What???: Had anybody read this?? “Elderly to be... - NRAS


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Eiram50 profile image
92 Replies

Had anybody read this??

“Elderly to be quarantined for four months in ‘wartime style’ mobilisation to combat coronavirus, writes Robert Peston.

We are not even being informed directly by government now. It’s increasingly difficult to have faith in anything we are told.

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Eiram50 profile image
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92 Replies
Mmrr profile image

My daughter sent me the link Marie, I really doubt the extreme measures outlined in the article will come to fruition. The management of ensuring people had enough food and stayed quarantined would be prohibitive.

But, who knows what will happen.

The news coming out just now of the catastrophic management of the US in dealing with screening people coming into the country is just one example of rushed through, ill thought out policies.

Hopefully Governments learn.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Mmrr

Let’s hope so.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Eiram50

I believe it's the scaremongering of articles / news such as this that in part, at least, fuelling the stockpiling of goods.

I was tempted to get up out of bed and go to the supermarket after reading this , but have resisted 🛌 🤣

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Mmrr

How is it scare mongering when the health secretary is saying it COULD happen maybe not for that long but I’m sure it will happen at some point..happy to be corrected If I’m wrong!, We probably won’t hear anything definite now until the beginning of next week, but this government should be leading from the front and giving us a daily update..to stop all the scare mongering , give us the facts..not sure if we’d get the truth!! And, start rationing..blinking pasta and toilet roll!..there’s plenty for everyone but because everyone is panicking, the stores can’t fill the shelves quick enough!

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to 3LittleBirds2

I just can't see it happening logistically, everyone over 70 and the vulnerable and all their carers at home ? For 4 months ?

But we will see.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Mmrr

I absolutely agree..4 months is very extreme and I know for sure there will be a lot of elderly people including my mother who would flout the rule!!! But, I can see us go into some kind of lockdown like, Italy, Spain etc.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Yes, something big is coming.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

Everyone I know over 70 can’t see it happening.....as you say the management would be impossible. Every 70+ household would need a permanent helper.

Maybe if doctors were asked to supply details of those really at risk that might make some sort of isolation possible?

We keep being told there are more pensioners than workers....so all the overpaid boffins who thought of this idea had better think of a few refinements.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to AgedCrone

Like I said I’m happy to be corrected! I think isolation will come at some point to some vulnerable groups absolutely I do. I’ve seen many people offering to keep an eye on their elderly neighbours and friends..including my husband and my myself. ..community spirit and kindness will help a lot! One good thing about the UK in a crisis we pull together..even if some don’t wash their hands! 😷

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to 3LittleBirds2

But do you think your local council has the manpower, the money and the will to organise this?

Central Government can’t tackle it.

You can’t have any old ”kind body” going into houses occupied by 70+ people.

No matter how willing people are.....they will all have to be tested to make sure they aren’t carriers. That will take weeks.......they don’t have the staff or equipment to do that now...so how can it happen?

Not to mention security.....I certainly don’t want untested strangers coming in to my house .........

I agree we will all pull together & battle through.

I just wish all these doom laden stories would stop being circulated by the media......I’m sure it’s frightening an awful lot of people.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to AgedCrone

Can the NHS cope with the amount of elderly people who may need to be hospitalised, with only 5000 respirators across the country? I’m sorry I do feel our vulnerable and elderly members of society need to be bubble wrapped at the moment ..I’m

not paid to worry or deal with the logistics of how we will do this..that’s down to Boris and the government, all I can do is look out for those close to me who may need our help.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to AgedCrone

I forgot to say I absolutely agree with the doom laden stories!! Thursday evening was very scary... with Boris announcing that many will lose people close to them before their time..sending my daughter who developed a cough (not corona virus we believe but can’t be tested!) and saw her grandmother before it erupted, into a complete panic!!

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to AgedCrone

The “kind” bit comes from my personal situation helping my elderly neighbours or friends who know me well. 😊

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

Absolutely AC, something will happen re isolation, but what is being suggested is farcical. I'm with you.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

I know this won’t be on everyone’s shopping list, but as we aren’t going to be able to go out having fun and spending money - I’m going to make sure I have some really nice bottles of wine in my cupboard!

