Posts - Anxiety and Depression Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety and Depression Support

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All posts for June 2018

Anxiety and my poor heart

Hello Everyone. My name is Jess, I am 41 years old. In 2014 I had AFIB attack y...

Anxiety Relationship

As of lately, I've been kinda numb and zoning out a lot...almost "calm" but I kn...

Sadness for no reason

Hi everyone, I don't know how to narrate this all, I feel sad for apparently no ...
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life update

so dealing with anxiety is ten times worse when no one understands and i thought...
sarah56 profile image

Terrible headaches

Ive been suffering from migraine level headaches for the last few days (I get ch...
comb profile image

Smallest step

gerrerd profile image


gerrerd profile image

Stressed and sad

It is so exhausting just pretending to be okay around everyone. I'm tired of fee...
Hello_Vivi profile image



Just a thought

There is nothing I can do in the war against silence. When I realize the noise i...
KMorgana profile image

Living without my children

It is a living death to be without your children. Times were bad, their father w...
Go_Girl40 profile image

Um new and struggling

Um uh I'm new obviously and uh not sure what I should say. I just know ...

Some soft music to help brighten your Thursday...

Wake up to some Journey.........enjoy the coming of the new day and let's make i...
bridder01 profile image

Here's another nickel's worth of free advice.....courtesy of Groucho Marx

I think it's time I read the fine print lol Your friend, Brian :)
bridder01 profile image

Some wise, timely advice as we near the weekend.....courtesy of Groucho Marx

Hmmm.........makes you think, doesn't it? lol Your friend, Brian :)
bridder01 profile image

I need help or advice..

Ok, so I know I'm paranoid that someone is watching me and it usually doesn't bo...

My social anxiety makes me think about suicide

I just joined because I don’t where where else to turn. I have nobody I can talk...
olvpaig91 profile image

Getting Help

since my diagnosis in August I have been told I need to go to therapy for my anx...
gadocd profile image

Flying Anxiety

heyyy guys, I’m leaving for a trip in two days and planes make me super anxious....
gadocd profile image

what do I do?

im never gonna me loved. there is this guy i like and i feel like he only views ...

Severe Social Phobia

Hi everyone I am new and this is my first post. I am grateful for a place that h...
Callie1518 profile image

Not sure where to begin?

I never thought I'd find myself researching what anxiety is. What the symptoms, ...
pjs94 profile image

Anxiety bad!!!

Whoa it’s bad!!! Started about 2weeks ago. Have had it a few years ago but went ...
Asswipe profile image

I don't understand why humans have to be so touchy feely

my childhood traumas had demolished all ability for me to contain human contact ...
Hidden profile image

It ended

The past couple of days I have been writing about how great I felt after startin...
Olinick profile image

Hello? Anybody out there?

So, I just joined based on a suggestion I read about the need to connect with ot...
Lindabellle profile image

Will I always be this way

I have social anxiety, ptsd, etc and I cannot be in public without my husband. ...
AgaLynn profile image



Will I always be like this ?

So I I’ve been feeling depressed and anxious on and off throughout my life . I’m...
Scorpy1888 profile image

A follow up

4 days ago I posted an introduction.. I saw my new therapist for the first time ...