I am afraid of the telephone. - Anxiety and Depre...

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I am afraid of the telephone.

secrets22 profile image
20 Replies

The landline telephone terrifies me and i always think i'm going to hear bad news.

Often i wont answer and leave it on record so they leave a message,and i also never use my mobile phone for reasons i cannot explain,i have an irrational fear,but also i dont want to be contacted all hours of day and night,and when i'm out and about it irritates me seeing people fiddling with their phones.especially when in company.,and yet i am a very social individual,and i love people......well not all,but most.

i am just scared...but how pathetic is that.

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secrets22 profile image
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20 Replies

One thing that winds me up something chronic in regard to the phone is when places ring me and expect me to do an interview on the spot!

Nowadays when they ring I tell them now's not a good time which isn't exactly lies as you could be doing anything when they decide to ring as the world doesn't revolve around them and the phone!

Last Thursday I had gone to the local shop and had had 2 phone calls from these places wanting to interview me NOW and I had said that no it wasn't a good time and I would contact them when I was free so in other words get lost!

I don't mind the places who ask you to book an appointment to talk to them say like legal and general and Wren kitchens as you know that say 4pm on Wednesday you will be chatting to legal and general which is fair enough so you can book the time to fit them in.

I don't mind trusted friends ringing me at any time as I know with them it's not malicious.

Many years ago I was working in a kitchen and was chatting to cook who has a daughter my age and I had asked cook if she required her Donna to only ring her by appointment only and she had been horrified when I had said how I was only allowed to ring my family by appointment only and had said how her Donna could ring her anytime she wants as she is her daughter!

The supervisor on the front counter had said how that was disgusting treating a child like that only ringing by appointment only!

in reply to

Hi Roddy and cat I know what you mean if mam rings I sometimes think she may be having heart attack as she hardly does, and when she does it's usually accidently at strange times often too and I'm realising that but still can't chance and have to go rushing round there, after I've placed a selling as on a selling site I ignore the phone as them car insurance people get my number and ring,I only answer when the number comes up who it is, I hate it when I'm doing a job I can't leave like on the roof and you just know the phone will go off, at the moment your quite anxious lack of sleep I think the main cause so your on edge, please try and foccus on things will change once your arms heeled a decent night's sleep will come and you can regain some normality sending a hug and the one good thing about me not getting that job cat is they would ring up anytime like 6 on a morning and with short notice can I work in ten minutes, try and break your anxiety chain of thought as it breeds and Yul be feeling anxious about everything you need a distraction maby TV 🤗🐯xxx

in reply to

Often when you think things through you come to realise its right that not getting what you want is a blessing as it wasn't what was right for you.

in reply to

So true pixie just tried to nip my foot for been on here he's getting very agressive lately think all the house chas poor cat I'm ok I clear off swimming or work in garden he sits watching me through window were laid On bed in sun now phone needs charge

in reply to

He's probably attention seeking as he's used to having mummy all to himself acting out aggressive!

Just come home from my 2.30 job interview and walked there and back and got absolutely soaked so decided to get in my pyjamas early after a nice hot shower and cup of tea.

They said they will only ring you if you have been successful which is fair enough.

in reply to

Hi cat if it's right for you you will get it your time will come at least your trying, it rained heavy yesterday my roof leak I mended worked, yes pixie needs my attention but he is dangerous I should put a post out saying I'm afraid of my cat 🙀just off home need to get my bedroom sorted ready for settling down I can't have any clutter in there as it's the only room I can retreat to,think have sleep before Emmerdale have a good night 😁🐯

Starrlight profile image
Starrlight in reply to

Wise words

in reply to Starrlight

Many years ago I was chatting to another customer at the swimming pool saying I was disappointed over not having got a job I wanted after interview and she had said how bout getting what you wants a blessing and I had said it can be when you have had time to calm down and think things through.

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to

Every time you answer a survey call they know you will answer. They may even be selling your number. I suggest adding any number you like to a contact list and not answering those calls.

How are you and the dogs getting on?

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to

well,we are jogging along,not so much jog but limping along,but my dogs are a delight..thank you for asking

Midori profile image

You know; I could have written exactly that. I hate my landline with a passion; It makes me jump out of my skin when it rings. And it only rings for other people, usually debt collectors trying to track whoever had the number last. The number came with my Sky subscription.

I also detest my Mobile; I've had it a year. It didn't come with an instruction manual, and it scares me, because I can barely use it. Always avoided a Smart phone before; wouldn't know how to use an App if it bit me!.

Cheers, Midori

Blueruth profile image
Blueruth in reply to Midori

Hi midori, do you need your landline? Just because they gave it to you doesn’t mean you can’t turn it off. If your cell is an apple they will teach you for free. If it isn’t the phone vendor may have a similar service. There are many more tools to manage the bad calls. See my comment below.

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to Midori

oh Midori i hear you...and i absolutely hate my mobile to,and i know absolutely nothing about apps ..i think its because i dont want to know, and i'm not interested,and honestly i barely know how to turn the wretched thing on,and no one is prepared to go through it all to help me.i honestly think all this technology can mess up ones head,and its going to get worse.

Midori profile image
Midori in reply to secrets22

I think I'm too old to absorb the new technology. My old dumb phone was all I needed, really.

Blueruth profile image

I don’t answer any call I don’t know or expect. Your feelings may be escalated but your fear is not unfounded. If I do answer I get hit with even more scams. It is very nerve wracking. Do you need a landline? The reason I ask is mobile companies and devices have technology to help. Voicemail can be transcribed so you aren’t forced to listen. They try to silence or tell you about potential scams. They aren’t perfect but it cuts down the noise. They also have a do not disturb function except for numbers you can configure and schedule. That would silence it at night.

You can see you aren’t alone! I hope that helps.

Midori profile image

Thank you. I will get busy.

Adlon57 profile image

I am scared of my cordless phone, any rubbish calls always comes through that, so naturally a bit wary of anyone on that, its about 15 years old, I don't think they make that particular model anymore I know its BT but stopped using them at least 12 years ago!🥴Actually the extension's batteries ran out, and the 😱 from them ruined the extension😗The main one still works, basically? I now have a simple basic mobile whose number I guard very strictly, my bank found it🥴sends me all their crap via text, so simple I cant even send pictures, but if I want to have a private phone with family or close friends, absolutely ideal!👍The cordless phone rubbish is laughable, banks that I never use, broadband companies, gas companies, I reply [when I know they are ##### ] in French, a bicycle horn, act dumb, etc, but only if I'm in a good mood, usually its a straight "down phone"😤I was very lucky, one time a few years ago, a person started swearing at me, calling me all sorts of things, trying to get my dander up, obviously not mentioning my name, a friend who was fixing my computer at the same time, came up behind me, finger over his mouth, and gently put down my phone!😗That was the scam at that time, they were trying to get me to slip out some personal details, very sneaky! My friend who fixes computers recognised from my facial reaction what was going on, very lucky!😗👍

blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Secrets22, Thanks for your post. Our members never consider disclosing our anxiety as pathetic.

I can recommend an article in The Conversation as a good explanation of this brand of anxiety. In addition I can say that my own phone issues relate to poor decisions/behaviors from my depression causing organisations and people's to chase me for bills and missed appointments etc. I will have to check in with my psychiatrist to work through this in CBT. I am somewhat happier getting letters but often can't open them so the circle of calls starts again. The drama causes unnecessary stress and is exhausting but I have yet to get on top of this. It's a work in progress. All the best from Australia 🦘

secrets22 profile image
secrets22 in reply to blackcat64013

Thankyou blackcat.....it really can be very distressing,and affects us more than most people can understand.

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