For you, bluepettals2 - happy ever after ... - Thyroid UK

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For you, bluepettals2 - happy ever after ...

Schenks profile image
56 Replies

... and for any dog lovers out there, here are Bertie, the Golden Retriever-Collie cross, and Wisley, the Patterdale-Welsh Collie cross: both rescue dogs, both horribly mistreated - Bertie left 11 hours a day every day from 2 to four months old, Wisley being brought up as a bait animal, where the rest of the pack were allowed to rip him apart, rescued by the RSPCA at five months old. I think they're happy now.

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Schenks profile image
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56 Replies
Jose651 profile image

Hi Schenks,

That is such a warming, welcoming setting.

Forget about coming to the Emerald Isle for Poteen. We will come to your end of the Country to chat beside that lovely fire.

Joking of course S, Ye are more than welcome to visit anytime.

J 🍀

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Jose651

Jose, please G-d we'll do both over time - you will be as welcome as the fire, my dear. x

Jose651 profile image
Jose651 in reply to Schenks

👍 😘

hebden profile image

They certainly look happy and relaxed. They look like they get on well together. I love dogs and it always amazes me how forgiving of humans they are. Gentle hugs Joolz.x

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to hebden

Thank you. We've a plaque with this picture on, Joolz. It says, 'to err is human, to forgive, canine'. They are indeed two very happy dogs and, apart from three fights over five years - over balls (what else, they are boys?!), they really do love each other.

abby3216 profile image

There is a fabulous book called "A Dogs Purpose" by W. Bruce Cameron. You Must read this book! The movie in the US comes out in January. Its in paperback for around $12.00 US. It will make you really think about our precious dogs in our lives.

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to abby3216

Going to get that, abby, thanks. You know, science now is postulating that civilisation as we know it could not have developed without dogs. I just reckon they are little suffering servants - a real chip off the old block!

lina61 profile image

Dear Schenks, bless you for saving those two precious animals.They are just gorgeous.They are going to have a very happy life with you, and near that lovely warm looking fireplace.I wish you all a very long and happy life together.

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to lina61

How lovely of you, lina - thank you. There is not a single day goes by without at least one of them making us laugh. They are the blessing, and without my dogs I certainly would not have survived childhood, let alone cancer and then this damned illness. And the things so-called 'humans' do to them. It sometimes makes one despair. But at least these two cast their little lights in what is often a very dark world.

lc1973 profile image
lc1973 in reply to Schenks

It is so rewarding to have a rescue dog...or two! We have one after our lovely boy passed away last year. She had a dreadful start in life and despite her having issues we wouldnt part with her. Day by day she is coming on nicely. We couldnt get anywhere near her when she first came to live with us but now she is a real cuddly girl and we love her to bits. We have another dog who we've had from a puppy and they mostly get along but have the occasional word with each other! Your two certainly have made themselves at home!

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to lc1973

how wonderful to heal a broken heart - of the most vulnerable of beings, one with neither a voice nor an advocate. They love us all the more, these broken souls, and to see them blossom is such a joy. Lovely, you, Ic1973, and many many years of joy to all. x

lc1973 profile image
lc1973 in reply to Schenks

Thanks Schenks x

Well they certainly look very happy now, landed on their paws! Lol Not a good start though for them, poor souls xxx

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to

These are the lucky ones. There are some unspeakable people out there.

in reply to Schenks

You are SO right! Horrible people! I believe that dogs in particular but all pets are sent by God to be our friends!

I know that from personal experience, some awful people do NOT know the meaning of friendship, companionship, kindness and unconditional love etc.

But our pets always love us, just fairly recently lost my beloved Jack Russell, Alfie. He meant the world to me, my little best pal. xxx

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to

I'm so sorry to hear about Alfie, Deb. there are a few people who totally understand the loss of a little soul from another species - and probably superior to ours, in many respects. And I'm with you - I believe dogs are God sent; angels with furry faces. And i am not a sentimental person, either.

in reply to Schenks

Thank you so much for your kind message!

It means a lot. Of course people who don't have pets just don't get it! Actually I hate to say this but even some who DO have pets are not always that sympathetic. Just totally wrapped up in their own worlds, but such is life nowadays. I must try not to be so cynical but it's hard! xx

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to

Not sure if you are cynical or realistic, tbh. Some of the very few petition sites I'm on are petitions to find and punish people who torture animals; I have to say that I have become more distressed and saddened because before you get to the signing place, these vile, horrifying and profoundly distressing images come up. I'm only grateful that there are wonderful, angelic, diligent people out there, fighting against this obscenity - the real heroes.

