PCa prognosis is improving over time - Advanced Prostate...

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PCa prognosis is improving over time

18 Replies

Not only are side effects from some therapies decreasing, the overall mortality rates are also improving. I use MSKCC and AHA nomograms and predictions to assess my cardiac risk and PCa mortality risk.

I was diagnosed in 2018. My status today shows roughly a 9% 15-year mortality risk and a 7.2% heart attack risk (pre-PCa my heart attack risk was 14.2% - I started a statin and my cholesterol dropped 40%. I increased my exercise and cleaned up my diet and my blood pressure dropped, my heart rate dropped, my bodyfat dropped, and my blood glucose dropped).

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18 Replies
watertender profile image

Good job! Keep up the good work, amazing what cleaning up a diet and exercising can do!

in reply to watertender


ocman profile image

Excellent, keep on trucking!

timotur profile image

Onward, upward Russ... btw, read some parts of your book-- excellent reference-- I'm trying some of your tips on cholesterol tx with beta systerol and RYR. thx - Tim

in reply to timotur

I'm glad it is useful. Was it this book: drive.google.com/drive/fold...

RYR really did a great job on my cholesterol. I switched to a statin because I know what dose I'm getting. HPF cholestene was good and maybe it still is but will it be the same potency in the future?

timotur profile image
timotur in reply to

Yes, that's it... also some great coverage of blood tests and diet too. One you may consider adding is TG/HDL as a proxy for VLDL, < 2 is good. I've been using 100 mg Niacin on alt days to help lower LDL, which goes as high as 158, but my HDL is 68 and TG is 44, so my ratios are decent. It's a constant battle, depending on what I eat, but I exercise 6 days/wk. Trying to stay off statins due to muscle pain side effects if I can. Had a Cardiac Calcuim Score done and it was 2.6 (circumflex artery), which is pretty low risk.

in reply to timotur

Thanks for the input. I'll research that and add it.

HPF Cholestene and Cholestoff should help you.

I had to go through a number of statins before I found one that didn't give me terrible insomnia (restless leg syndrome). Lovastatin doesn't seem to be bad. Interesting because the active ingredient in Lovastatin is the same as the one in RYR (monacolin K).

When I do SARMs my HDL drops to 20-25 (normally it is 40-50). I was concerned so talked to my MO. She said that I needed to take into account my entire lipid profile and that I shouldn't be concerned and should continue with the SARMs.

I'm doing some off-the-wall experiments with the SARMs to try to keep the AR muscle activation but bypass the liver and the HDL lowering. This week my HDL was 34. Total C was 132. Only one data point for HDL and I don't know about the skeletal AR activation yet.

Anyway, your lipid profile and cardiac risk profile look good, RYR and Cholestoff should knock your LDL down - from the first time I had it measured it has always been over 100. It was 77 earlier this week.

andy_diggs profile image
andy_diggs in reply to

Hidden Just had a quick scan over your book on the google drive, lots of good info there, must have taken you ages to put it all together so many thanks for sharing. I am interested in the whole SARM's side of things, so will look into that further. As a side, have you looked much into the IR/Sauna side of things? Regular elevation or core body temps, heat shock protein activation, increase human growth factors etc?

in reply to andy_diggs

Hi Andy,

Thanks. It took a bit to write the book. My mom was an English teacher and got me into reading and writing at a very young age. So I enjoy writing.

I've looked into IR saunas and I have one at home (a Clearlight). I haven't found any solid data. And since there is a lot of money to be made, the "research" that I see is very suspect. That said, I have it on a list to discuss with my MO. I like the routine of sitting in the sauna after working out and if my MO says that there might be something to be gained, I'll add it to the book and make it a habit.

andy_diggs profile image
andy_diggs in reply to

We seem to have quite similar backgrounds. I will need to do a full write up on my history at some point for the profile. I have an IR sauna at home as well and just jump straight in after the exercise session. I also have a IR lamp in their as well that I use to try and elevate core temp further and promote nerve growth stimulation. . When I had my RP, they had to take some of the nerves, so sexual function was significantly impacted. For most of the past year I have been in the sauna 4-5 times a week and using IR light in strategic positions to try and stimulate the nerve growth. At a rough guess I would be back to 70 to 80% without having to use the common ED drugs now, (though I had to use them for the first nine months). Don’t know if the IR is having a positive effect for sure, but I am happy with the progress in that particular area. Again, thanks for the detailed write up you have shared.

in reply to andy_diggs

I see some similarities,

Whether or not the IR sauna and heat lamp are helping, do you really care? 30 years ago a doctor asked me "does it make a difference if the effect is from a drug or from the placebo effect?"

They also took most of my nerves during RP but when my T is good I still perform okay in that area; 3-7 times a week.

When I did estrogen patch ADT without SARMs I had zero libido. Now that I've added SARMs it is about once a week. SARMs don't seem to interfere with the ADT from a PSA standpoint.

timotur profile image

Vy good, I will try Cholestoff. Niacin brought my TC down from 250 to 215 and LDL from 158 to 138, hopefully I can get both closer to ULN. Thx.

Teufelshunde profile image

So Niacin in helpful re PC? I thought the B vitamins were suspect.

in reply to Teufelshunde

B vitamins are suspect. High doses in particular and niacin is a precursor to NAD+ so might be contraindicated.

But everything needs to be weighed up. He is using it for lipid control. Cardiac risk for us can be just as important as cancer risk. These balances often make for uncomfortable decisions.

Teufelshunde profile image
Teufelshunde in reply to

Got it. Yes, several of us will likely go from other causes. I use statin so most numbers are in range but TG are high. Currently use Citrus Bergamot, Nano Berberine, Garlic Bulb Powder, and blue green algie to help. Any other thoughts on what might help with TG?

in reply to Teufelshunde

Fish oil might help. A good diet with very little meat should reduce. Exercise reduces. And a statin or red yeast rice can cut them down a lot.

You're already doing a statin so it might not be good to add red yeast rice. But you could try adding Cholestoff - plant sterols/stanols.


Teufelshunde profile image
Teufelshunde in reply to

I do fish oil and I think the Muscadine Plus MPX is considered a plant sterol (grape skin resveratrol). Probably should cut back on white rice (carb) as I love fried rice, and alcohol. Already cut meat to 2x month. Mainly pescatarian. Fish and shrimp, and lots of beans and vegis.

in reply to Teufelshunde

If you like white rice, probably little harm in it. We need to enjoy life or what's the point?

I like fried rice but I like brown steamed rice with lentils and curry just as much as fried. So I replaced the fried rice.

My diet is very healthy other than a hamburger a couple of times a month. And with very few exceptions, I love the food I eat. Sometimes I eat before I go to a restaurant (the only reason to go is to socialize).

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