anybody tryed linden method or panic away... - Anxiety Support

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anybody tryed linden method or panic away ...

evo1210 profile image
16 Replies
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16 Replies

Hi evo1210. Before you embark on a course for which you will have to pay may I suggest that you read the report on the Linden Method from the Advertising Standards Agency. Website. Best wishes. jonathan.

Hi evo1210. Further to my above blog. A lot of money is spent and a lot of time wasted trying to find a therapy that will get us out of our 'hole'. There are some therapies of a more orthodox nature that can be helpful. My personal view (after many years of Counselling) is that some of the best methods are given freely. This is not to say that those who do the more orthodox therapies should not be paid. That would be silly. But most of the therapies to which I refer are not all that expensive and do often give good results. Some therapies that you pay a lot of money for and that are 'cashing in' on our suffering are next to useless. If you join Anxiety. UK. you will see many therapies that are inexpensive, especially to those on low incomes.The 'Bandwagon' well and truly running and a lot jump on! Because something is expensive it does not follow that it is any good. I suggest to anyone that they are not taken in by the blurb but to research thoroughly first. jonathan.

evo1210 profile image

thanks jonathan2468 really helpful info

rouri profile image

Hi evo, i did the Linden Method, first sections of the book didn't mean anything to me as he talks about meds and how to come off them, i did get some info from it but didn't do the job for me, i am now 100% sure that it is a state of mind and habit and it is only us that make it go away or worse. loads of information were left out from his book and in my opinion women anxiety is a bit different than men, eg: women would have anxiety problems because of hormonal imbalance, he does not talk about that and soo many things that i learned by myself he missed it off. basically he suffered from anxiety and get rid and gathered information from different people and created his method, after i bought it as well i discovered few other methods that their contents looks very very similar to other and i was very disappointed. to be honest he is making too much money from people for what? i don't know, he is on my facebook now and last time he deleted someone from his facebook just cz he told him that his method didn't work. that man is so sure of himself taht refuses to believe that some people were not cured using his method.

although on his website you find too many testimonials that worked for them. i don't want to put you off but if you go and read all the blogs on this website you learn more than buying his book. he does have retreat as well, forgot where but he charges around £3000 for 3 days or so, this includes meeting him and having a lecture by him and few professional therapist.

let me know what you think

lots of love


in reply to rouri

Hi rouri. It would seem that women are more likely to get an anxiety state than men. In my opinion this is because, in general, women are more sensitive than men and more intuitive which makes them more vulnerable. However, men do tend to hold their emotions in check (it's not manly to feel anxious!) so not so many admit that there is a problem. There is one big problem with this kind of suppression. (Conscious suppression I am talking about) and that is it will explode suddenly, and God help those nearby. (Usually loved ones). Once a man recognises his feminine side (ME, Feminine, Oh NO!!!) and looks at it then he is halfway home. We are all part masculine, part feminine although, of course, our particular psychological gender asserts itself and manifests as a man or women. The gentle feminine side of a man can be very empathetic and helpful and if only more men would recognise this. A very interesting blog, rouri. (Can you lend me £3000 as I would love weekend away!!!!). Good luck. jonathan.

rouri profile image
rouri in reply to

:) sooo funny, i don't have £3000 dear, i only bought then his book and CDs which cost me about £140 :)

in reply to rouri

Hi rouri. How disappointing, and I was so looking forward to a week at the lovely house he must have. (It must be lovely at that price!).

Bless you. jonathan.

rouri profile image

by the way panic away has 90% same material like linden method, shamless what people can do for money.

Lindenlea profile image

Linden I purchased the Linden Method.and found it to be really useless, he tries to make it easy to do but when does suffer from these panic attacks, and trying to change ones thoughts in something they are afraid of, and ( I can vouch for this as I have suffered from them since I was 19 on and off, been on meds since that time and am hooked on Valium for over 30 years, and can no way will anyone help me to get off them, I was told by the hospital I am under, I WOULD BE GOING UP THE WALL) I have been through that when a doctor stopped me deadon Seroxat after 3 years of being on them I was really ill. As one message says its a way to get money, I sent mine Back, but never got the full amount I paid.