The way I look at it .....it’s here it’s happening we’ve got to get on with it.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to AgedCrone

A few years ago I would have happily joined you with a wee sup of nice wine, but I just can't drink alcohol , one of my first symptoms (I knew something was wrong with me 🤣).

So, I've been buying nice fish, eating really well and downloading films from Amazon prime that I would normally grudge paying for.

My partner brought lots of fresh food yesterday, I've just finished making fresh tomato, red pepper and basil soup in my soup maker......y u m

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Mmrr

It will all work out in the end....we just have to remain positive and if all the scary announcements they make on television sound like rubbish .....they probably are.

Enjoy your soup....I made my weekly “ bottom of the fridge soup” on Friday.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to AgedCrone

Omg! I year for a glass but I’m terrified this goes badly wrong with the crutches!!!

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Eiram50

Drunk in charge of crutches

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Eiram50

You are so right! I guess you could always have a nightcap 🍷when you are actually in bed – put a chair beside the bed in case you roll over?

I have just been looking at retirement apartments .....one place I looked at they had a facility whereby if you fall out of bed there is a sensor on the floor that rings a bell somewhere and then someone comes and picks you up!

Don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet!

Another gimmick is there is some sort of gizmo where you can speak to the next room ......I decided I wasn’t going to spend money on that as I live alone and I can talk to myself and hear myself without needing an expensive gadget!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to AgedCrone

Not a bad idea. I may have a little dram when in bed this evening -

Got to have some joy!

And no danger going downstairs to bathroom as I’m now proud custodian of the dreaded commode!!!

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to AgedCrone


happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to AgedCrone

In our community we have a wonderful care network of volunteers. They have helped me with shopping and bits and bobs for up to 6 weeks when I've been unwell, all volunteers. But they would be very overstretched and it depends on peoples good will.

I am very lucky where I live.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

I agree. I think it’s inevitable and after much soul searching and listening to both UK and Scottish advice, I’ve taken the decision to self isolate. This does mean keeping the girls out of school, which has been a wrench of a decision being that my daughters about to sit her highers. However, the school have already said they’d email the last pieces of work and I’ve no doubt that as we reach the Easter break, this is when Nicola

Will take the decision to close the schools and their highers will be pushed back anyway.

RosieA profile image

Hum! Does Rapunzel come to mind? Why stop with just over 70s, why not include those with underlying health concerns etc. All heresay at present, will just await glorious leader to confirm when he's got a moment. Only one not phased is my mum, 86, been there before - next thing I know they'll be evacuating her again!!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to RosieA

But where will we evacuate to? I had the south of France in mind... but that’s out the window now & the Costa Del Sol too! Positano? Guess not there either?

I suppose Africa isn’t too badly affected?

But if all the airlines go broke how do we get there?

I didn’t Realise we would have all these decisions to make! 😷😷😷

RosieA profile image
RosieA in reply to AgedCrone

Needs to be an island. How about Tresco for those with sea legs!!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to RosieA

Too cold for me!

Thingybob profile image
Thingybob in reply to AgedCrone

Maybe we head to south korea as they seem to be just about over things lol!

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Thingybob

Ah... 1°C...fraid not TBob!

Stayloose profile image

I read it last night. No doubt it will stimulate more panic buying. I am listening to gov advice only, not ITV com. If the public at large were community spirited and generous hearted they would resist.

lnterestingly as a country we gave money generously to sport relief. Would we have donated our allowance of T Roll, hand gel and pasta????🤔

in reply to Stayloose

😂 I don’t think charity would stretch that far

Stayloose profile image
Stayloose in reply to


helixhelix profile image

That’s what I find sad. If people followed the advice right from the first day, and took sensible precautions it would have spread much more slowly.

Going out and about yesterday people didn’t seem to be bothering, or even use all this hand-gel they are stockpiling. A woman on the tube who was coughing didn’t use a tissue let alone her elbow. And I ate in a restaurant and I was the only one who went to wash my hands before I ate.

