Back in remission, 8 years on, 4 recurrences. - My Ovacome

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Back in remission, 8 years on, 4 recurrences.

Meryl1 profile image
24 Replies

Hi, just wanted to share a small hoorah with you all, as I finished my last chemo 10 days ago (weekly taxol) and my oncologist confirmed my scans are clear and my CA125 is back to normal. And with the Paxman cold cap my hair was not only saved, it grew! I was diagnosed 3c 8 years ago at 45. I was also diagnosed last month with BRCA1 which ironically opens up new future treatments, Parp inhibitors, tho I have an 85% chance of developing BC before I'm 70, so I'm now on an accelerated screening programme. Anyway I'm planning a holiday to Iceland around Easter - the dog sledding looks so decadent! My lovely husband is looking worried........ Hugs to you all, what a great source of support you are, Meryl xx

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Meryl1 profile image
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24 Replies
TrishLey profile image

Congrats to you x such heartening news thanks for sharing. X

Great news and have a fabulous holiday!

Whippit profile image

What wonderful news Meryl and an encouraging story for us all!

Enjoy your Easter holiday dog sledding. That sounds amazing! xx love Annie

sharonc59 profile image

Fabulous news Meryl!! Have a lovely well deserved holiday.

Best wishes

Sharon xxx

Woody64 profile image

Congratulations 8 years on how fantastic.

trix70 profile image

Hi, so good to read, enjoy your holiday. Trix

Congrats on your news, have a wonderful holiday. Iceland is awesome..

Aemi profile image

Hi Meryl, great news, so pleased for you. 😄

Aemi x

Great news have a wonderful holiday x Janis

LesleyGreengran profile image

THat's wonderful to hear and gives us all hope. Have a great time in Iceland.

Solange profile image

What fantastic news, Meryl. So pleased for you.

Love, Solange

Lovis profile image

Wonderful! Lovis x

thesilent1 profile image

Hi Meryl. 8 years on from 3c gives me hope. Enjoy your Icelandic holiday. Ann xo

salley profile image

So glad to read this my CA125 has just gone up only to 62 but it's up its been 14 months since I finished chemo I was stage 4 but am feeling ok and ready to do it all again if I have to. Love to you all out there xxx

That is a great news well done, you must be so happy and also busy planning your trip, that is the trip of a life time. You are quite right to go and do something like this your deserve it, onwards and upwards from now on and give those husky dogs a pat from me

totty profile image

So glad your news is good enjoy that fantastic holiday, ive got my sons wedding to look forward to, my next check 30th march but feeling fine Marilyn

AnnieMae profile image

Wonderful news Meryl - hope you get to Iceland!


Annette xxx

Hertsmum profile image

What a heartening and hope-giving post, enjoy your holiday. My kids were saying the other night they would like to go there so was looking online and it looks incredible! Thanks for sharing good news,

Madeline x

baxbird profile image

fandabiedosie news! What a lovely positive post for us all to share

Dawn xx

Btte profile image

Hi Meryl great post,cheered me up may it continue for you. Just out of interest what cell cancer do you have. Love Bridie xx

Meryl1 profile image
Meryl1 in reply to Btte, thanks everyone for all your lovely thoughts, means a lot. Booking the Hol tomorrow. Husband still looks doubtful re the huskies, but just has to be done/fun. Bridie, it's epithelial, which I'm told is pretty common? Merylx

Tricia12 profile image

Your story is an inspiration to keep positive. Have a great holiday. Best wishes - Pat

Jackie0 profile image

Absolutely Great news!!! Just what we all want to hear.

Have a fantastic holiday !!

Much love JackieO

ginger69 profile image

Wonderful....wonderful news! xx

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