Its easier said than done. It is as the message above says,Panic Away is the same thing,

Sorry if I have upset anyone, but they are copying other peoples materials. they all state the same.

My husband has Altizheimers, and I am really going through a bad patch of anxiety, he does not know me, and gets very angry when I try to feed him, My idea is not to spend your money on The Linden Method/

in reply to Lindenlea

H Lindenlea. I am so sorry to hear about your troubles and my heart goes out to you.

Some of us live in Anxiety making situations and we turn to whatever scource we can for help and a lot of them are laughing all the way to the bank They cash in on the fact that we are VUNERABLE when in an Anxiety state. I know, I have done it. Spent pounds on various 'methods' and the real help I got for over two years came from a retired psychologist who charged me nothing. He was my friend and friends do not charge other friends for help. This is why this site is so helpful. It is free and any help is freely given. Our prayers and blessings are with you. jonathan.

in reply to

Hi. Lindenlea. I forgot to mention that there is a useful website (free) that refers to Benzodiazepines and withdrawal methods. 'Tapering' it is called. It is by Professor Anderson who has made a study of withdrawal from these drugs. It may not be of any use to you at the moment but may be later. Just punch up her name on the web.

Blessings. jonathan.

evo1210 profile image

thanks for the reply rouri ..sounds to expensive to me now for something that mite only work ..just don't ever see anyone thats cured by him on utube or anywhere apart from his website surely out of the thousands there be few people giving a proper shining light to say it proper works .so confusing .. ive notice too looking both programs say face the fear break this cycle like you mention ..jst looks to good to be true

john80614 profile image

" I have been through that when a doctor stopped me deadon Seroxat after 3 years of being on them I was really ill. " - i was on seroxat in my late teens and i came off them suddenly but it was my choice not the doctors, i assumed id be ok but i was crawling up the wall, it was AWFUL!! i can still remember what it was like after 14 years! and that was just a few months worth!! doctor wasnt very pleased when i told him hehe!!!

Hi. john80614. Dear oh dear! Another example of our professional friends! You must NEVER come off Benzodiazepines suddenly. Especially if you have been on them for a long time or on a high dose. My goodness, the effects can be awful. Rather have the anxiety!! I have just blogged Lindenlea on this. See blog above. Best wishes. jonathan.

Lindenlea profile image

Linden Johnathan, when I wrote that message, I made a mistake, I have been on 20mgs of Valium 40 years not 4 and am still on them, also on 15mgs of Escitolapram, and propranalol, and 75mcgs of thyroxine, and the physchiatriast I see at the hospital, says I have to stay on them, as I would be going up the wall, regarding my husband with altizheimers, he picks on me all the time, shouts at me, hurts me in the wrists, and yesterday, he was drastic to me, so I could not face the day, I stayed in bed. The tablets I take at 7am, and tney knock me back to sleep. until about 11am, and still feel doped I am so afraid I will lose him, I am a very soft person, I cry everyday, just so afraid oflife, can you please suggest something, Please any help would be so grateful. My cousin lives with us and he helps me with my husband.Have one son, but he has to work, but comes up at night to get his dad to bed. We have a carer in the morning, which we have to pay for, we hired a stannah staircase 1 year £580 because my husband has a pension from the BT where he was a lecturer. PLEASE ANSWER

Hi. Lindenlea. ALL our hearts go out to you, my dear. Can you get help from Social Services, or perhaps you have tried and had no joy. You are at the end of your tether. The fact that your husband gets a pension does not bar you from outside help. Can you get your son to look into this and make sure that you are getting all you are entitled to? So many of us suffer when help is often available, but we do not want to 'trouble' people. Being 'afraid of life', yes , I know. What can I say to you. try and realise that there are many on this site who will be sending their prayers and blessings to you and your husband. It is not easy and Life is not easy. Some suffer more than others and it should make those who feel better more grateful, but that does not help you at this trying time.

God bless you and we send our Love. jonathan.

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