Really on the bottom at the moment can't see anyway o... - NRAS


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Really on the bottom at the moment can't see anyway out.

geordienemisis profile image
13 Replies

I've had both antivirus jabs and was fine. As I don't go out much it's not a great problem. Fast forward to the 24th of July, a sad day as I lost my mom 2 years ago on this date. I get invited to an army reunion. Had a wonderful day the next day I was a little hungover but by lunchtime I was ill I'd only tested positive for Covid 19. I checked with all other chaps who were present and none had any issues. I've been ill since then had Drs out even ambulance at one point, I just can't seem to get over it. I feel ok for an hour or so then back to tight chest coughing no taste etc. I lost a lot of weight due to not eating I'm drinking plenty of fluids but my urine is coffee coloured. Just feel so bad.

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geordienemisis profile image
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13 Replies
sylvi profile image

I am sorry you are suffering and i hope you soon recover. xxxxx

Madmusiclover profile image

Don’t hesitate to get more medical help. Hope you feel better soon.

Boxerlady profile image

So sorry to hear that, it does take time to recover from this horrible bug but must be awful 😢When you say that you are drinking plenty are you having plain water/squash/diluted juice as well as things like tea and coffee? If not, maybe try to drink a glass of water every time you have a tea/coffee.

It must be hard to eat when you have no taste, let alone when you're feeling awful; maybe you could try some fortified drinks? The GP could prescribe some or you could buy some at the chemist.

Mmrr profile image

Sorry to hear this.If your urine is coffee coloured it sounds as if you are not drinking enough ?

Not normally recommended, but sugary drinks can help rehydrate you in the short term when you are not so well.

Keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing?

Pinkypie2018 profile image

I tested positive a month ago and I still wouldn’t be back to full health. For the first 3 weeks I just felt dreadful then maybe one day il feel better but the next day bad again. Only started my meds again last week and of course this week I felt awful again. My taste still hasn’t returned and I had no appetite either so I do understand it’s hard. But the colour of your urine is concerning, try and drink a few extra fluids today and if it’s still really dark tomorrow I would ring your gp. Covid certainly takes it out of us so I do hope you feel better soon.

medway-lady profile image

Urine should be very pale in colour so I'd guess either your not drinking enough or have a UTI so if your feeling rough ring your GP and ask for a UTI test but drinking enough is subjective if your drinking because your thirsty then your dehydrated already. The NHS website has a lot of information about UTI's or it could even be a kidney infection as generally that will make someone feel ill but isn't always painful as the kidneys are just bags of blood being processed. I'd urge you to not just assume this is all down to Covid as a lot of the people who get sickest do have some form of kidney disease. I believe its something like 40%. And if your pee looks like coffee grounds or a bit pinkish then call 111 asap.

Wobbies profile image

Take medway-lady's advice. You might have something completely different going on.

So sorry to read you are suffering, covid is such a horrible virus and it can take some time to get over it. My sister had it last year and it took her at least 6 weeks to feel markedly better.

When I had pneumonia I lost my appetite completely and my GP told me because I wasn't eating you have to drink ALOT to make up from the fluid you would have gotten from food.

I would increase your water intake alot, would also contact your GP for further urine tests to check of there isn't anything else going on just to be sure.

You've got to drinks litres per day especially of you aren't eating.

Hope you start to feel better soon

Green230461 profile image

Glad you got to see your mates again! It is good to keep in touch especially in these strange times! You can go without eating a great deal but you do need to drink. Suck ice cubes or crushed ice if long drinks are affecting you. Take a urine sample first thing and get it to your doc you may need antibiotics.

Keep in touch and let us know how you get on- you need to get better to celebrate with your comrades again. 👍

Sheila_G profile image

Covid symptoms can last a very long time but what concerns me is the urine problem. You need urgent medical attention. Call 111 or ring GP for an urgent appointment. I hope you feel better soon.

stbernhard profile image

Coffee coloured pee. Not good. Contact a doctor as soon as possible. You're going through a bad patch, your body is weakened, you need all the medical help yo can get. All the best.

Happy5 profile image

Ooo nasty perhaps a member of staff was asymptomatic at the venue?However you got it , viral infections do knock you for six.

So be patient about recovery it will come, albeit slowly.

Agree with others you must get urine, kidney function tested asap.

Also good tips about the fortified foods, that can be obtained via GP.

Wishing you speedy recovery :)

ketiv74 profile image

That sounds awful. Hope you are getting whatever help and treatment needed. Hang in there. Sending prayers and warm wishes your way. Good luck!

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