F*** R.A. and U 2 pain meds.: Hey folks, im new... - Pain Concern

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F*** R.A. and U 2 pain meds.

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Hey folks, im new to this, i have been battling with R.A. and gout of the hands and elbows for 20yrs. now. Its been tough specialty these last few yrs. Doc tells me due to the amount of self inflicted wounds to my body, lets just say im a little orgar-ish. as my family so kindly calls me. that R.A. will probably show up in in other spots that have been damaged (oh joy).

hands swell kinda looks mickey mouses hands, tingling,loss of feeling in fingers, feels like sand in every joint in hands and elbows and boy does it hurt.

i have been treating and managing this my own way, the idea of tellin someone that you are gonna have live on prescription meds aka painkillers from now on well that just aint gonna fly! im lookin for some other remedize that yall might have.

my treatment is ice hands and elbows 4-5 times a night 30mins a pop, 1200mgs in 24hrs, compression to control swelling and bio-freeze as need for pain.

any advice would be greatly appreciated. oh and sorry for the ramblin on just good to let some of this crap out

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katieoxo60 profile image

Hi there , you sound really frustrated. I have hand trouble not sure if it is the gout or Osteo. I wear a splint on the worst hand. Cold compress does work so does wax, rubs of cream, painkillers lessen the pain. I found chilli creams were good. Oh I have tried most things without finding a perfect solution. There are quite a few herbal remedies, some quite cheap, I've had trouble like this for around thirty years so understand your dread of the future pain. I find a combination of remedies that suit often works best. Different foods sometimes help, i.e like cherries for gout. It is worth spending a few hours researching remedies. I am diagnosed as Gout, Osteo, COPD/Asthma, high blood pressure, not easy to find an herbal remedy for all. Hope you find an answer soon.

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