Fell down the stairs should I talk to my GP or my Spe... - NRAS


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Fell down the stairs should I talk to my GP or my Specialist??

Jj01994 profile image
11 Replies

While away from home dogsitting (December 27 - January 4.) I fell down the stairs, I got home yesterday, but on December 28th I fell down the stairs and bruised up my left ribs and shoulder blade pretty bad, and somehow twisted my right leg affecting my ankle, knee and hip and to top things off I smash the right side of my head giving myself a minor concussion. It has been over a week now and I am still pretty banged up so considering if I should go and see a doctor but if I do not sure if I should just phone up my GP or try and see my RA specialist?? Any advice on who to see or tips for pain?? I do see my RA physiotherapist tomorrow so would it also be good to bring it up with them?? Hope everyone is doing there personal best in this cold weather and thank you for any advice I can get.

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Jj01994 profile image
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11 Replies
sylvi profile image

See if you can get to see your gp or if youfeel that ill go to A&E,,xx

helixhelix profile image

If you think you need more than rest, ice and tylenol/paracetamol then I’d see GP.

And physio will be able to assess whether your twisted leg needs an x-ray or just time.

Hi Jj01994

I'm sorry to hear about your accident and wish you a speedy recovery.

The first port of call for medical assistance and advice if you feel it is non-urgent but necessary would be NHS 111. They can also advise on whether you may need to see another healthcare professional such as your GP.

I would definitely raise it with your physio as they are also trained to assess injuries such as this and will refer you to get tests (e.g. X-Ray/Ultrasound) or other professionals if they feel it is warranted, or be able to offer you support in caring for the injuries.

If you feel you require urgent medical attention then please consider visiting your local NHS walk in center (NHS 111 can direct you to your local site or you can use this webpage: nhs.uk/service-search/other....

I hope this is helpful.

Wishing you all the best,

Hannah - NRAS

nomoreheels profile image

You are in the wars. I would think the second tumble down the stairs were as a result of the first. I'm not sure if it would be the same as here in the UK but it's easier to see a GP first, certainly if you don't feel as though you're any better from the normal things of resting, cold compressions etc re your joints. If your GP thinks you may have damage or you should see your Rheumy he will recommend it I'm sure, or possibly suggest you attend Urgent Care.

I hope you feel less shaken up soon & that you've not done any damage.

Jj01994 profile image

Update: I saw Pyhsio today and they said I definitely bruised my scapula and ribs, and likely twisted (over extended) muscles in my leg, they could not really say much about the concussion as it is not their area of practice. We used interferential today on my ribs and will probably use it next week as well. They recommend that if it is not getting better or gets worse go see emergency or my gp or if I felt like I needed to.

AgedCrone profile image

As you are in Canada …do you have minor injury units you can visit? If not….I think it might be a good idea speak to the nurse at your GP practice.

Jj01994 profile image
Jj01994 in reply to AgedCrone

I am in Canada but in my small area we only have emergency, GP or a select few Specialists. I also do not know if there is a nurse at my GPs or if they just have a secretary for answering the phone.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Jj01994

You need to ask around & see what the position is…if ….God forbid ….you do catch Covid…you don’t want to be waiting to find out what to do when you might be feeling poorly.

Jj01994 profile image
Jj01994 in reply to AgedCrone

For covid we have it set up that is I am feeling mild symptoms then I make a phone appointment with my GP and they will order a rapid test which my family or close friend will pick up and then we will see if it is covid or something else. Also if I am feeling too poorly I am supposed to go to emergency, for care.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Jj01994

Well at least you have that sorted out.I hope you feel better soon

Feelingpoorly profile image

Hi I’m not really that experienced as I am early in my journey of RA but please seek medical help (in whatever format you can) You have had a bad fall and your joints are delicate so must be preserved as much as possible. Plus you need the reassurance that only a Doctor can give you regarding recovery and possible ongoing treatment,I am in Canada (Calgary) visiting my son and his family - it is mighty cold! I have never known cold like this this ever (I live in the UK) I have been here for three weeks but it so difficult to get out and about! I go home in a few days, please take care, I wish you a speedy recovery and I am sending a huge hug to you ♥️

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