Friday weigh in. : Last week 12.7st... - Weight Loss Support

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Friday weigh in.

8 Replies

Last week 12.7st, this week 12.6st so glad it's a loss particularly as it was the bank holiday and we had lots of drinks as well as a curry and a roast (not all at once!) Well with the skiing hols booked I really have to focus now and of course summer and the thought of wearing a bikini on the beach. Eek!  I hope everyone else's week is going well ☺ 

8 Replies
Diana profile image

Skiing hol, I assume for winter? Well done on your loss this week

in reply to Diana

Yes next February but we went this year and I vowed next time I would be fitter and lighter ☺

Hi Juliet,

Great result, and what a double mission !! Really great plan to keep you's so hard to get back on track after holidays so the sking  trip is a good motivator!! 

Have a lovely weekend


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Thanks Flossie I hope all well with you ☺ 

in reply to

Thanks Juliet,

Doing ok feel back on track, lost a Ib this week so it's a start !!


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Yay! Well done ☺

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Juliet,

Brilliant to hear you've lost 1 pound this week, that is really great!!  Especially considering it was Bank Holiday - that's always a challenging time, isn't it...!?

Great that you're planning to wear a bikini on the beach for your forthcoming holidays, and good luck with achieving your weight loss goals in the meantime!

Have another great week.

Lowcal :-)

p.s.  I am trying to get my holiday weight off again - it's been challenging this week, as I am still in the mood to over-eat a bit!  Must curb myself to better habits again.  :-)

in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, 

  Thank you. Yes always tricky after a holiday. I think the body just expects us to continue eating but once you get in the stride everything will reduce and the pounds will disappear. I am sure Monday will be a good result for you. I am finding the sunshine abit of an excuse to over excess so will have to watch it this weekend. Hope you have a good one and good luck on Monday ☺

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