NRAS Update: Coronavirus (Updated on 13th March) - NRAS


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NRAS Update: Coronavirus (Updated on 13th March)

31 Replies

NRAS has been receiving many calls from people with RA who are worried about the Coronavirus. We’ve issued a full statement on our website (last updated on 13th March) which can be found here:

For more information, you may find BBC1's programme ‘Everything you wanted to know about Coronavirus’ useful:

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31 Replies

Thank you for your timely advice and information Anita. There are so many ill informed people who are in fear about their health right now. X

medway-lady profile image

Good article and I never had any intention of stopping meds. I'm also pleased to say fully vaccinated. Your reminder to be up to date with vaccinations is well timed as the herd principle may well apply to this virus. Thank you.

Shalf profile image

Just read this - thank you!

rab1874 profile image

Just read it ,thank you for the update very helpful and fully vaccinated

wishbone profile image

Thanks for posting this Anita, I'm sure the advice and information offered in the article will reassure many people, but with my particular set of circumstances and following my own logic regarding the virus, I am not one of them. I will listen to my intuition to try and avoid catching this virus, though fully appreciate how difficult this will be if it becomes widespread. Stopping my meds is not on the cards.

Interesting to see what plan the government come out with tomorrow.....................

sunnyweek profile image

Very helpful thank you.

Sheenadon594 profile image

Thanks for the advice specifically aimed at the rheumatoid group.

Maddon profile image

Thank you for the information, really interesting discussion. I am worried and have just started back on humira after an operation and I am feeling persuaded not to continue taking it. I have read alot and do not want to be infected and if it does happen I want to be in the best health possible to recover.

Pippy25 profile image

Thank you for the helpful advice Anita. Sadly I watched the BBC's programme and didn't feel the same.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Pippy25

Forgot it was on! No good Pippy?

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Shalf

I thought it was going to be more about the virus but felt it was going on about the economy and potential for a global recession, then raced through a few questions viewers had asked.

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Pippy25

Ah, I see. Was going to try and find it on catch up but probably won't bother now. How are you doing? x

Pippy25 profile image
Pippy25 in reply to Shalf

Thanks Shalf, I'm plodding on. Hope you are ok too?

Shalf profile image
Shalf in reply to Pippy25

Good to hear Pippy. I'm always bit better when the sun shines, longer it continue. x

Mmrr profile image
Mmrr in reply to Pippy25

I switched off after a few minutes, but I'm not a great TV fan.

The female presenters red shoes and ankle length trousers were really distracting ( sorry to be so superficial, but I couldn't take my eyes off them)

embroy profile image

Thank you Anita with watch it during this week.

Minah profile image

Thank you for the helpful advice

craftmay71 profile image

Thank you for this, it’s really helpful. It had been playing in my mind. My doctor never offers me the flu jab, I get mine at the local chemist. I’ve never had the pneumonia one - wondering if I should get it?

andlerswooddav0 profile image

Thank you for the advice but I would not recommend the BBC programme. The main piece of advice they gave but made little of, is that there is now a 111 website which has a form of triaging questionnaire. Using this will free the 111 phone staff to be making contact with those who need a call as a priority. Here is the link

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to andlerswooddav0

The triaging link doesn't work and asks you to phone 111, which from what I understand is also experiencing problems with getting through. What a shambles!

TheBoys profile image

Thanks, but I dont find this very helpful.

There is no vaccine this strain...and if you are in a high risk group eg immuno compromised with respiratory issues then your going to be at greater risk.

The critical question most people want to know how much or, if their weekly dose of a DMARD compromises their ability to withstand this virus. If it does, then staying at home with a flare might be preferable to succumbing to illness.

Lizbain1 profile image
Lizbain1 in reply to TheBoys

The info on this is nowhere x

allanah profile image
allanah in reply to TheBoys

I think my rheumatologist over all the scares and health issues that have been around since I got RA said," I check your bloods every month, if you were overly suppressed I would change your drugs. You are suppressed enough to help the RA but not to make you ill." That reassured me years ago. I have my flu jab too . Wipe down trolleys and plane tables and rarely even get a cold. If I got a flu / virus they are less severe than a full blown dose would be.

Hope what my doc said helps you.

TheBoys profile image
TheBoys in reply to allanah

Hi Allanah..

Thats helpful...thanks for that, Paul

wishbone profile image
wishbone in reply to TheBoys

Out of curiosity a couple of months back I asked one of my rheumy nurses if stopping my baricitinib, which leaves the body in a couple of days, would lower my chances of catching the normal winter flu. Her reply was not to stop my meds as it would make no difference to my chances of getting the flu?? :-O

I will continue with meds for now, but if things get really bad then I may stop taking them. Depending of course that we get some proper facts as to whether or not stopping meds reduces the risk.

As for the flu and pneumonia vacinations offering some protection or lessening the severity of coronavirus is simply not true, at least not according to all of the medical professionals I've heard on radio and TV, and I've heard quite a few. The only benefit from having the annual flu jab is if someone who has had the jab develops symptoms then it's odds on that they have coronavirus rather than normal flu......WOW!...what a big help that is!

Not to worry, the government think tank Cobra has met and announced their "Battle Plan" this morning, which I find ever so reassuring........not!

Nuttyshirlz profile image

Hi thanks for that. I’m also up to date with my jabs. Ive not even though about stopping my pills. Also I always carry a hand sanitizer and also use hand wash. 🙂

Lolabridge profile image

Thank you for this helpful and timely advice. I'm on Rituximab infusions so can't reduce my meds if I want to. I'm thinking I will now have to restrict where I go and who I mix with ...

Tessthomy profile image
Tessthomy in reply to Lolabridge


jell profile image

It appears that hydroxychloroquine is being used in at least ten active trials against the coronavirus :)

Coriander18 profile image

Thanks Anita, I wanted to know whether to stop my biologic, though I don't really want to as I'm stable with that and 5 mg Prednisolone (last Depomedrone was in November so I presume out of my system).

My partner's firm suggested on their own volition that to protect me he worked from home as he has a daily commute.

This has relieved my anxiety somewhat.... though I have a wide circle of friends and they have a lot of holidays abroad between them.

I've just had hand, foot and mouth disease which I caught from my grandchild, my fault I ate his last honey finger! His mum had warned me he'd just recovered from it. I think being immunocompromised I've had it worse than otherwise, as my friends tell me their kids had it several times they never caught it.

My throat has been sore for over two weeks now and my tongue so sore from the blisters.

So I was concerned that lowering my immune system with meds would give me more change of getting Covid 19 worse.

Really appreciate updates.

Thank you Anita-NRAS ...This has been a comfort to have the right information for people like myself with RA and other associated problems 🤗

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