Champix success...: Hey friends...just wanted... - No Smoking Day

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Champix success...

nsd_user663_34380 profile image
8 Replies

Hey friends...just wanted to post something, to let you know i'm still kicking around, still quit. I did the full course of Champix, i'm done now. To anyone wanting to use the drug...stay on the drug. So many think they have it licked and quit taking the drug. A good enough number of people dont stay quit...there is a reason why the treatment is 12 weeks and not 2.5 weeks (or any number you choose that is less than 12 ;) ).

Anyhow, i'll be in and out of here, lurking, and helping anyone who has questions of Champix, but I wont be doing a lot of posting. Have read too much stuff on here lately that is negative and not helpful for people trying to quit.

If you are reading this cuz you wanna quit and wonder if Champix is for you, you have made the first, most important step...wanting to quit. I wont say it is perfect for everyone, but it does work. If you decide to quit, stop making excuses. Everyone has bad times in life, some may think they are overwhelming, but what YOU choose to do is your own path. If you choose to smoke because you cant "cope" with a situation, just remember, you are just making up an excuse.

Quitting smoking isnt easy, in fact, likely one of the hardest things you will have to go through. Smoking does nothing to make a situation better. Smoking doesnt make your boss nicer to you, smoking doesnt make your Christmas bonus bigger, smoking doesnt make your OH want you more, smoking wont get you a stop using it as an excuse. "My boss was being mean so I had to have a smoke", "I cant pay my bills, so I had to smoke", "There is too much going on right now, so I'm gonna smoke"...How do any of those statements even make sense?? Seriously, think about them, they all have one thing in common, they are simply excuses. You dont have to smoke, you choose to, and to be honest, it is the REALLY EASY choice.

This is a great place to come and talk about the hard choices, and to get support when you really need it. I know I drew on support from my friends here who knew exactly what I was going through when I went through it. There are some incredibly strong people on here, and sometimes all it takes is a pat on the back from one of them to go on.

Quit when you are ready, dont pick a day cuz the stars align properly, or it matches a birthday of your first GF/BF when you were in high school...its about YOU...nothing else. You will know when you are ready, cuz when faced with an obstacle, you wont start to make the excuse of "(Insert Problem Here) so I need a smoke"...but instead you will make the statement "(Insert Problem Here) and I didnt need a smoke"

I will now jump down from my soap box...sorry for that...but I'm proud to have quit, and i can guarantee, you will too.

Good luck to all, newcomers and oldtimers ;)


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nsd_user663_34380 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_37391 profile image

Hey Steve, fantastic how far you've come, I'm approaching my first month and using Champix, for me it has been a wonder drug, wish I had tried it ages ago and not let the bad stories put me off.

As you say it isn't for everyone and follow the instructions and listen to the help you're being given. so if anyone is reading this is unsure of Champix, go and talk to the right people :)

This forum is great and posts like yours has spured me on, so thank you :D

nsd_user663_34380 profile image

Thanks Sara....keep it up, the first month on Champix is the hardest.

I'll keep looking back in to see how you are doing!


nsd_user663_35711 profile image

Hiya Steve

What a great post. I have tried many times over many years to stop smoking and I knew that every time I started again it was because I chose to. I once said I had started again to annoy my husband, how pathetic was that I didnt annoy him, I disappointed him.

This time, as Ive said before, I went to the quit nurse because she kept phoning me to arrange an appointment. I knew I had to quit but thought in my heart that this would be another failure.

I found this forum and I havent looked back.

I dont know where you have seen negative posts though. I have seen people being honest about their struggle, I have seen people describing the hell they are going through but I really havent seen anyone be negative.

I sad that youre not going to be posting anymore, the forum needs people like you, people who are winning the fight. We need your experiences to help others who are struggling with their quit.

I wish you would reconsider and stay to help those coming behind you.

Lillie xxx

nsd_user663_34380 profile image

Hey lillie,

Thank you.

I'm not going away...I have a genuine care for my friends on here. I say friends because when you wage a battle against something with someone, you create a bond with them, even if you dont know who they are. I mean, come on, how many blockbuster movies are writen on that premise... (Read the following with a deep voice) "Two bitter enemies become the unlikeliest friends as they do battle against a common evil" LMAO

If you are here, you have a common evil.

I remember before my first post and even before i picked my quit date (Tomorrow entering 4 months BTW) i lurked on here. I read what people were writing. I genuinely like being here. I'm from Canada and this is a UK run site. I didnt like some of the other ones I was lurking in. (Use lurking a couple times in a paragraph and it starts to feel dirty ;) )

I guess, this was for me, a release. I dont feel i need that any longer. I will still do what I can to help any others who are needing that pat on the back to move along in the right direction!


nsd_user663_35711 profile image

I didnt know your location before. I had famiily in Canada, I say had as the closest family members have passed away. My dad lived there for a while, Hamilton, Ontario. He had plans to move us all there from Scotland, a lot of Scots moved there in the 60's. My mum is disabled though and the worry of not having insurance and mum needing medical care worried him too much so we moved to England.

Sorry to the English but I would have loved to have moved to Canada <frowns at my dad>

Lillie xx

nsd_user663_34380 profile image

Free healthcare in of the perks!!

I live about 7 hours from Hamilton...I am in Ottawa.

Hamilton boomed in the 60's with all the steel work and shipbuilding

If you ever come for a visit, I can definitely be a tour guide.


nsd_user663_34380 profile image

Thanks Karri for your touching words. Its comments like that that make my day.

Best of luck with your quit....


nsd_user663_34380 profile image

Everyone deserves it.

That is why forums that even those who don't feel they deserve anything can find something to relate to.

But quiting isn't something you try...its something you do.

Not what you're looking for?