So panic buy toilet rolls, but can’t make the effort to get a paper hankie out of their pockets....?

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to helixhelix

It’s worrying.

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to helixhelix

Absolutely agree HH, some of the cavalier attitudes we are all seeing and reading about play a massive part of the problem.

Just take care, simple interventions go a long way.

happytulip profile image

Matt Hancock is on Andrew Marr any minute to explain it....

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to happytulip

Watching as I type!

Shalf profile image

Governments plans to be published tomorrow apparently.

Timing of actions seems to be crucial

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Shalf

I’m doing it now. Difficult decision regarding the girls schooling but my feeling is I can’t go wrong, being a couple of weeks ahead of government advice

hatshepsut profile image
hatshepsut in reply to Eiram50

Me too. I'm lucky, I only have grandchildren to worry about. I do feel that self isolation is common sense, and at some point it won't only be the sick and elderly. Good news that the Scottish government are reintroducing testing. We have to learn from the experience of other countries....that's how South Korea have managed to keep deaths down.

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to hatshepsut

Couldn’t agree more

Gjkas profile image

Just been watching the News and they said that People over 70 were to stay indoors from TODAY.

My Hubby has to do some shopping,so i told him that he's going to have to go in and do it today. Im housebound so I can't go with him Poor Love.

Yep, it's just flashed across the top of my phone. People over 70 to self isolate for up to 4 months. Ive been housebound for over 5 years, so that's nothing new to me. But like my Hubby and a lot of other people They have to go out ,and do bit of shopping. How are we all gonna manage What about our important hospital Appointments. I don't think that they should have stated that length of time. People are gonna be panicking even more now. I was supposed to be going in hospital within the next few weeks. Have had my Pre Admission Assessment. I'm a high risk Patient,so thats gonna be stopped. When I was at the hospital yesterday, the head Nurse said that she thinks that the worst will be over in about a month. I felt a little easier after she said that. Then all this comes on the News. I'm just wondering who's going to be right. 🤔

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Gjkas

We must be looking at different news channels Gjkas, I just heard it was 70+ will asked to self isolate in the coming weeks, potentially for months. Not from today?

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to KittyJ

I heard it on the BBC Wales News.

Im hoping that we'll be coming Out of self isolation within the next coming weeks. Not going in.

The Head Nurse at the Hospital that I had to attend last Thursday said that she thinks that the worst will be over in about 4 weeks ( We'll see ).

We have it ,we have to cope with it.

We got no choice.

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to Gjkas

I’ve just looked at BBC Wales news and it doesn’t say that it says ”The minister also said it was "entirely possible" that over-70s will be advised to self-isolate for up to four months.” This was updated and hour ago so don’t worry 😊

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to KittyJ

Thats not what it said this morning. There was nothing on it that said it was entirely possible. Also the word Advised wasn't used at all.

If this was updating an hour ago. By the end of the day it will probably be updated again with something that's entirely different..

in reply to Gjkas

I listened to bbc Radio 4 this morning and the Scottish CMO, Dr Catherine Calderwood, was interviewed. I have to say she spoke like the voice of reason. Maybe what she said was right or maybe not - but the effect was calming and restorative and any calming is good in my book.

Then there followed others speaking about fear being the worst disease - including a chap who is an NHS consultant working with people with ME. He said they think that fear causes the immune system to misfire and this is they think what causes post viral illnesses. So the more frightened we are the more we are likely to suffer a more severe form of Covid19 and a slower, more prolonged recovery. The mind and body are so completely entwined that he feels sure that fear is more likely to cause harm to the world both in the short and long term, than any virus.

Of course he might have been wrong - but he said it’s an impossible balance. Isolating the already socially isolated could do as much, if not more harm to them than helping people through laughter and diversion. radiotimes.com/tv-programme...

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

I can see

The reasoning in that. I guess, one of the greatest difficulties is we feel we are at the mercy of the information given to us by the government.

in reply to Eiram50

Absolutely. And I think feeling lied to when we are already used to living with invisible, sometimes rare diseases, makes us feel even more vulnerable and paranoid about possible hidden political agendas. Or we just feel frightened that we are being led by politicians who aren’t bright enough, nor trust that they are motivated by genuine, morally sound principles - parliament of fools and all that. But the Cobra group includes 4 CMOs, epidemiologists, immunologists and others who are very bright.

