Suspicious: Hello friends...question... - Anxiety and Depre...

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17 Replies

Hello friends...question for the ones who’ve had depression for like 248 years......when you start to feel better do you get suspicious or defensive like “wait I just wanted to die two weeks ago and now I’m laughing at things and somewhat pleasant?”

WTF! So frustrating!

I think I’ve had depression and anxiety so long that I wouldn’t give it away if someone would take it from me.

What an awful mindf@ck of a disease.......

17 Replies
ThePurpleTulip profile image

Hello Pittiedad9,

What you describe feels all too familiar.. the moments that the mind activity quiets down and I feel free from the chaos, that’s precisely when I have felt the doubts and fears start creeping up again. When depression and anxiety have been a part of me for so long that I have created an identity for myself from them. I wear the face of optimism while my heart and soul are crying out for solace. The anxiety becomes me, I don’t know who I am without it. And then one day a question, a wondering - do I need to have this identity.. what if I did not define myself by my depression.. what if I could exist without my past, my stories, my fears and doubts.. One moment where I exist without thought, absolute stillness. The world does not stop, my identity does not crumble. Another moment without thought, complete peace.. And I continue to be.. In my moment of peace comes the hope that maybe I could exist without the background of my mental chatter. In this moment I chose to be.... And keep breathing... Blessings

kenster1 profile image

maybe your acceptance is the reason but inner strength goes a long way in helping us manage better.

Sillysausage234 profile image

.took me a long time to get my diagnosis’s mine

in reply to Sillysausage234

My lord spot on

The uncertainty of every decision. Do I work on I work on myself...

Do I help others...

Like milliseconds ticking to infinite...

Oh, and since you actually think like this we’re just gonna wipe your energy from you at times and make it harder even though you just worked out ate quinoa and meditated like everybody tells you....

Then some days you feel great and did nothing special and ate like shit.


Elliott_Woods profile image


WiltedFlower profile image

thats the truth. And then you start ro feel suicidal and depressed again and you feel worse than the last time. It sucks, though. I am sorry you're feeling this way. Just do everything you can to hold onto that feeling for as long as you can.

in reply to WiltedFlower

When I start feeling better I get somewhat manic so then I start to worry I’m letting myself feel too good haha. Fuck depression!

I laugh at it anymore!

I’m fucking shot

WiltedFlower profile image
WiltedFlower in reply to

Hell yeah! Fuck depression!

pandaeyes1 profile image

Oh man I’m going through something similar right now. I’m feeling better compared to last year, and it’s really messing with me. Like is this really okay? What’s the catch? And then when I have bad moments I feel more like I need to justify it because I’m doing better so why am I still like this? It’s a weird limbo state where I’m glad I’m making progress but I’m also not. And I want to not be depressed but also I want to stay the way I am because it’s all I know

in reply to pandaeyes1

Ding ding ding!

pandaeyes1 profile image
pandaeyes1 in reply to

I’m sorry you have to deal with these difficult thoughts! It’s so frustrating. And I feel like I’m going crazy all the time.

Thank you everyone for your’s nice to relate !

wittsend0 profile image

You are not alone, but I have no answer for you as to how to make it better.

So many people here seem to be in the same boat.

What a truly fucked up world we live in, when you can see, grasp, understand your problems, and yet cant get past them.

Hoping4change profile image
Hoping4change in reply to wittsend0

That’s exactly where I’m at. I’ve been in therapy so long and have worked so hard to overcome my negative thoughts about myself, and even though I can see them clearly and know where they originated I just can’t shake ‘em. I hate that it has to be so hard.

Absolutely! Thank you for sharing perspective🙏

Hoping4change profile image

It’s been quite a while since I felt good or “not depressed” but I can totally relate to that feeling of suspiciousness when things are going well. Always waiting for the bubble to burst bc it always has.

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