latest PSA while on fenben (now meben... - Advanced Prostate...

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latest PSA while on fenben (now mebendazole)

kapakahi profile image
24 Replies

Here are my results:

Prior to Nov. 2018: generally between 0.6 and 0.9 following my last HIFU in 2015

Nov. 2018: 0.9

mid-April 2019: 1.8

mid-May 2019: 2.27 - urologist says PC has returned; no biopsy; Axumin and MRI scans note "anomalous" activity in the midline suggesting recurrence, no metastases seen; begin fenbendazole (4 g) 3 days on 4 days off

mid-June 2019: 1.8 - continue FZ 4g 3on/4off

mid-July 2019: 1.5 - continue FZ 4g 3on/4 off

mid-September 2019 - 1.99 (anxiety level rises) - continue FZ 4g now daily

mid- October 2019 - 1.5 reduce dosage to 1g or 2g (whatever I could get), sometimes daily, sometimes M-F, sometimes every other day (essentially 3on/4off)

mid-November 2019: 1.5

on 11/21 ordered 750 mebendazole tablets 100 mg from India for $193.50 + $15 shipping - received 12/6 and started taking 2 pills with lunch (peanut butter = fat) and 2 with dinner (always some fat)

December 12, 2019: 1.4

I switched to mebendazole because fenben was getting expensive for an unproven medication and the sources on Amazon were sometimes not in stock - and it's pills instead of granules so much easier to take, and apparently just as effective - I ordered a lot in case some lowlife pseudo-pharma company (doesn't create meds, just buys the rights to sell them) buys all the Indian rights like it has in the US

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kapakahi profile image
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24 Replies
Shooter1 profile image

Looks like you have stalled progression. I am also taking fenben with no progression, but was already stable before taking it, so I don't know if it is helping me or not. I get Merck safe-guard fenbendazole, 2 ml 3 on 4 off. About $26/125 ml. (dewormer for goats) but most of us are old goats anyhow.

Ahk1 profile image
Ahk1 in reply to Shooter1

Do you take vitamin E with it. I started 3 days ago with no side effects so far.

Shooter1 profile image
Shooter1 in reply to Ahk1

Only 22.5 iu from multi-ivitamin

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to Ahk1

be careful with vitamin E - the alpha form may actually cause PCa, and this is the one found in most vitamin supplements - see Tall Allen's posts on this, also pjoshea here citing this study:

other forms can inhibit cancer growth - so stick with gamma and delta

Ahk1 profile image
Ahk1 in reply to kapakahi

Thanks again, Kapakahi

I stopped all vitamins with the exception of vitamin D. But I was just concern with the fenbendazole protocol, does it absolutly needs vitamin e to make it effective?

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to Ahk1

I don't think so, but I'm no expert.

hansjd profile image

Looks like you’re getting good results with Fenbendazole / Mebendazole. That’s great! Just a couple of questions if you don’t mind. Are you taking the 400 mg / day of Mebendazole daily or following the 3 on / 4 off regime? How did you decide on 400 mg / day as opposed to the COC regime of just 100 mg / day? Finally what’s your source for Mebendazole in India? Thanks in advance for any information you can provide. Cheers

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to hansjd

I'm not sure it's working, though it does seem to have at least some solid evidence of efficacy - somewhere I've seen that, like every other cancer drug, it stops working after a period of time, but for that time it works without a lot of terrible side effects (I've had none so far) - since I've been taking it is the first time in 11+ years my PSA has dropped after starting to rise again, so I'm just seeing how it goes - no faith, just hope...

for the time being, I'm taking 400mg every day (200mg 2x), with high-fat meals because it has low bioavailability and the longer it stays in your stomach the more you absorb, so the hypothesis goes, which is why I'm taking it with cimetidine (Tagamet), which supposedly has a synergistic effect when combined with bendazoles and also might have some anti-cancer ability of its own (all this I've learned from this forum and the research links other posters have provided)

I'm taking more because I want to hit the cancer hard, from what I've read the drugs are pretty safe, I've never had any nausea or upset stomach or bad reaction (no reaction at all, actually) and any liver damage is reversible upon cessation (my liver counts have always been normal), I'm not doing any other heavy-duty meds that it could interfere with somehow (I've never had any mets, I ended up on this forum by accident, really - but I've had PC for almost 12 years) - and maybe most of all I tend to think more of anything is better (like pie, drugs, fun, etc.) and I've always been one to experiment on myself - I don't recommend for anybody else what I'm doing, I guess I see myself as a 180-lb guinea pig

I buy the mebendazole from AllDay Chemist (, been buying from them for 10 years with no issues - no fraud, no failure to deliver, drugs have always worked as they're supposed to without ill effect (including statins, metformin, even nasal sprays) - and no prescription needed - they don't have everything (no anti-depressants, for example, no fenbendazole) but they do have a lot of stuff - I think other sources may have better prices on some things (like rizatriptan for migraine, don't know about mebendazole) - on this forum I've seen Silverline and India Mart mentioned as reliable sources, don't have their links but you can search for them

hansjd profile image
hansjd in reply to kapakahi

Kapakahi, thanks so much for your detailed answers to my questions. I really appreciate it. I had just ordered Mebendazole from a different source when you wrote your post, and now I can see that your Indian source is cheaper, so that's a good thing to know for the next time.