Which is why we must try out level best not to let fear rule our home time or dominate our social communications. We have phones, we have the internet, we have FaceTime and social media - including these forums. We have wash basins and running water and hopefully, soap.

So maybe the best approach to adopt is one of pragmatic compassion? I mean every dark cloud has a silver lining so good will need to come out of this pandemic as well as all the sad and very bad stuff.

So I’m resolved to try my hardest to focus on and enjoy each bulb and flower, the spring sunshine, the tv, the radio, the birds, the odd phone call etc. Life is too short, regardless of Covid 19, to do otherwise.

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to

Yes i agree. The more stressed we are , the worst our illnesses affect us. I've got Valvular Heart Disease, COPD ,Asthma ,Angina,Chronic Fibromyalgia.

also Phneurpathic pain.

Since this Coronavirus has started,my pains have been going through the roof. My Neurologist told me that stress is the major cause of all the pain that I am in. But how can you stop the stress,about the Coronavirus when nearly every channel you put on the TV is about the same thing.

Yes, we need laughter and calming conversations to help calm our

Mind, Body and Soules .

Yes, you are definitely right. Anything calming is good in my Books.

Thankyou 😊

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Gjkas

Take care x

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to Eiram50

You Too.👍xx

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Gjkas

Turn off the TV and read a good book.

I learned my lesson about stress when I had breast cancer...after being diagnosed with RA.

My consultant said I seemed very laid-back having just been given a cancer diagnosis......he said that was a very good sign.

I was never a great worry..... guts but I did over think things. ....but from that point on I thought Qué serà,serà, ...and believe me Life is a hell of a lot better if you don’t spend your time worrying about things that will probably never happen!

Even if they do happen...you can deal with them if you stop fretting for no reason.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Gjkas

Who is going to decide who is over 70?

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to AgedCrone

In terms of?

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Eiram50


Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to AgedCrone

Good question. Whoever it is,i hope that they don't wanna see our Birth Certificates.Or that leaves me and my Hubby out. Hahaha.x.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to Gjkas

Lose your birth certificates and lie..... As far as I know this is not a civil offence .....yet?

I know people younger than me who smoke & are obese & they are far more likely to end up in that intensive care bed then I am.

I do know statistics say that at 70+ I’m more likely to succumb to the virus but there are a hell of a lot of youngsters out there who should take their diet & lifestyle in hand before all us 70+ are locked in.

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to AgedCrone

Is like to think they’d give sensible and common sense advice as you can get very healthy and fit over 70’s! We have a holiday booked for June with my mum, she can still travel (at the moment) if she provides a letter from her GP saying she is fit and healthy.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to 3LittleBirds2

I’ve been thinking.....don’t be so surprised .....70+ Can still think you know!

Why should 70+ + lock themselves away ,order their food online and never go for a walk? When youngsters are driving, walking, biking all over the place spreading their germs?

I think I’ll take my chance on dodging those germs !!!

If I want to go to visit my friends at the seaside I will get in my little car,wearing dark glasses & a long blonde wig & off I will go!

Won’t that Copper who stops me for speeding be surprised?

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to AgedCrone

😂😂 I absolutely agree..I think the over 70’s are a very stoic generation..war babies and parents lived through a world war not knowing if their house was going to bombed and rationing for years!! We have running water, internet, food (if the panic buying stops!) , TV , books and the radio. I honestly believe that it will

Be the most vulnerable in society who will be quarantined..in care homes etc, and essential trips only for everyone else? But, like you say I feel we will be seeing stories of the over 70’s being arrested for flouting the rules..my mother included!! Stay well and safe..and enjoy that trip!!

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to AgedCrone

You are so right. I don't know where our Birth Certificates are anyway.

They are in one of 4 drawers.

