Back on MTX smaller infliximub until vomiting is sorted out. I have a Barrett's so they think it may be that also the constant drenching I'm experiencing..but appt went really well..I was so lovely to talk to her, she just listened to all I had to say. Great! Maryx
A big thank you to all who replied to me this morning... - NRAS
A big thank you to all who replied to me this morning re-appt with clinic. Well, it was excellent saw a different doctor, she was amazing .

So glad it was better than you expected and good news re your new meds. And hope they also sort out the Barretts if possible, must be annoying xx
Thank you fork was such a relief to have a doctor who listened. The others do's just that I found speaking to a lady doc easier. It's probably me.! Yes, the Barrett's I've had it 3 years now but I know they can be dodgy (not all of them) I've also got a hiatus hernia which doesn't help..but I've changed the way I eat, I don't drink anymore at all (except Christmas Day!) so I think that helps...but you know when you are sitting in waiting area you notice others who are far worse than's a good wake up call..met a lady who was 77 years and bless her she has had R/A for 25 years, she looked so poorly I really felt for her and her husband died this year so she was in a sad state...all I could do was hold her hand whilst she was talking to heart really went out to her. It made me think!!!!! Hope your day is faring ok. Maryx
Sorry for the later reply, been having tea on the post site lol, u should all come over next time as it was fun! Anyway when I first got RA I hated the waiting room cos everyone looked poorly or in pain or were in wheelchairs and I was myself lol
But I realised he treatment years ago wasn't as good so I now consider myself very lucky. ,!
You should maybe phone them and tell them u prefer a lady doctor and could they make ur appointments with her, you are allowed choice in the NHS! You might have to wait a bit longer between appointments but it will be worth it! U can call her secretary and ask to be put on her list, they will understand!
Thank you. What's all this about afternoon tea on the site? Maryx
Well if you press posts rather than questions every now and then we all go on and pretend yo have a tea party on lllorets porch in ohio, quaint ? Not usually, any one is invited yo join in the fun of ask questions ! It's just silliness to get us away from RA for a bit, go have a look at today's post and come join us next time , just got fun. !
Well if no one minds I would very much like to have tea on a porch in Ohio...very quaint and I love the idea...what fun!!!! Thank you maryx
Everyone welcome , the one today seems to be still going on Lloret and luthien are asleep in the spare room. ! But I think they f planning just after thanksgiving 29 November ? I will see a post inviting everyone. !
Yes Mary, we'd love t see you next time
So pleased you had such a good appt xx
So pleased you came away feeling you had been heard - nothing worse than when you come away with things unsaid and it's so long until the next appointment.
Dotty xx
I notice your photo is of a lovely horse. Is it yours and do you ride? I used to ride and years ago was luckily enough to have my own...he was called Nobby...I used to walk into the field..shouting out"NOB NOB" wouldn't get away with it these days!!! The R/A seems to have put stop to my days riding..I do have a friend who has a horse and is always saying .....come on Mary come and ride...but I'm a little nervous these days as my knees have gone...maryx
If you carry on with the NOB jokes you'll fit right in on the porch, LoL!! Dtech- you've found a new friend
This one is my daughter's pony, which I sometimes ride. I also have a grown up one of my own which I ride and a baby one who was my retirement gift to myself. In about two years' time one of us is going to get broken... Seriously, he is my motivation to stay well and keep moving: I want to be able to ride him and bring him on, and maybe even ride a cross-country course on him - something which I have never yet done.
I say go and ride with your friend. Take painkillers in advance (not medically recommended but fairly common in the equestrian world!), and again afterwards, and have lovely fun. Just be careful as you dismount. I have gone back to having lessons to help me adjust to how my body has changed. Learning a more classical style of riding has been as good as physio for me, as it involves a lot of work on strengthening the core muscles.
Go for it!
Dotty xx
Thank you. My GP actually is lovely but what a difference it has made with doc at clinic really taking an interest and through it all there appears a few things I have to get checked out. Hope your day is ok. Maryx
Yes, doesn't it make a difference when you feel like got somewhere. Thank you for your concern. Hope your day is ok. Maryx
I'm glad it worked out well for you Hunni it makes a difference take care Michelle x
Thank you and yes it makes a huge difference. Maryx
Pack it in the pair of you
I do enjoy this has changed my days..thank you all as I said in a previous're all totally wonderfully bonkers! Maryx
Great to hear you had a positive appointment, it makes all the difference, I am happy for you, at my rheumy appointment this week I was crying so badly I couldn't speak!!! I made such a fool of myself. Lol , well I'm lol,ing now x
Hi, I'm sorry to hear you were crying, did you get anywhere with them. That's really sad..I had such a positive appt with this lady doc, never seen her before but would like to,again..even though I,felt really sh..Ty came out happy because I,d been listened to. I'm sure they didn't think you a fool, it's such an unpleasant complaint...sometimes I wonder if they should,have a clinic for cuddles. I'm glad you are ok now...what are you,on? Maryx
Glad it went well x
Really pleased you had a positive experience. I'm very lucky, GP , rheumy nurse and latest consultant are great, but I know how difficult it can be when you can't get health professionals to really listen to you. Hope this treatment works for you!!! x
Thanks for reply...yes fingers crossed and after camera down into tummy I should be going back on infliximub. They think the vomiting...although MTX prob not helping.....isn't the core cause of my constant sweating and vomiting...I go right through to the bile! As I'm sure a lot on this site have experienced its horrendous. I personally think MTX has a lot to do with it especially hearing how others experience the same. Ah well, we'll see what happens...I've got the dreaded tiredness today....I hope you are faring reasonably well and yes you are right it makes all the difference when you get an approachable consultant, I do have to say though that my GP is wonderful, I see him every Saturday he is a dream. Maryx