Chest Pains following ablation - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Chest Pains following ablation

Afibflipper profile image
20 Replies

Just after some advice - again from all my virtual friends.

I’m 3 weeks tomorrow following 3rd ablation. Don’t know if you recall my complications of asthma, swollen throat and then food & meds getting stuck and fluids going into lungs making me choke! Well that’s all ok now but, blood pressure rose after so increased the Losartan and over the whole time my heart has stayed NSR but kept rising from 60 on op day to 90-100 this weekend.

Previously been on 12.5 bisoprolol which reduced to 2.5 day after op. As HR rose it increased breathlessness and BP with some chest pains on & off that are like indigestion or pinching or a little sharp.

This weekend I went out for two small walks, was very slow but got the pains on and off - and even at rest I get them including the indigestion type pain.

Doesn't make me grip my chest which I’d expect for heart attack - anyone had similar, is it just healing process & how long till it goes? TIA x

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Afibflipper profile image
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20 Replies
BobD profile image

I'm sure I already sent you link to our fact sheet on recovery? In any event I would think the pains unusual at this time but we are all different with different levels of acceptance so only you knows howw bad it is. Have you spoken to your arrhythmia nurse?

Raisd heart rate is very common but again generally around mid 80s /90s.

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to BobD

Hi Bob, I also forgot to put in my post other than the general heart pace rise, my Apple Watch, on Saturdays short 1hour walk, the HR at one point immediately shot up to 147 I’ve so far only spoken to the nurses about the entry site which still had some pain and the about the lump it leaves at the site as, it’s making me feel really queasy if touched eg showering etc (sorry for the graphic content)

I am sorry to say I do not recall the link you mentioned - currently head/memory is all over the place ( Ordered Xmas gifts to be sent 250miles away, omitted to change the address and the payment card so sent it to myself and even used my sons payment card (one of many sagas)

Would you be kind enough to be able to send it again. Thank you very much.

Ludham profile image
Ludham in reply to Afibflipper

so sorry to hear of all of your issues maybe a bit soon to go for one hour walks although consultants seem to want you to be mobile maybe speak to hospital rehabilitation for advice do hope you start to improve

Best wishes

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Ludham

Thank you, theyd said a weeks recovery! I told you about the last time traumas when it all went wrong so there I was thinking great that’s how it should be - yet in some online articles it says people are back at work in a few days and driving, mind you I guess also it’s dependant on how much they did in there. Hope you’re both doing ok x

Ludham profile image
Ludham in reply to Afibflipper

I think the soreness at point of entry seems to be something the Cardiologists expect but do not elaborate to the patients, although mine was sore for a while but was not swollen like yours. Everyone react differently and seems you have drawn a short straw. Sounds like you have been really worried and stressed thats why I think you had the bank card issue you have got to try not to worry and hopefully time is an healer for you. We are not too bad I suppose many medical issues thoiugh and comes with our age, thank you for asking.Please look after yourself and be careful going out walking very icy this morning. take care.x

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to Afibflipper

A week's recovery is ridiculous- wish they wouldn't say this! From my experience I'd say a short walk of 1 hour's duration is too much ar this stage. A rate of 147 tells you this. As a comparison, after my 2nd ablation 4 weeks in I climbed St Michael's Mount in a headwind. Really enjoyable but HR was 120. Afterwards when we'd been round the Chapel I had to lie down - HR still around 100. I'd overdone it. Give yourself time. I'm with Bob on the pain factor - report it.

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Singwell

I’ve taken some Apple Watch ECG & also some BP readings to send over to him just for reassurance if nothing else. I’m 3weeks today and still the tortoise in the race - your St Michaels adventure after 4weeks - can’t believe you thought of it let alone did it but at least you’re here to tell that story - well done you x

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to Afibflipper

I know right? It was my 2nd ablation and I'd not had any issues for 3 weeks so I felt fine. TBF I think HR of 120 after the climb was perfectly normal. And it did come down again after a few minutes But I do remember being really tired about 30 minutes afterwards and checked my HR and was surprised to see it was 100. I took it easy the rest of that day. I had 1 AF incident about 2 weeks later and none since. 7 months in sinus as of tomorrow. Feeling pretty pleased.

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Singwell

I actually crashed and slept this afternoon for a couple of hours (before sleeping I felt what felt like palpitations or extra/missed beats not sure) but they’d settled after the sleep. Had a few more short lived pains this evening so I’m calling my regular GP who I know is in tomorrow just to see what she thinks. She knew last week that I was very fatigued and had a few BP issues etc. My HR actually was down at 65 this afternoon and BP oK even tho I’d not taken the Losartan . Hope your symptoms don’t return and you stay well - thank you for getting in touch 😊

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Afibflipper

Afibflipper profile image

thank you very much Bob, I now know why I’d not remembered you sending it - I’d saved it to notes on phone - you those places we all say “if I put it here or there I won’t forget or won’t lose it” yes I did that 😂 (think my brain frazzled with the ablation) x

bassets profile image

Hi, I remember not being able to thing straight for a good while after my ablation so you should get over it in time. I think it may be a really good idea to get more rest and save the walks for later. It took me almost six months to get back to proper exercise and a year to feel normal. Everyone reacts differently and I suppose it depends how much healing your heart has to do. I think I would try to contact your arrythmia nurses and explain how you are feeling.

