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Medication help for anxiety/panic attack

tmorris2017 profile image
7 Replies

Hello, I am new to this website and have been reading many of your posts. I guess we are all in the same boat and just trying to get by day to day. I have a question I was hoping to get some help with. I have suffered from anxiety and depression since around 1998 after my Mother passed away and a Daughter born the same year. I started having panic attacks and life went on and crap happened. I have been on probably 15ish antidepressants a long with Xanax for about 22 years. After finding myself in a domestic violence relationship and I am a survivor after 7 years I now suffer from sever PTSD. My primary Dr. Was the one who had me on my medicine. After finding out I had not been honest with her about my bad relationship she slowly took me off my Xanax. Big mistake, big major problems. She said I needed to get therapy and address what had happened to me. Now four years later and probably about four different therapy programs I've been doing this for 1 days a week and meeting with psychiatrist 1 time a month. My life has went to hell. I mean I have literally lost everything over my anxiety disorder and panic attacks. To this day even with my quality of life diminished none of my Dr. Will put me back on a benzo. I have lived with them and without them. I never had any issues taking them. I took my drugs test every three months etc. How in the world can I obtain my medicine regimen I was on and try to show these Dr. That I know myself I know what I need and I need help? I've cried to them I've told them over and over how bad my anxiety is. Nothing really works diet and exercise helps breathing techniques help but nothing really makes me feel like I can go out into the world or not get stuck in a parking lot for three hours because I can't breath or control my crying. I don't get it..why would they keep watching me suffer when I do everything they ask of me? Please help with any advice. Thank you

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tmorris2017 profile image
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7 Replies

Hi theres so many meds and everyone is different Probaly tryed


Venlafaxine high dose


Worth a try if doc allows

Pregablin high dose

Now being rolled out at high pace



Venlafaxine (Depression)

Pregablin (Anxiety)

BlueAgave profile image

Hello. I know that the medical world is trying not to use benzos like before, but I truly understand that some of us really need them to get by. Don't know how you were taking them, but have you asked about just having a few as needed for severe panic? I'm sure you have. Only thing I can say is to ask for something that will get you through the panic episodes. Keep up your therapy and self care. You can get through this. 🩷

TakiTaki profile image

Have you gone to your GP? Sometimes they can help with meds as well.

cashew78 profile image

From what I've taken from your post and from what others in my life have experienced with healthcare around the world: Document. Document. Document.

If you can get copies of everything you have been on and when, as well as what worked and what didn't, you can present it to a doctor along with a 'plan of attack' that suites your needs. Yes, your doing their job for them somewhat, but you're also putting yourself in a place where you can better advocate for what you need confidently.

And, if the doctor is dismissive of your efforts and/or won't take the time to go through it with you... well bad apples do exist. You have the information, you have a timeline, and you always have the option of a second (and third!) opinion if needed.

Good luck.

CatDogLover profile image

just a note that I’ve been on Xanax 3 times per day over a year and it is the only way I survive debilitating anxiety. I have weekly therapy. But that doesn’t relieve my anxiety. I’m moving to Arizona so will be with a new provider. I run the risk of them not prescribing it any longer. I feel for you best of luck.

designguy profile image

You might try going to a psychiatrist for it instead of your primary doctor or depending on which state you live in, a functional medicine doctor or even a nurse practitioner. In my state even Naturopathic doctors can prescribe medications so check your state to see what your options are.

PrettyinPink3436 profile image

I’m so sorry this is happening to you. I’ve been on xanax for well over 20 years too. I’m with you. I can’t control my anxiety or panic without it. I’m lucky enough to have a GP that prescribes it to me. Through the years I’ve had shrinks and a host of counselors (they have all been a joke. Never really clicked with any of them) but when they see my medication list they are all “appalled” by the heavy meds I have to take (I have RA and fibromyalgia along with some other crap) and they say I shouldn’t take Xanax with my other meds. “Yeah well luckily I don’t need it from you.” Is what I have told them. I learned real early what NOT to tell a doctor bc they will yank your benzo quick. I’m sorry. Enough about me.

I’m sure you have done this but have you TRULY described what happens to you during a panic/anxiety attack? Like you described to us? When/if you do, DON’T cry a lot or carry on. To the many doctors out there who just don’t get it, that’s a sign of needing some sort of psych help and your chances of getting a benzo just went right out the window. (I’m not saying that you shouldn’t get counseling or that you shouldn’t see a psychiatrist. That’s important for your mental health). My suggestion is that you find a new GP who knows nothing about you. Submit to the new doctor only the medical records that you want him or her to see. (Frankly I did this once and it worked). At your appointment be calm and collect yourself and describe in detail what happens during your attacks. This may not work for you. There may be too many “holes” to fill in if you don’t submit enough of your medical history. I’m sorry if this suggestion is unhelpful to you but I just know and completely understand that YOU know YOU better than anyone. I have gone through very similar experiences. A few times I had to get creative on what to say to which doctor about what. Good luck.

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