Coronavirus- keep our chins up 🥴 - SHARE Metastatic ...

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Coronavirus- keep our chins up 🥴

26 Replies

How ironic is this. My friend in Singapore has had sore eyes for a couple of days. She went to her Consultant as she has had Cancer on her eyelid. They discovered she has an infection/bacteria in her eye from using hand sanitisers everywhere she goes. She has antibiotics and if it doesn’t clear by Friday she has to have an operation. Unbelievable. She said that the panic buying there only lasted two weeks and all is fine. That’s good. I am staying calm if I can. Had a wobbly earlier as hearing what’s happening on the news and then my friends news just freaked me out. I’m ok now. from UK

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26 Replies

Yes she did say that Sandra. The sanitiser certainly isn’t the be all and end all I agree. We have just got to be sensible. She kinda laughed at her stupidity but she’s also concerned about having an eye op. Your opinion is correct. I’m going to stop listening to the news. My friend said originally it’s media hype that’s caused a lot of mass hysteria in Singapore. She said after two weeks they are back to normal.

Best wishes

Well, they have made clear and stated several times here in the US, to keep our hands away from our face. So maybe she was using alot of sanitizer and then without being aware, was rubbing her eyes or constantly touching her face?

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Yes that was more or less what she said poor thing and silly girl 🤭🤩

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Well, I certainly hope the infection goes away and that she does not need surgery. Ironic in that she was trying hard to avoid the virus, and yet now has an eye infection. It is hard not to touch our faces. I think we tend to do it automatically without thinking about it. I hope it clears up with something they can give to her.

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Going out yesterday it was windy and cold and to not dry your runny eyes and nose is hard. Roll on Spring time.

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Great news. No op. Antibiotics worked on her eyes. Bless her she is partially blind in one eye and what with the Cancer on her eyelid last year she was worried. All good 🤩

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Well that certainly is good news and I am sure she has a great sense of relief. Now, we are trying to battle two "devils" at the same time. I am sure she is not the only person out there with the same issue. I have to constantly thing and remind myself NOT to touch my face.

I have to laugh. I was happy about the fact that I actually had six pocket-sized bottles of Purell from my days of the Ibrance that I never opened. I go to open one today from the box and see they expired on November 2019 (that is always me, I find what I need in my medicine cabinet only to see it expired LOL).

But I did google and find that hand sanitizers even if expired can work to keep the hands clean as long as they were never opened yet (mine were not) and that although they may not be 100% effective as opposed to a brand new bottle, they should still work well enough to be used if never opened.

So I kind of had to laugh at myself but since I have them and they are not readily available in any stores near me bc of the panic, I will use them. Better than using nothing from what I read.

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It was good news thank goodness. I hoard as well only to find expiry date has passed. It should be ok. Maybe it will lose the alcohol strength as it gets older. It’s so hard to not touch your face when out. It’s chilly here and when i go out my nose runs as well as my eyes. Of course you always get an itch around your mouth when you don’t want one. It’s almost like Chinese Torture (being over dramatic) not being able to scratch ha ha. Take care and keep using the sanitiser. Have a good weekend.

Justme153 profile image

You Go Girl !!! I AGREE 100%

Barbteeth profile image

Same Sandra...I don’t listen to the news...too much panicking going on

Barb xx

in reply to Barbteeth

I just listen when the mayor or governor of NY has a conference about the virus because they usually state what the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is stating.

They say that if healthy and someone gets it, basically for them it will be like treating the flu and that some people may have gotten the virus and if they are healthy, it may just resolve it and they were not even aware that they had it.

I took public transportation the other day in Brooklyn, holding onto the pole with my coat sleeve. I went shopping and I was out and about. After so many weeks of being stuck in my apt., and now that I have meds to manage the pain, I am getting out as much as I can.

I did only cancel my physical therapy appts. because there are alot of people and I noted during my first time that they had me lay down on a table (like a doctors table) and they had not changed the tissue paper blanket that is usually on the table.

My Cancer Center sent an email that if we are sick, not to come to center (DUH) and that for the time being, any children under 13 will not be allowed to come to the center. Sometimes people bring their children, I guess, if they cannot find a baby sitter.

They showed in NY two women who got into a fist fight (it was videoed) over toilet paper. Not young girls, two women in their 50s pulling each other's hair over Toilet paper. That is more scary to see how people react in a situation like this instead of saying Why dont we share it.

Its the people and forum boards on this topic that share information that they get from unreliable sources. We had one man pass away but he was 69 and had a myriad of health issues to begin with.

Kiera49 profile image

I have mets in lungs and bone I've semi isolated myself until I see oncologist next week, still taking dog out but staying away from public transport and lots of people. Hoping she will say I'm ok to go out as long as I wash hands a lot, dont touch my face and use sanitizer, supposed to be going to concert next week not sure if I'm going

in reply to Kiera49

I have mets in my lungs and bones also. I am not locking myself in my apt. I took a public bus the other day in Brooklyn, using my coat sleeve to hang onto the pole. I carry my Purell with me (but didn't use it LOL) and was careful to remember not to touch my face.

I am sure that is what she is doing to tell you. Here, in NY, the mayor and governor stated that this will be going on for months, not weeks so I doubt your onco will expect you to stay inside. She will tell you just to wash hands alot and more importantly, do not touch your face with your hands.