A lot of the youngsters out there are just as successable to this Virus as we are. Most of them don't know how to cook. Its mostly takeaways and microwave meals. Us Oldies have a much better diet. It's our age that goes against us. Oh well, we can't do much about that.

You Take Care. Gjkas xx

Eiram50 profile image

My understanding is that Germany are doing far

More, and with greater speed. I’ve just heard that the Scottish government are reintroducing testing.

The lady from Edinburgh uni, in the Andrew marr show is very clear - testing, testing, testing.

AgedCrone profile image

Matt Hancock....SSH....has just said on TV confining 70+ to their homes is in “The Plan”...... ..... But he didn’t offer any details ......probably because there aren’t any!

Right now talk is cheap...but on the other hand nobody knows for certain how fast this virus will disappear or how many people will be disabled by it......70+ or not.

On the whole I think the majority of 70+ are taking sensible steps & the majority of us will cope....but with some inconvenience.

But it’s no body’s fault.. ....so let’s just get on with it.

If this isolation does come about we will have to get organised ....it’s no good just saying we need a pint of milk .....it’s going to have to be done on at least a fortnightly basis of food provision maybe even monthly.

So let’s get started on menu planning so that we don’t end up with cheese and tomatoes for the sandwiches but no bread!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to AgedCrone


3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to AgedCrone

I think a lot of elderly people will self isolate anyway..I know my mum is bunkered down and only going out for her daily paper or supplies to the local Tesco Express , she’s very fit probably fitter than me as I’ve got flaring RA..about to change treatments but I doubt that will happen at the moment and I can kiss goodbye to hand ops for a while I’m sure...but not much I can do about it. Apart from work which is public facing , food shop and walking dogs away from crowds already..I’m not going out much anyway, have things planned for the next 4 months but waiting to see how it all pans out and prepared for them being cancelled. Stay safe everyone xx

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

You too x

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Take care x

in reply to AgedCrone

I made a no knead bread.. it’s easy and delicious. I’m not buying extra food I’ll just stretch out what I’ve got . As it’s best I don’t work because of this pesky virus I will experiment

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Us too! The trick for me will be keeping the girls occupied and distracted from the increasing dear around so, plenty flout etc = plenty baking

Eiram50 profile image

Thank goodness we have a large garden so we can at least feel safe in getting fresh air. I’ve now talked the girls into planting some carrots, pots etc - gives them something to do and keeps us up to date with our five a day!

Agoodlife profile image

So here we are we old sufferers! I wonder how all the more ill immobile old folks are going to manage in their homes. Perhaps new systems need to be developed with robots taking care of contacts?What about service homes?

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to Agoodlife

It’s a difficult time and a greater challenge, we’ve yet to face.

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Yes but it’s not just the elderly but the vulnerable it’s us too. I’ve just heard on bbc news

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Nuttyshirlz

I agree..many of us are immune suppressed and still need to work, I’m awaiting further developments from the government or my employer and the union on how i stand especially in a front facing role if I need to isolate.

in reply to 3LittleBirds2

This open letter was shared by someone on the Lupus UK Community. I think, until encouraging social distancing amongst all age groups becomes government policy, I personally won’t risk being in contact with the general public nor will I have physical contact with my own young adults from now on. But it needs the government to say this in order for jobs and incomes to be protected.

I’m not immunesuppressed but I do have inherent immune dysfunction underlying my autoimmune diseases. I plan to ask my new rheumatologist’s advice on whether to go ahead with the plan to restart immunesuppression at my consultation on Tuesday.


3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to

Hi Twitchy and thanks for this! I was off sick before the situation got this bad and I’m on leave next week and was looking to return to work on the 25/3. Like you say I need clarification from my employer and the union that I will be protected if I don’t return to work at the moment. We can offer phone appointments but I can’t do this from home..and we would need to stay open for the most vulnerable in society if they need to speak to someone face to face and NO WAY would they close us, there would be outrage . But, there are things I could do behind the scenes but would I still want to take the risk..I don’t think I would!

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Fortunately, due to ankle

Replacement, I’m in sick leave currently although I’ve been informed I’ll be going in half pay 18/4 - at which point I would have planned to return a couple of weeks after this.

