5 WAISTED YEARS!!!: I’m on my 5th year... - Anxiety and Depre...

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RickyShakaZulu profile image
49 Replies

I’m on my 5th year no Cigarette’s. Doctors don’t like to hear negative opinions on quitting. They bring up Health & Money. Do cigarette smokers not know what health and money are? Do cigarettes stop the information from entering our brains? It’s all nonsense!!!! We treat the problem with no real solutions. I’m here, 5 years clean , with zero positive things to say about being straight edge!!!! Quitting smoking is not the answer. Don’t quit. Figure out why you smoke and then quit. Make all the anti smokers regret your quitting. Remind them, that you remember what they said to you. Remind them, it’s not that great smoke free.

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RickyShakaZulu profile image
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49 Replies
Dolphin14 profile image

I don't understand. If you want to smoke then why don't you smoke?


RickyShakaZulu profile image
RickyShakaZulu in reply to Dolphin14

that’s the point. If you smoke, you are labeled a big of poop. I’m f you quit, you are unhappy with zero upside.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RickyShakaZulu

People I know that smoke don't really care what other people think about it.

It's a bummer to be so unhappy about it. Did you have to quit for health reasons? Or did you decide to quit

in reply to Dolphin14

sorry thats a new one never heard of big of poop 🤷did you mean big💩😂

RickyShakaZulu profile image
RickyShakaZulu in reply to Dolphin14

cough while smoking, light up around people. You can hit a bong at a child’s party or smoke pot joints at a funeral, not one issue. But if you light a cigarette, you are the worst person ever. My boss told all of us cigarette smokers at work that cigarettes have ammonia in them, same as pee pee. So you guys all smell like piss!!! That’s what anti smokers do to us!!!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RickyShakaZulu

Yikes idk I've never seen anyone using a bong or smoking a joint at a funeral or kids party. But I have seen cigarettes. Being honest I wouldn't want anyone smoking in my car or my home.

I'm sorry you received negative treatment.

in reply to RickyShakaZulu


in reply to Dolphin14

yes thats true i smoked for a while when younger i stopped because it effected my breathing i only smoked when out with alcohol or if upset back then in my younger days id binge on alcohol and cigs, i stopped when mam did, then a while later i smoked on his funeral day before the funeral and at the wake after that i never smoked again my mam never smoked on his funeral day, shes stronger than me, she quit drinking never drank much, no problem after heart attack fear was too strong she said in bed she says in her mind to her heart im sorry little❤️for hurting you, its sad that we abuse ourself so

RickyShakaZulu profile image
RickyShakaZulu in reply to

Too true. Thanks for talking to me.

in reply to RickyShakaZulu

i used to binge drink and stopped that it was self medicating im not a alcoholic but as many do i cant keep the lid on a bottle of wine unless its not so nice, i dont buy it now, its just wine i can stop at like 2 cans cuder or lager and have it in ive even had wine in but i cant risk it ive had it when didnt want it just coss it was in 🤷i guess im weird

in reply to Dolphin14

sorry step dads funeral im typing way ahead 🙄

in reply to Dolphin14

my mam stopped because of her chest she was glad and stopped easy, and after 15 yrs quitting the damage showed hardenned narrow arteries, 2 heart attacks they blamed smoking on, i guess were all different, she cant understand why people dont quit but understands why they smoke if thats makes sense 🙄😊as when she did shed be like i need a cig 🙄

RickyShakaZulu profile image
RickyShakaZulu in reply to

I know the final outcome is sickness. Why act like we are uneducated? I know plenty who smoked themselves into oxygen and still want cigarettes. It’s the why we smoke that should be looked into, not quitting!!!

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to RickyShakaZulu

Did you explore your why?

in reply to RickyShakaZulu

my mam smoked because they just did in them days fashion they never knew it bad

in reply to RickyShakaZulu

i dont have a addictive personality i guess thats the difference my health comes first

Arymretep profile image

Yes M Smoking is just a habit, my OH started at 12 with friends and is still at it in his 70’s, he gave it up for a few years a while ago, but started again one Xmas at work, I’ve given up nagging him .

I’ve never ever smoked yet when I visit the Dr with any complaint the first thing they ask me is do you smoke so that they can then blame whatever is wrong with me on that lol, it’s either that or being overweight, I’m 8st 8. so they can’t blame that either.

in reply to Arymretep

im sorry your husband smokes must be worry, when i go to docs he blames in the menapause lol when im on here with ladies my age i tell them its the menapause 😂no footy tonight xx

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

That’s long gone for me lol, they’ve got to have something to blame it on when they don’t know what’s wrong lol

in reply to Arymretep

yeu it depends on the individual some chain smoke drink loads they live a long life some it effects i guess its each persons life choice and if we want to take chances, i might have a beer lol yul probably say im mad 😁read the lable

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to

Mad mandy strikes again 🤣

in reply to Cb1963

im just starting 😂

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to

Everyone get to bed, that crazy woman is on the loose again, let's hope her phone runs out of charge soon 🤣

in reply to Cb1963

🙄its not my phone its me thats out of charge and my other half waits 😂yuv seen the pic so wont put it on my eyes r straining can hardly see good night x

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

Love it, Mad Mandy 👍

in reply to Arymretep

thanks mad M night night 🌝🌞

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

sleep tight 😘

in reply to Arymretep

remember bazzak called us the 4 mad Ms those were the days 😪😁

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

yes , who were the four, you, me, madbunny and .?

in reply to Arymretep

my mam chows when i say it was smoking well partially i guess im against it also as i dont, mam said today dont you wish you eat bacon n seafood and plaice i said no i dont wabt to makes me cringe n feel🤮 a lot think do as we do but some say do as we say not as we do 🤔😂