Our boys, past and present, are the lucky ones, as are we who have the privilege of loving them.


in reply to Schenks

Yes, I have also seen distressing images that I think you mean. Sorry, but which boys are you referring to?

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to

Your Alfie, my Jasper, and all who come after them. At least they found sanctuary and love.

in reply to Schenks

Ah yes, and if you are most prob like me, then I know my dear Alf was ruined with love and all sorts of goodies and I don't regret one bit of it! He gave me SO much, particularly as I am on my own! A real sweetheart. 😍❤️🐶🐾 he always had his nosh first + a v special blanket, I then lived on lettuce for a while! Lol take care for now! xx

in reply to Schenks

Ps you sound a lovely sentimental caring person

Schenks! Take care xx

Zephyrbear profile image

Thank you for providing two such beautiful creatures with such an obviously loving home after their appalling start in life. They are clearly very contented dogs now. I've just finished reading Monty Don's 'Nigel, my family and other dogs' which had me laughing and in tears throughout... I have had dogs all my life, was an animal nurse for part of it, and I wouldn't be without them. They're my best friends and most reliable confidants... I can tell them anything and know it won't go any further. They are always there to share my joys and console my tears as, I'm sure, are yours. Their only crime is their lifespan... far too short.

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Zephyrbear

So right, Zephyrbear. I read a child's explanation of why they live such short lifespans:

“People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life – like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right? Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay as long.”

Out of the mouths of babes ...

Angelamargaret profile image

They certainly have found a forever home now. Well done. I have a Doberman and a Pug rescue dogs

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Angelamargaret

Wow - great combination!

Margo profile image

Dear Schenks, what a lovely person you are to take those two beautiful dogs into your life. I too have just rescued a dog and his name is also Bertie. Just two weeks on and we can't imagine life without him, he is such a good boy.

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Margo

Thanks, Margo. We're the lucky ones, to have them, though!🐕

Margo profile image
Margo in reply to Schenks

Agreed Schenks

Schenks profile image

They're lovely dogs. Bertie is a complete butterball cross-teddy, and Wisley ... well, he's a one-off! What does your naughty Dachshund do for naughtiness? Wisley goes upstairs, steals the toilet paper, runs downstairs and dives under a chair, just out of reach, and shreds it!

in reply to Schenks

My Alfie used to pinch toilet rolls (don't ask) out of my handbag, and run off, he knew what he was doing! Lol

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to

Lol! I'm not asking! :D

Schenks profile image

Love it! They know how to yank OUR chains, don't they? Lol

Pinkpeony profile image

Ah Schenks , I can't think of a better they could be . In fact can I come and lie in front of that gorgeous stove .

We can't have a dog but have just got Harry , a beautiful loving cat . The stories you hear from the rescue people make your blood run cold .

My grand-daughter has just got a rescue dog from the RSPCA . He was used to train pit bulls , and then left in an empty house to die . 💔 Pp

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Pinkpeony

I guess like sweet granddaughter, like sweet grandmother. 🙌

Pinkpeony profile image
Pinkpeony in reply to Schenks

I hope you are cracking on with that book Schenks although with your two sweeties and that lovely fire I would be hard pressed to get anything done.

You pay the nicest compliments thank you . 🌷

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Pinkpeony

Tell it as I see it, friend. 33400 words and counting....

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Schenks

P.S. Don't know what the hell that icon is - it's supposed to be hands waving!

Pinkpeony profile image

Excellent ! look foward to reading it. Maybe you could put some of your lovely illustrations in it .

Goodnight Schenks .Pp

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Pinkpeony

Missed this last night - good night and morning, Pp! x

puncturedbicycle profile image

Ooh, pattie-collie cross sounds far too clever for the likes of me. Does he table-walk? We fostered a Pattie once and one night I heard an almighty bang in the dining room and found he'd gone for a walk on the table and knocked off a giant pottery platter. The rescue founder told me they were renowned for that and they require a super-high fence for foster or adoption. He was such a love, titchy and glossy like a tiny black deer, but very challenging with other dogs.