However, as a front line children and families social worker and the vulnerabilities I have, I’m not sure of the wisdom of this. How that works, I will need to wait and see in terms of what government/ local authority decide but, it is what it is - I’ve been poor before and survived

in reply to Eiram50

Sorry my son phoned just as I was editing to include this open letter - which may affect further cobra meetings and Matt Hancock announcements I suspect:


Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Can’t open it?

in reply to Eiram50

Try again I’m out in garden with gloves on so typing not easy but I re pasted! 😉

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Thank you

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to

Thank you for sharing..let’s hope our government takes notice! 🙏

in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Well my situation is fairly tense too. I’m having a long term flare up and waiting to see my rheumatologist for results of lung function tests - also an echocardiogram (my first ever) looking for pulmonary hypertension. Apparently this is my highest risk because I have overlap CTD pointing most to CREST/ limited scleroderma. Obviously if I do have PAH or were to develop it I’d be very high risk from Covid 19 and this is why I’m more or less self isolating - apart from driving to beaches etc to walk our dogs and get fresh air.

I’m self employed, have cancelled our first sponsored exhibition of new work which was due to open week after next. My husband works as an agency social care worker and we have a small self catering business up north - which only makes a small profit and cancelled bookings are already rolling in. So my husband has decided that this will be his last shift to day as he is 58 and doesn’t earn enough to justify putting me at risk. We would prefer just to live on less peanuts than we already are then take a punt to keep earning so little. He has no sick pay or rights as this really is the gig economy so we are just going extra frugal and trying to work out where to grow our own veg in our tiny terraced garden!

I think we can probably avoid Covid 19 and actually maybe being back on immunesuppression, if my rheumy agrees, will get the weight back off as it did last time and reverse my glucose tolerance - plus furnish me with more of a reason to keep unwanted visitors at bay.

Stuff that’s uncertain for me is whether to go ahead and meet welfare rights person re a refused PIP claim I made last year. What happens now with DWP and the due processes for someone like me? They are reconsidering apparently but does the current situation mean this will be forever pending while I’m stuck at home unwaged and unable to contribute? How will we pay the bills and afford even basic food if all this goes on? So we self employed folk have our worries too. Plus a tiny galley kitchen with no storage and only a tiny freezer to hoard anything much in!! X

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to

Absolutely understand. I wish you the very best going forward x

in reply to Eiram50

Thanks - yeah ten years of austerity have crippled the already crippled. I’m only a tad more optimistic now for how this might impact on the planet - not for me or mine. X

KittyJ profile image
KittyJ in reply to

I’m self employed too Twitchy, no work no pay, but I’m trying not to get concerned yet. I’ll cross that bridge when it comes 😕

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to 3LittleBirds2

If you need to sell isolate. Surely the Government should pay your wages. It not right that if you are I'll and then you also have to self isolate, that you have this to worry as well.

This b....y World🌎 have gone to Pot..

Im gonna get off this phone in a couple of minutes. I keep getting quick flashes across the top of the screen. Some more Deaths in Scotland ( I think )???.

Hope things work out for you.

Take Care. 👍Gjkas

3LittleBirds2 profile image
3LittleBirds2 in reply to Gjkas

Oh if I’m unwell with the virus (hopefully not) or a cold etc.I will certainly be self isolating 100%. I was off sick last week due to different issues.

My issue is though if I’m not displaying any symptoms but are immune suppressed will I be protected for staying off to protect my self as I don’t want disciplinary action taken, even though I’d like to think this would be unlikely in the circumstances but I wouldn’t be able to relax without knowing I would be protected. My union the PCS is having meetings with senior leaders next week but no official guidance yet. These are unprecedented times for everyone and things being leaked to the media aren’t helping ..where the heck is Boris?!!!!

Thank you and stay safe and well xx

Eiram50 profile image
Eiram50 in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Agreed. We absolutely need clear and definitive guidance on this matter. We have enough to worry about without this!

Gjkas profile image
Gjkas in reply to 3LittleBirds2

Thankyou. You Stay Safe as well. Gjkas xx

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