Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for September 2022

Ocd vs intuition. Help

I bought a magnet from the seaside and i thought about getting it to my accomo...

I am so alone.

Does anyone know of any in-person support groups near Nashville, TN?
Panicqueen profile image

life changes

so with my anxiety and depression making me physically ill. I decided to do sort...
CaliBoa22 profile image
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Fashion in your youth..

What way did you dress when you where young, was it trendy or maybe a style from...
Hidden profile image


Hi just started taking citalipram. Couldn’t tolerate sertraline Any reviews wel...
RayannAbbey profile image


If you’re depressed, you’re living in the past; if you’re anxious, you’re living...
pratyaya_23 profile image

Afraid of cheating

Hey, I’m f23 and I have my first relationship, which happens to be a long distan...

Do you go to bed earlier as you get older?

I try to stay up late but usually fail...
Hidden profile image

Was worried about going back to university city Tommorrow but now mom and sis are making it so chaotic

Got back from the seaside, mom and sis are wilding, i'm tired and anxious. Worr...

I need new glasses.

I only use them for reading, does anyone here dislike wearing glasses?
Hidden profile image

What’s feelin’ good?

I took my first box of stuff from kiddos room to organize and get rid of stuff a...
Starrlight profile image

The amazing feeling of having a post liked

It is incredibly satisfying to open this forum and see many “likes” in the alert...
101315 profile image

I am stuck and I feel lost*

An update of what has been going on. I am in a casual relationship because I tho...
Tapkiken profile image

 special thanks

i found this forum helpful and appreciate all of you guys especially @Starrlig...
Kaydeen001 profile image

high cholesterol

does anyone have high cholesterol, pleaselet me know what to do my anxietyis on...


Hi everyone it's been a while since I've been on here. Have been struggling quit...
Rose68 profile image

little update on me and seeing light dreams question

been on klonopin for a week now I’m okay also started Zoloft yesterday. I’m feel...
Adamj profile image

continuous anxiety circle

dealing with anxiety in continuation since last 4days, with 4-5 panic attacks ...
pratyaya_23 profile image

Finding the right Treatment Facility

I've suffered with bipolar disorder for the last 15 years. After 7 years in remi...
Rockybalance profile image


hi I no longer worry about myself I just try my best to do the right things. But...
Starrlight profile image

Introduction of Esoteric1

Hello,I am a 56 year old female with extreme anxiety,ocd, neuropathy and depres...
Esoteric1 profile image


I am grateful for: My walk, my legs, my sight, my hearing, my heart and soul ...
Starrlight profile image

I am in so much pain,so overwhelmed, scared, and just can't live like this anymore

I've tried everything. About 20 different meds, ECT, TMS and ketamine. I've als...
Joshgw profile image

i'm panicing and it's just annoying her more. My sister 's getting so masculine. Buying a knife rn. I blame dad

He is missing and this made her act like that. Dressing masc, going to shops wi...

Injured and feeling guilty blowing vaca. time

Hi - so I ended up dislocating my hip (artificial) at the start of vaca. week. I...
Perseus0396 profile image

"wish dad was here" ~ lil sis

It broke me. We were in the sea, i was holding her hand telling her to not be a...

feel lost

this year has been tough. In January,I had a retinal detachment which require...
Jstbcuz profile image

Sandcastles. Fragile joy

I was at the sea, water clearest, warmest and calmest i ve ever seen, starting ...

Hi everyone hope everyone is having a good day, I’d like to give some helpful advice on medication 💕

Hi everyone I’d like to start by saying that I was reading a lot of post with co...

Be here now !

There is only now !
gerrerd profile image