Posts - NRAS | HealthUnlocked


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All posts for March 2020

Pre paid gas and electric.

I would like to know if there is anyone on pre paid gas and electric tariff. If...
robsim profile image

Update on Coronavirus Texts

Hi again everyone! Just thought I'd do an update from Monday's post, in case any...
Kags1068 profile image

Self isolation

Hi I am taking methotrexate 25mg and adilumabab injections. Mixed messages abou...
fidget03 profile image
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Sick notes

I spoke to my rhuemo nurse on Monday,she advised that i’d be better to self isol...
Mollieharry profile image

Letters ?

Im on methotrexate and benipali i havent been out since friday and not intending...
Babybaps44 profile image

NHS staff and RA

I take leflunamide for my Ra, I am well controlled and luckily in remission. Am ...
pool0009 profile image

Low risk

Just been to the doctors to have my routine bloods she said all letters and txts...
emma88 profile image

Letter re high risk

My partner and I should be high risk but neither of us have received a txt/lette...

Don’t be blasé or flippant about this, please. It is our lives at stake.

Please, please, stay at home.
Brushwork profile image

Scottish NHS/Government letters

Can someone please provide some information on receiving a letter from the Scott...
193639 profile image

Blood tests

Does anyone know if we should still be attending the hospital for our blood test...
Lisamac7414 profile image

Dont forget National Rheumatoid arthritis society out there

NRAS for short for new people. If you are a member you get a really good magasin...
allanah profile image

Day 1 of garden antics - off topic

Today was strawberry planting. I loved the fact I have done it as part of 12 wee...
Hidden profile image

Shield and Self Isolate

Does anyone know the difference between shield and self isolate? Shielding is a ...
Jimminey profile image

Daily walks

I am new to this forum l am really enjoying reading your posts .l was just wonde...
Swimming20 profile image

Immune system

This is a very ignorant question! Does RA itself lower/weaken our immune system...
Vivienham profile image

A little giggle

Bit cheeky but made me laugh
allanah profile image

makes us think x

We all share something here and weve all eventually accepted that we have arthri...
jenn72 profile image


I’ve just these injection does anyone have any experience they can share?
JJJA profile image

round 2

Well that was a interesting message i got back from the gp she rates me as mediu...
listellor profile image

Prednisone/ breathing difficulties

Does prednisone cause breathing problems? My husband has RA plus breathing diffi...
Hidden profile image

Free Vitamin D

Get out in the sun today preferably with bare arms and get some vitamin D. 🌞
Lolabridge profile image

😱😱no hairdressers no beauty treatment

This will be me in a few weeks . I’m sure I can grow a better tash than that
Hidden profile image

No biologics......

Ive just found out that no treatment will start for at least 12 weeks. Im not on...
Ms-D profile image

Corona virus and hydroxychloruquine

anyone seen that the health researchers/ scientists are looking at hydroxychloro...
MrsWoman profile image

To work or not to work

Have to go to work in gp surgery tomorrow On entaracept bio similar for RA and ...
thould profile image

Positive occupational health assessment

I had a telephone based occupational health assessment yesterday for work. The p...

Positive occupational health assessment

I had a telephone based occupational health assessment yesterday for work. The p...
Summerrain14 profile image

COVID-19 - Comprehensive and useful links to info.

Hi, I've just received an extremely well organised email from Disability Rights ...
Hidden profile image

Register here to ensure you will get support - a government site

'Register if you have a medical condition that makes you extremely vulnerable t...
Moomin8 profile image