We have two now - one jrt X staff and the other whippet X staff. They're ours so no more fostering for a while. Though I do always have my eye out for a potential third.

Yours are both lovely. There's nothing like a rescue dog to make life worth living.

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to puncturedbicycle

A woman after me own heart! Wisley doesn't tale walk - he's too attached to mummy to chance that one! I only have to take a sharp intake of breath to get him diving for cover. He's not small either - he's really a stretch-Patterdale; he has these elegant, long leggies that he crosses one over the other at the front like a debutante! But he shines like glass.

I love the sound of a whippet-staffie cross - I'm trying to persuade OH to get a third and I'm after a lurcher or whippet bitch. I bet the jrt-staffie is a proper character! Can you post a piccie of them? Maybe we can start a rogues' gallery of the little souls who give so much into our beleaguered lives.

Jose651 profile image

With pleasure bp, of course I will, with me wheelchair, lol xx

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Jose651

We'll hire the electric tramper from the Wyre Estate country Park just up the road - I use it to take the dogs for a 6 mile hike!

Schenks profile image

Good morning, bp! I don't get notifications all the time either. We're going to have to arrange a charabanc to my house - sleeping bags and mattresses will be provided, and we can all have midnight feasts in the dorm (living room) by the fire, with dogs in attendance. all dogs welcome, by the way! (And cats, if it were not for Wisley's propensity to try and kill them, so sorry to all cat lovers, of which i am one).

I've started baking (red velvet cupcakes, chocolate cloud muffins, chocolate bourbon biscuits, mince pies) to keep us fed during the waking hours (i.e. nighttime) and if any of you want to bring pies, chocolate, snacks, chocolate, you are all welcome. It'll be a bit tight though!

Jose651 profile image
Jose651 in reply to Schenks

We're havin' a Party, ✨💃🏻💉🍷🌟

Can we wait until I get me Gobblers (Gnashers) sorted.....end of Oct. then I'll be ready for bottle or draught and all those wonderful goodies you're baking S.

We can provide the liquids etc.

j 😁

in reply to Schenks

I'm on my way Schenks!! Yum yum, always liked midnight feasts in the dorm and the tuck shop. Oh the memories xx

Schenks profile image

See above!!

Schenks profile image

Listen, bluepettals 2, this is my plan and my dream - that you, Jose and pinkpeony and Rapunzel and SeasideSusie, amongst others, have seeded. I'm writing a book about my experiences with the medical profession's dreadful treatment of thyroid disorders, as well as vitamin B12. As you can imagine, it's not entirely reverential, and what I'd like to do is add-on vignettes from other sufferers.

It's intended not only to expose the awfulsituations we find ourselves in, but also to be readable and entertaining. My hope is to publish and my dream is to make some money from it.

It sounds a bit far-fetched, but there it is. And the idea would be to arrange a get-together and just hang out, have a party.... all ideas could be amalgamated into a plan for a meet-up.

I may be havering, but honestly, I would never have thought of it had not some folks told me a few times to write a bl**dy book! And wouldn't it be fun if we managed it? And how about if it made enough to give TUK some dosh to help with the fight?

They say that big things that happen start with a dream....🗿

Schenks profile image

This is rather curious, don't you think? Like minds and parallel experiences. There has to be mileage in this, surely?

Schenks profile image

No - not heard of that one. But I am now exploring and developing my, I guess.

Jose651 profile image

Oh folks, I'm enjoying the craic.

I'm up for Lancaster S. No probs. I'm your proof reader methinks.

J 😂

Schenks profile image
Schenks in reply to Jose651

You definitely are, Guinness! What's with Lancaster S? (Forgive me, been busy for most of the day, riding on a wave of B12 and I'm knackered! Not thinking very crisply!). 😴

Schenks profile image

Lol! This really is weird. I'm a psychotherapist, I've sat in development circles but bolted when it became so accurate as to be scary. I just didn't know where the information was coming from. To cut a very long story short, 25 years later it's coming back and I'm just about to explore how to integrate it into the therapeutic situation. I can identify with everything you've written, apart from the besom!

Schenks profile image

This is really curious. I'm really being drawn along a path here - one off these days we will definitely meet. I'm working on it!

Schenks profile image

Hopefully not for too long. We'll work out how best to do this for all of us. A way will be made... From my mouth to God's ears!

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