Cb1963 profile image

Ah, I'll jump here , my mums mum was a heavy smoker , 40 a day, and she was around 70 years of age and she decided it was a good idea to quit smoking, so off she toddlers to the doctors, this was years ago mind you, before nicotine patches etc, and tells the doctors she wants to quit smoking, he just asked her how long had she been smoking and basically said if you quit smoking now your cutting your life expectancy very quickly indeed, he more or less said just carry on smoking 🚬 as your body will struggle to adjust to the lack of nicotine etc, perhaps she just wanted reassuring it was OK to carry smoking, but time's and attitude and health products are available now to quit smoking a bit more easily than many years ago

in reply to Cb1963

true them electric cigs are arful i have to move out the way there not healthy either but what is have you had many cream buns tiday 😂😂

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to

Yes a cream and strawberry doughnut type of cake, fresh cream 😋 😍

in reply to Cb1963

ill order you a fake one to hell you stop it leaves a white mark on your face tho 😂😂dont lick it off like cream🙄

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to Cb1963

Yes in my family people have smoked and drank and lived to their nineties, yet some have done neither and died at sixty, it doesnt make sense 🤔

in reply to Arymretep

yes its strange genetics life style or run over by a bus 🙄😂just live and let live my attitude now is i dont worry about the future much as a nuclear bomb may be pending yeu im mad but it helps stop my worry i think of today 🤗

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to


hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Arymretep

It makes perfect sense actually. If you inherit very good lung genes then you will be one of those who live into the 90's. If you don't then you will pop your clogs a lot sooner and probably from lung disease. There were clearly other reason why some relatives passed in their 60's but this happens anyway.

I have been smoking for 50 years now and fortunately inherited some good lung genes but some bad too. So although I was diagnosed with lung disease (COPD) 15 years ago and am still smoking have not progressed very much in my illness. However that could stop suddenly so who knows.

It is playing Russian roulette with your health though, so best to never start or stop before any damage is done. The thing I regret most in my life is taking up smoking. The 2nd one is not giving up many years ago.

in reply to hypercat54

hello HC i hope you live a long life with no major health issues😊

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Ha ha thank you my friend. I do have COPD like I said, and also spinal stenosis and sciatica which confines me mainly to my mobility scooter. But I count my blessings as I don't have any of the really nasty illnesses such as the big C and heart problems. Now that would be awful.

I own my small flat, am retired so get my state pension, have friends, sisters, a social life so I am very lucky.

Oh I am applying for Attendance Allowance due to my disabilities. My youngest sister got fed up with me not doing it so virtually ordered me round to hers last Wednesday for online form filling - and lunch! Lovely jubbley. Took ages but she is very experienced in filling them in due to her previous job, so fingers crossed.

I hope the same to you of course Mandy (or should I say Curley? :) ) Live a very long and happy life. xx

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to hypercat54

Good luck with the A/A it’s a very long winded process, my Mum appealed twice before she got it, many. years ago, hope you get it first time 👍

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Arymretep

Thank you I hope so. Glad your mum finally got it.

in reply to hypercat54

haha not so curly now old hair is straighter still wavey tho used to wringlets like shirley temple, thanks but no long life for me 8o my limit, dont want to go in a home or get dementia after what dad went through, he had COPD lived to be84 bit of cough from asbestos on the dock he had the leseer form of asbestosis a lot died,yeu mam is on AA and so i get carers allowance if wasnt for that id be draining on savings my house money and that, i panic sometimes about prices going up like if mam goes in a home ill be homeless if we sell her house, so im keeping eye on the market i do miss not having a home of my own a camper van do me n pixie travel about but i dont drive got to doing tea lol good job or id be rabbling ages 😂xx

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to hypercat54

I totally agree, better never to have started 😳

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Arymretep

Definitely. But I never listened to anyone just like very few do now. I have tried but they don't listen - sigh....

Sabbath1 profile image

One strange thing I find in the difference between tobacco and marijuana is, for some reason the tobacco makes my head ache.

But I know people who smoked for long times and were always coughing up stuff and always had that cigarette smell on them . Don't really like the smell and not entirely sure what it does for people, like why do they do it. It doesn't work like drugs or alcohol kind of thing, like you don't get high lol . Idk never really understood it.

Although weed smells pretty good when it's burning it leaves people smelling pretty bad after too. I don't do that anymore though. Started messing with my head too negatively.

But hey if you want to smoke just do what you want . Although maybe not at kids parties and stuff . Kind of an odd choice to bring a bong to as well.

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to Sabbath1

Smoking is very addictive and I have heard even more so than drugs like heroin. Once you are hooked it can be very difficult to pack it in, though some do say they find it easy.

I packed up for 17 months but felt no health benefits and actually the reverse. If you give up with lung disease all you really do is damage limitation and help stop further damage occurring.

I felt so awful though even after all that time that I did go back to it. As soon as I started again I felt so much better. Silly I know but this puts me off. I know I need to pack it in though so will keep going.

gerrerd profile image

I would say listen to your body for anyone who smokes it tells you it not good coughing the body is say help your killing me. Wheezy chest, its saying I cant breathe, phlem its trying to get all the goo out, etc, the body knows best. But people dont listen to it.

bethelbee profile image

I never smoked, nor can I stand the smell. But it does shorten your life one way or another. I lost a close friend to lung cancer several years ago. She was only 53 and by the time she was diagnosed it was too late.. Some smokers may live longer than others but there will most likely be lung damage from it.

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