What is the test to diagnose PA? I wa... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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What is the test to diagnose PA? I was told the blood test are a 50/50false-positive.

kaley312 profile image
5 Replies

I was told I may have PA but how or where do I go to see if I do. I have a lot of symptoms especially gastritis, thin and brittle nail, pain in feet and muscles. Thanks Laurie

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5 Replies
lightening profile image

Hi Kaley312. It is such a long time ago since I was diagnosed and all I can tell you having the test done by the G P is usually not thorough enough. Your Gp will have to refer you to the appropriate specialist at your local general hospital. And even then it wasn't just a single blood test it involved other tests too I cannot remember what but ask your doctor to refer you as this is what you suspect good luck. For a speedy conclusion to your concerns. Lightening

Joanne1971 profile image

Hi Kaley,

I had the test done two weeks ago. the test is called Holotc(active B12 test) Holotranscobalamin. It is only done in St.thomas hospital london. see website gsts.co.uk under tab new tests. it costs £18 and you will need a gp letter to have it done. Ihad it done at bedford hospital and the blood was sent to st.thomas..

good luck

I'm still waiting for my results


kaley312 profile image
kaley312 in reply to Joanne1971

Hi Joanne1971! How much is this is U.S. dollars? I'm in the United States. Can it be sent from here? Also I meant to say the tests here have a 50 % false negative not positive. Thanks Laurie

Joanne1971 profile image
Joanne1971 in reply to kaley312

Did you look on the website Laurie. They will be able to tell you. at gsts.

good luck.

johnbarriesmith profile image

Hi Joanne , my experience may not fit with your situation , my auto-immune problems were triggered by " Human Insulin " in 1980 , this after 20yrs of trouble free diabetes on Bovine Insulin . I managed to go back to Bovine in 1987 , this gave some welcome respite but after having to pay for a second opinion in 2006 , due Doctors protecting the Novo Cartel realised that the Auto-immune Polyglandular dammage eating away at my system started only after a few weeks from starting on the "Human Insulin" the Consultant had many more cases like mine .

My PA experience came with a very sore painfull mouth and tongue , could`nt use toothpaste

or fizzie drinks the pain blew my head off Drs mouthwash like wise . Asked my Dentist he got a referral to Maxilliofacial ,was diagnosed Pernicious Aneamia , B12 injections .

The diagnosis stated further complication to my Diabetes , destruction of the digestive section of my Pacrease ( Pancreatic Insufficiensy ) , the reason for the 229 insulin coma`s up to 2006

am taking 6 pork enzyme capsules (Creon ) per meal to digest my food , Thyroid damage was

on 300 mcg /day Levothyroxine but after being given Ciprofloxacin for serious ear infection LevoT no longer works , after 5 mths reasearch found many thousands of people self medicating

Natural Decicated Thyroid , Adrenal damage , B12 , had a camera down , Cealiac free but confirmed PA Intestinal damage ,was on monthly injections but 2yrs ago was told could only have it 3mthly was so tired and ill bought my own off the Net . I use my disposable insulin syringes .

This may not help , but may give an insight into how Big Pharna treats vulnerable patients .

Kindest Regards Barrie . Use other peoples experiences as a shortcut.

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