Getting back on the horse... - Weight Loss Support

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Getting back on the horse...

Purple_faced_woman profile image

I was doing really well.  Before Easter I was 0.2kg away from breaking through the 100kg barrier.  And then life happened.

We had Easter away at a convention, eating out all the time, and on our return heard that my father had taken a rapid turn for the worse.  We raced down to spend time with him, and he passed away the following Saturday.  Although I tried, this was not a good time for focussing on my diet.  There followed 2 weeks of shilly-shallying and sorting out the funeral, etc, and then 2 days after that my husband and I were off on our pre-booked holiday: 2 weeks on a River Cruise with Viking travelling from Budapest to Amsterdam, being pampered and fed fantastic food on the the boat and dining out here and there on sausages and sauerkraut and hot chocolate with rum, chocolates and cheeses.  It was wonderful (the travelling, the scenery, the sightseeing, the boat, the staff and the food) and terrible (the calorie contents and availability of the food)!

Despite walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day on most days of the cruise (including round and round the deck on days we didn't strike land), this whole period has resulted in a gain of 4.4kg.  I am back home now and girding my loins to get back into the zone.  My husband is heading off to church shortly whilst I shall go for a decent walk.  Chicken salad for lunch.  A swim this evening (and possibly another walk this afternoon).

I am not out of the woods entirely - there will be difficult days ahead, grieving for my father and helping my siblings sort out his estate which may involve disruptive travelling, but it is important to get back on that horse and break that 100kg barrier forever.

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Purple_faced_woman profile image
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7 Replies
Shabbyshuffle profile image

Wishing you all the best on your journey!

Purple_faced_woman profile image
Purple_faced_woman in reply to Shabbyshuffle


SuseWild profile image

Sorry to hear of your loss, losing a close family member is devastating and it's hard to focus on anything else when these things happen. Your holiday was probably good timing really for you to get away and rest. All the best for getting back on the horse x

Caz28 profile image

sorry to hear about your loss. holiday sounds fabulous and just what you needed, don't beat yourself up about it, you sound like you have a positive attitude and I am sure you will reach your target 

rosie-2015 profile image

Condoled on the death of your father and well done on coming back 😁👍

Thanks folks.

Seuzan profile image

What a tough time you have had. Your holiday sounds like it was exactly what you needed (including the lovely food!). Hopefully you will get back on an even keel soon and back to your regular routines. Don't worry about anything, it will all come good in the end. All the best...

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