May I ask you two more questions please? Cimetidine - where do you buy it (I ask because in Australia where I live you need a prescription to get it) and what dose do you use with the Mebendazole? I too have read about its synergistic effect and want to add it to the Mebendazole. Thanks again for taking the time to share your knowledge. Cheers

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to hansjd

I'm surprised it's prescription only - it's been OTC in the US for about a quarter-century. I buy it on Amazon - it's 200 mg so that's what I take, but this article reports on widely varying dosages and methods (oral and IV), including an Austrialian-New Zealand study that was ongoing when the article was published in 2014. Sometimes it appears to work, other times not, but many of the studies were of patients in pretty dire straits.

I haven't seen anything recent for either cimetidine or the bendazole class of drugs - the studies could be out there but if so I haven't found them. Maybe the better researchers on this forum have more information - it's all very, very new to me so keep that in mind when asking me questions; I desperately do not want to mislead anybody with my incomplete knowledge. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing."

hansjd profile image
hansjd in reply to kapakahi

Thanks once again for your helpful information re acquiring Cimetidine. As for recent information on the bendazole class of drugs, one paper I found (which you might have already read) is the following:

Mebendazole as a Candidate for Drug Repurposing in Oncology: An Extensive Review of Current Literature August 2019

As for worrying about misleading people ... please don't concern yourself at all. I figure we're all learning together and helping each other and the more information we have to sift through and verify as best we can (which is our responsibility), the better off we all are. This forum with its willing and knowledgeable contributors has been a godsend to us. So thanks again and may you go well.

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to hansjd

thanks - turns out I do have that study after all - really informative

Ramp7 profile image

Just started with Fenben three weeks ago along with my first shot of Firmagon. Following Joe Tippens method, purchased through Walmart. Shall check out the India pharmacy.

Good to see encouraging results.

Lawrencee profile image

Menbendazole 100 mg. should be alternated with doxycycline 100 - 200 mg. every other month. COC protocol.

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to Lawrencee

I've seen that - how is an antibiotic repurposed for this? I've always been leery of taking antibiotics when I have no bacterial infection - they can play havoc with intestinal biome, and overuse can create resistance - so I'm curious about what it's doing when used this way, haven't researched myself yet but I see it mentioned so often I guess I'll start - thanks for the tip

I take the mebendazole with cimetidine (Tagamet) for the hypothesized synergistic effect, and cimetidine may have its own cancer-fighting properties

Ahk1 profile image
Ahk1 in reply to kapakahi

Can you also take Tagamet with fenbendazole? Or is it only required with mebendazole? Thanks a lot.

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to Ahk1

menbendazole and fenbendazole work the same way so cimetidine works with them the same way

Ahk1 profile image
Ahk1 in reply to kapakahi

I already got fen and Tagamet but wondering about vitamin E, is it necessary to take vitamin e? should I go and buy and take it?


kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to Ahk1

see my reply to Shooter1 above

hansjd profile image
hansjd in reply to Lawrencee

Hi Lawrencee. I've read about the COC protocol re Doxycycline and Mebendazole - i.e. alternating them month by month. But do you know why they advocate that regime instead of taking them both continuously? Presumably it's to reduce the possibility of developing resistance, but it would be good to know more about their rationale. Are you signed up with COC or are you, like me, simply aware of their protocol?

I have read about people taking both drugs continuously for years a) to treat Rosacea (doxycycline) and b) to treat Echinococcus (mebendazole) - without ill effects and presumably still being effective treatments or they wouldn't continue taking them.

Any thoughts you have about this would be appreciated. Cheers

nextphase profile image

just wondering what are your side effects from this drug you are on? I'm 11 and 7mo. post op psa on the rise it was 2.3 this past friday the 13th. Does this work like lupron to drive the psa down? Thanks!!

kapakahi profile image
kapakahi in reply to nextphase

I've had zero side effects of any kind - even my liver counts have been fine, but it's something I keep an eye on.

The only stuff I know about PCa treatments is what I've read over the 11 years I've had PCa and what I've read here by posters who have far more knowledge than I and from the links they have provided - and even all that is filtered through my non-chemistry-friendly brain. So don't rely on me as any kind of authority.

My PSA has dropped about 40% since I started using fenbendazole in June 2019. I think Lupron, if it's going to work, would have a far more dramatic effect on PSA.

Some people do feel ill from benzimidazoles, and some hate the side effects of lupron, and some experience the reverse, or somewhere in between. I've read that there's a medical debate about how soon in the disease Lupron should be started because of the risk of resistance. For all we know, the benzimidazole drugs like mebendazole could also have a risk of resistance - these drugs haven't been evaluated in any clinical human studies I know of.

I suggest you read Joe Tippens's blog on fenbendazole - it is at least inspiring and hopeful, and it had a lot to do with my decision to start fenben, but "proof" of its effectiveness is strictly anecdotal, not clinical.

nextphase profile image

Thanks for the information.

estoud profile image

Considering the success you and Great John have had with Fenbendazole I will incorporate it into my supplement regimen. I will alternate it with Artemisinin (worm wood)

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