Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (... - Weight Loss Support

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Please Join Me for a Monday Weigh-in (20th January 2014).

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI
24 Replies

Good morning everyone,

Last Monday I weighed 14 stone 2.4 pounds, and today I weigh 14 stone 2.0 pounds, so I have lost 0.4 pounds this week. I had hoped for a bit more, but I am happy with a loss. I have continued to exercise daily by walking, and I managed to get back to the gym for one session, which lasted 45 minutes. I've tried to choose healthy meals and snacks.

This week I would like to lose at least a pound, and I'd also like to increase my visits to the gym to at least 2 sessions, and continue with the walks and healthy eating.

I hope you have all had a great week. Please join me for this Monday weigh-in. :-)

Lowcal :-)

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Zest profile image
Healthy BMI
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24 Replies
xsallyx profile image

Morning lowcal

Your right a loss is a loss, well done.

I wanted to loss 2lb but only lost 1this week. Did 40 minutes of dance, eat the right foods.

I Need to do more this week, see if I can loss 2lb this time.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to xsallyx

Hi xSallyx,

Your 1 pound loss this week is commendable! Well done! I know you wanted to lose 2, but you are half way there already, and you sound very positive about your goals for this week, so hope you achieve them. 40 minutes of dance sounds good fun.

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Prin profile image

Hi guys - well done on your losses ladies, as that supermarket says every little helpsI have managed to GAIN big time this week and am 11 stone exactly :( , need to be under 11 again by next week going all out to achieve good luck everyone ( was I really 10.9? Seems like a dream)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Prin

Hi Prin,

I find it so frustrating at how quickly weight can pile on, and then how long it can take to reduce again, but hope you chase your goal of being 10.9 again as I am sure you will find it was not actually a 'dream' really, and was definitely a reality. You will get there again very soon hopefully, and say 'goodbye' to the 11 stone marker forever!

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

suzybenj profile image

well done Lowcal - it is more than I have managed.

I have stayed the same . but it is completely a case of same old same old- f you keep doing the same thing you get the same results. Could be worse I suppose. Really struggled to get back into groove after xmas- but will have another crack this week.

Good luck for next week

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to suzybenj

Hi Suzybenj,

Keep at it and I am sure you will succeed. I think this time of year is really challenging to get back on track, but I'm sure we'll all get there and hopefully see the weight fall off.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

OlsBean profile image

Well done all you Losers! :)

Prin, you'll get back there soon and lower I'm sure.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to OlsBean

Hi OlsBean,

Thanks for your encouraging words! Much appreciated as always.

Hope you are enjoying your week and keeping active!

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Booster8joanna profile image

Just thought I'd say hi,the thing is with losing weight you do have weeks where the weight just won't shift but losing something is better than nothing at all,it's great that you're remaining positive and thinking what you can do to speed up your weight loss,good luck with everything !

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Booster8joanna

Hi Booster8joanna,

Hi. Thanks so much for your encouraging words, and hope your own weight loss journey is going well so far?

Hope you have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Asylum profile image

Hi, another step towards Ur goal is a step no matter how small. I've lost 1lb this week. Did 5 exercise sessions. Hard not to be disappointed after losing 4lb previous week but then need to avoid the scales roller coaster and just keep going. Being able to start jogging again has made my year so will just enjoy that this week and still be careful on eating. It has to drop off eventually!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Asylum

Hi Asylum,

Well done for losing 4 pounds last week and 1 pound this week, that is really good. You're doing regular exercise sessions too, which is fantastic. You're right, just keep going, and you should reap the benefits of your hard work. I also enjoy jogging, but I haven't done any yet as of this New Year. I must get back to it. Currently I'm trying to increase my gym attendance from my first visit of the year last week, to two visits this week! I am doing daily walks - weather permitting.

Hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

Asylum profile image
Asylum in reply to Zest

Thanks. You too!

Laila_ profile image

I can't explain just how great it is to be able to do this with such a supportive group all going through the same thing.. I tend to get quite hard on myself when I don't lose enough, and lose motivation.. but it's so refreshing to see I'm not alone, and it's true.. a loss is a loss!

