We want your views.
We would like your views on what you would think about attending a parent group for parents of children with tic disorders.
You will not attend a group as part of this study, but we are interested in hearing your opinions about whether you think such groups might be helpful. You do not need to have any prior knowledge about these types of groups to take part.
What will happen to me if I take part? You will be asked to perform a computer task. This can be done online. The task usually takes around 20-25 minutes to complete. You will be given a short explanation about parenting groups. The task will involve reading some statements. The statements will contain opinions about the groups. You will be asked to arrange these statements into piles of agree or disagree. After this task you will be asked to type some comments about your views should you wish.
What is the purpose of the study? We hope to look at parents attitudes towards parent groups in order to understand whether they would be considered acceptable and feasible and what factors may affect this. This information will help to decide whether parenting groups would be useful for parents of children with tic disorders.
Expenses and payments. You will be able to complete the task on the internet whenever you choose. You will be offered a high street voucher as a small token of appreciation for your time following completion of the task. We would like 30-45 participants to complete the task in total.
Further Project Information
If you would like any more information about the research project please contact Dr Gemma Evans (trainee clinical psychologist); , 07543204608.
How do I take part? If you would like to take part please follow the website link below. If you would prefer to complete the task via post please contact Gemma Evans.
To take part please go to this website: