Self medicating / NHS neglect please advice - Thyroid UK

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Self medicating / NHS neglect please advice

Bookshelfaddict profile image
3 Replies

Hi everyone, I wont make this too long but I have had a really really rough time with my health over the past few years and have been neglected severely by my NHS GP and I am now at a crossroads. I saw a private Endo last year who said there was nothing wrong with my thyroid hormone levels although I was showing all the signs and symptoms of thyroid problems, a lot of eye pain, swelling behind my eyes, hair falling out, irritability, extreme tiredness to the point of not being able to speak, lift myself out of bed.. I am a zombie still a year later after having no luck with doctors.. I had some tests done for Vitamin D, Iron ect.. all very deficient and supplimenting does not make me feel any differently. I am very low in progesterone, tried the creams.. did nothing I am positive that I have a thyroid issue but my NHS GP isn't having any of it and wants to send me home with iron pills. I am desperate really at this point I cannot think properly, I am struggling every day with severe brain fog, anger.. I dont feel alive any more, I can barely read what I am writing, in all honesty I am so desperate that I am thinking about self medicating as I have seen a lot of people having to do so.. but 1. I am on income support 2. I have a very tight budget 3. My doctor will not monitor me 4. I am scared about the source of the drugs and weither or not it is safe. I have the ability to learn but for me the fear of not having the doctor to supervise and help me is an issue! I have ordered blood tests for full F3 and thyroid pannel just waiting for these to return next week.. please will someone help me by shedding some light? I really am scared for my health, I am 22 from North Wales area and I havent been able to work since I was 18 due to the symptoms of whatever is affecting my health so badly. I printed off the sheets of private endos from Thyroid UK but damn they are so expensive and travel expenses to London is gonna cost me a bomb and the waiting time inbetween appointments will leave me still without treatment, this for me is a cry for help in desperation.. if I am going to learn to self medicate does anyone have any stories, experience, advice?

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3 Replies
Clutter profile image

Welcome to the forum, BookshelfAddict.

When you have your thyroid results post them with the ranges and members will be able to advise whether or not you have thyroid dysfunction. There's no point in seeing a private endo if thyroid results are euthyroid (normal) or self medicating.

If you post the vitamin D results and ranges and say how much vitamin D3 you are supplementing I can tell you whether it is likely to be sufficient. VitD deficiency causes bone pain and fatigue.

If your GP has prescribed iron you must either be iron deficient anaemic or have low ferritin/iron. Please post the results and ranges of any iron, ferritin and full blood count tests your GP ordered. Low iron can cause hairloss and fatigue.

NickP1 profile image

Hi, I've sent you a PM..

Katepots profile image

Are you supplementing B12? A lot of your symptoms could be B12 related. Hopefully included in your thyroid test.

Will be interesting to see about antibodies

If you have Hashimotos (I'm guessing you might) its auto immune, very common. You need to be gluten and casein (cows milk) free. Not as awful as it sounds when you get your head around it.

Hopefully things will be clearer on Monday when results are back.

I take NDT which costs me about £60 for a years supply so not completely hideous. Hopefully with your results back if it shows you are hypothyroid the Dr will start you on Levothyroxine so will be free and may be all you need (plus vitamins) if you don't have a conversion problem.

You've found the best place for help, don't dispair there will be lots you can do.

Do you treat/have help with your Lyme disease at all?

What Vit D supplement do you take? This deficiency alone will make you feel crap without the Lyme and the others.x

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