I weighed in with about half a kilo loss (about 1 pound) and was quite gutted, but I'm going to keep at it.. we can do this!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Laila_

Hi Laila_,

Yes! We can do this! Keep going, and you will achieve more. Your 1 pound loss is really good. Keep up the good work.

Have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

motivated profile image

Hi, I agree with the rest of the group loss is a loss no matter if its a lot. Your body is adjusting to the new food, new routine and getting motivation for exercise which is never easy. I have noticed big difference after switching to porridge in the mornings and also with incorporating beans into my meals, another big one for me is water intake, especially to consider if you are going to increase your activity levels. Last week I ended up with massive headache due to dehydration! I also avoid all "low fat" products due to sugar levels in them so check the labels carefully too :-) and I have also switched to lactose free milk which has less sugar in it! keep going and don't give up, remember this is a change of the lifestyle rather then a diet! :-) all the best!!!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to motivated

Hi Motivated,

You've made some very positive lifestyle changes, and I agree completely with your comment that the 'low fat' products often contain tremendous sugar levels. I have also started having porridge in the mornings, instead of my previous cereals, and I have noticed that I feel 'fuller' and more satisfied as a result.

I didn't think about milk having sugars in it - I'll have to check that out. What kind of milk do you have? I know you mentioned that it's Lactose free, but is it a soy milk, or something else?

Have a great week.

Lowcal :-)

Penel profile image
Penel in reply to Zest

Lactose free milk is ordinary milk with the lactose removed. Look for the cartons with a picture of a black and white cow. It's called Lactofree. It's easier to digest than ordinary milk.

Jenny2707 profile image


I am off work today poorly and feeling sorry for myself, I really need to get healthy and lose 2 stones! I just wanted to say that coming across this website has really motivated me! You are all so positive and supportive of each other, it's made me realise that I am not alone - so massive thanks for brightening up my day :) xx

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Jenny2707

Hi Jenny2707,

So sorry to hear you're poorly today, and hope you feel better soon! Glad that you have felt motivated by this site. I find it very motivating too, and everyone is really supportive and positive.

Good luck with your weight-loss goals. Make sure you look after yourself so you can get better soon, and hope you have a good week.

Lowcal :-)

bispers profile image

Hi Lowcal

At least is is a downwards trend - good luck for this coming week and going to the gym and walking.

I've had another bad week - put on 1lb. Haven't been able to get back on track - had one good day and that was it. Still not 100% fit and really fighting with myself - we've all been there I know, I know what I need to do, but am getting very disheartened quickly. Am kicking myself (of course, only metaphorically as I am not very supple). Like Prin, I think mine was a dream that I was 14 st 4lbs early December. I am now 15 st 2 lbs.

Anyway, I am feeling rubbish because of the massive weight gain - so far today I am on track and have done a 15 minute walk, about to do another walk. I hope to see a good weight loss on Monday as that tends to be my pattern after gaining a lot quickly.

Have a good week all.


Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to bispers

Hi Bispers,

Try not to be disheartened by the weight gain. Like you said, it happens to us all on occasions, and it is a tough time just now (what with all the Christmas events and then the New Year celebrations and then the colder darker days etc. You've not been feeling very well either, so that is bound to impact on your feelings.

I think it's great that today you are back on track and you've done your walk, and you will be now have done another one (I hope you enjoyed it).

I hope the remainder of the week goes well for you, and that you can look forward to a weight loss next Monday.

Take care,

Lowcal :-)

bakersdozen profile image

Hi everyone!

Sorry a bit late but I am ashamed of myself when everyone else lost weight whereas with me I gained 2 lbs I guess I was partying for a whole week. It was a tough week seeing all those goodies for a whole week and I was baking them for my son and hubby. Sorry Moorless I did not listen to you regarding mind over matter :(. Am I going to be expelled from this amazing forum I mean this week I will behave myself as we are all back to normal routine. I even went to a restaurant and only ate tuna with salads no rolls or bread!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

Dearie me Bakersdozen, if we were to get expelled every time we had a slip up, the weigh-in group would be empty! :)

I'm not going to write more here, because we're in a 2yr old thread. Repost this here

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