is a place where you c...
jess_at_app profile image

Connect with others with experience of PP

Action on Postpartum Psychosis is a charity run by women who have recovered from...
jess_at_app profile image

Welcome to our PP community!

Welcome to the Action on Postpartum Psychosis PP Talk community! The point o...
jess_at_app profile image