I am surprised they are still having a concert. Many concerts have been cancelled just as a precaution.

It's too nice out for me to stick inside my apt. It's just doing what they say, wash your hands as much as possible and do not touch your face.

I can't imagine she will tell you to stay inside for months bc it will take them that long before they have a vaccine available.

I would probably still go to the concert and I am not sure where you live but many concerts have been cancelled in NY just as a precaution. but NY is still going strong and the Broadway shows are still playing to packed theaters.

8576 profile image
8576 in reply to

I don't listen to the news all the time either but I do check in to keep up with what is happening. Tom Hanks and his wife have been infected in Australia. This is a serious situation now but I am not staying inside either and I am in the dangerous age were it is difficult to recover from the virus. Younger people seem to be able to fight it off. I would definitely not go to a concert or where there are large crowds or travel far, but I go out and am careful.

Cheers, June S.

in reply to 8576

Yes, well even superstars are not immune from any disease that is out there. But from reading basically, they just felt like they had the flu and were treated and are following the instructions to quarantine themselves. It is NOT an automatic death sentence. For most, they will be treated and will be fine afterwards. The people that have died in the US already had severe health issues.

The regular flu more people actually died from: (See below)

" The flu does kill people: an estimated 61,099 in the U.S. in the worst recent flu season, that of 2017-2018."

Many concerts have been cancelled here in US. They even cancelled the St. Patrick's Day Parade here in NY, a first I believe.

In NY many of my friends (former coworkers) who still work in large firms are being "trained" on working from home (I am taking about a law firm with over 300 attorneys who also will start working from home.) The reality is that this "new normal" will go on for months before they have a vaccine so as usual, so many companies/law firms are realizing that many of their employees will need to work for home in the upcoming months so they are starting training sessions now how employees will be working from home and protocols.

There may be days when some of them have to go in (files are there, but most important legal documents are usually scanned into the computer system).

A partner at a leading large NY law firm contracted the virus and thus his secretary and several attorneys that worked closely with him have also tested positive. They felt fine so I guess bc of that even the large firms are preparing to train the entire staff how to hold the firm together while people work from home.

Besides the obvious medical issues, the financial aspect is going to hurt so many that they will never recover. Small stores, restaurants, hair salons, etc. Sports even such as basketball is still being played but without any fans in the stand, just televised. It is going to have a rippling effect. I think if they can at least find how it spreads to one person to another will make a big difference even if they do not have a vaccine yet.

My friend's husband is a union worker that has worked for years for the union that takes care of setting up Trade Shows in New York. Now, that all trade shows are cancelled, he will not be going to work (along with thousands of others) and he will NOT be getting paid and that is scary bc it could be for months.

We, and others like us with certain medical conditions, just need to be extra careful. That is all we can do.

8576 profile image
8576 in reply to

Yes, I agree. We only can take some precautions and do our best. It is sad for all businesses, and especially the small ones. I am taking extra precautions because of my age, I will be 80 in June. It is hardest on older folks. I am relatively healthy except for this damn cancer and the effects of the medicines we take. Some severe Osteo in my right knee but comes with the territory. But I am not complaining.

I am really worried about the biopsy next week. Didn't have a chance to talk to my Oncologist about it. She just booked it.

Cheers, June S.

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As numbers have increased here in the UK I will not be going to a concert that hubby booked for me as a Christmas gift. I would rather forfeit the money and stay away from the crowds. It was a sell out so I know it will be packed. Will be another time. The organisers may even cancel it themselves.

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I would be surprised if they did not cancel it. So many things in NY are being cancelled. I don't blame you. I would not go to a concert right now. They should cancel it and return people's money. Or if people like you chose not to go because of the current situation, you should be reimbursed for the money you spent on your tickets regardless. They should at least offer that bc it would be the right thing to do. (But we know some are just concerned about making as much money as they can from this.)

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Things are gradually getting cancelled here now. Let’s hope it is the case for us. We purchased our train tickets in advance also. £60. We won’t get that back now grrrrrrrr......

rpeacock profile image
rpeacock in reply to

Smart girl to avoid crowd!

Was going to see Gregory Porter in Birmingham. That means overnight stay in a hotel, train ride there and back and the concert itself. Being as I already had my diagnosis I doubt we will get the money back.

He is great isn’t he Sandra. Soothing, relaxing voice and seems such a nice person when interviewed. Ticketmaster will buy the tickets back but we haven’t investigated that yet. I’m sure he will be in concert again. Meanwhile I will play his CDs in the comfort of my own home 👌🥰🥴

SeattleMom profile image

WOW!! Hope your friend doesn't require surgery and that the antibiotics finally kick in! What a dilemma! Stay healthy!

Love from Seattle! (Where campus of 48,000-student University of Washington has been closed, along with all school districts!)

Hi, I will hear from her later regarding op. Poor thing. She does everything right and it bites back. We live in a City with lots of students and huge Campus. Must be at least 1000 students. I must give them credit. Every Chinese student I have seen has a mask on although news has it they don’t really work. I really enjoy seeing the young studious pupils here but just want them and us to be safe. We live in an apartment opposite an infant/junior school. The little ones are still charging around the playground. Best wishes to you and let’s hope this subsides soon. Our healthcare is so important to us all on here.

Really pleased xx

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