Best of luck and good wishes.

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to bassets

Thank you, I read in the recovery notes BobD sent, we & others think because there’s no external scar to see you don’t realise what’s gone on inside. You saying about memory, I’m glad I’m not losing the the plot as it’s really been quite a scary as it’s so noticeable. I think I will give the nurses a call today just to be certain. Thanks again for replying 😊

Cha275rL profile image

Hope you feel more normal soon. Have never had an ablation so can’t offer any advice, but it doesn’t sound very pleasant for you.

Hi, I had a first ablation in August. I felt terrible over a couple of weeks, some nausea, chest inflammation/pain and short of breath. Had to sleep upright for 4-5 days and struggled to walk more than 100m. Much worse than I’d anticipated, and my consultant seemed surprised how badly I reacted.

Sadly I soon had AF recurrences so had a second ablation last Friday. The consultant had no need to go into the left atrium, so I think the whole procedure was a lot less invasive and maybe took much less time. Anyway, I’ve had none of the pain, and within a few days, feeling fine! A complete contrast.

Another difference between the two procedures is that 1st time I was on Flec + Bisoprolol and it left my HR <50 and feeling v lethargic. This time I’m not on either and I wonder if that has also made me feel better. I guess I’m just highlighting that everyone (and their procedure) is different, and do check in with your consultant. Good luck with your ongoing recovery 👍

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to bileyininjurytime

I am on Flec & Bisoprolol too, the latter was increased last week but I can’t come off the Flec as it has converted the AFib to AFlutter (the flutter what this ablation was for) if I was to come off it the AFib would likely return. I took some Apple Watch ECG today and will send them over to him. I fist had this done twice about 15yrs ago - both horrendous. Thank you for your feedback, yes I’ve had some nausea the last few days too. I was maybe 2.5hours this time with one tricky area he told me about. Just getting my moneys worth 😆. I’m glad you had a pretty good recovery this time.

I had my second ablation in July, shortly afterwards I was feeling aches and stitch type discomfort whilst walking (probably too much too soon) particularly on the left side of my chest. I found it stopped when I stopped. I put this down to my heart was still healing and was letting me know.

In September I asked the arrhythmia nurse if I could half my Bisoprolol dose from 2.5mg to 1.25mg as I had not suffered any afib since the ablation and I felt the Bisoprolol was now making me feel lethargic. Three days after reducing my dose I woke up with the same discomforts, I saw my GP who was certain it was angina and referred me to the chest pain clinic. The specialist was unduly concerned as my blood tests had no tropinin present, I am taking apixiban so he said I was low risk. He also thought the discomfort was probably due to the ablation and recommended going back to the higher dose of Bisoprolol.

Three months on, still no afib 🤞, discomfort much reduced but can occur sometimes. Still waiting for my post ablation follow up with EP.

So I have had some similar symptoms as you and as others have mentioned would recommend you talk it over with a medical person.

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to Bring-on-the-bird

I will thank you for sharing. My last 2 ablations did cause injuries I won’t traumatise others with but the pains are similar just not quite as severe but yes I agree I do think I will pipe up as they say. Spoke to my main GP last week so I know she’s in tomorrow - appreciate your feedback 😊

LarneyJames profile image

The doctors spent a while confirming my afib. Procedure went well, but prior to my post-op follow-up appointment with the electrician, I moved a potted plant for my wife and immediately experienced angina-like intense pain. Ablation electrician sent me back to my cardiac plumber who found a blocked artery and put in a stent two weeks after the ablation. Recovery took some time afterwards, but I am now coming on 3 years since and doing well except for prostate issues. Seems like I had fewer underlying issues to deal with than what you have, but I am off all the cardio meds except aspirin and statins for cholesterol numbers. Good luck with your journey.

Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to LarneyJames

That’s great you’re doing well now - good you moved the pot that day or might not have found till later, I’m see the consultant later today (review wasn’t till January) but GP has taken bloods yesterday and wanted me to be seen. Last time the ablation pain was severe, these pain are similar but not as bad but last ones were serious complications post op but this time the fatigue when walking and other stuff don’t really feel I’m much improved in 3weeks and have to walk slow too - safer to get checked (mind you it’s one way of getting my household servants earning their keep 😂😂) Thanks for replying, keep well

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