Day 6 and I'm about to fail: It was all going... - No Smoking Day

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Day 6 and I'm about to fail

nsd_user663_3375 profile image
15 Replies

It was all going so well until today... stuff stirs up, and the fact 2 other people in the house are smoking means I have convinient access to tobacco, and the constant reminder of people smoking... and it's really getting to me... I'm so close to cracking, and after 6 days of hell I don't want to crack :( I just beat the living daylights out of my pillow for 5 minutes straight, drank loads of water, listened to soothing music, it's just not working.... I can't do this anymore :(

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nsd_user663_3375 profile image
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15 Replies
nsd_user663_3375 profile image


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

awwww just 20mins too late to try and stop you!

now, what you gonna do? , be a smoker or not! it prob taste like s***t anyway.

decide quick before it gets a hold on you again.

nsd_user663_3375 profile image

I had 2 puffs of the ciggy and put it back out, washed my teeth, and went and beat the hell out of my pillow again... I don't want to start again, I'm in a lose-lose cycle at the moment

6 days In and I still had not-fun physical cravings which led me to the easiest form of alleviation - direct nicotine inhalation.. If I continue to quit smoking, then a friend said that those 2 puffs = 2 days of quitting washed down the drain... so I face another prospective 6 days of awful physical cravings.... and maybe I'd end up folding again and having to do ANOTHER 6 days... and then that fear of the 10 year cravings doesn't seem so far from reality

But if I start smoking again, it likely means my mum would cave and start smoking as well... then we'd be back to spending 25 quid a week on tobacco, the coughing fits, the unhealthiness, the social stigma, the realization that I'm physically and mentally weak...

I just don't know what to do and it's really depressing me right now :(

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

failed....Alright Shadow, you have had a lapse. So what, plenty of others have had a lapse too.;) DO NOT be disheartened. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again. :cool: You CAN do it, and you WILL do it next time, l am absolutely certain of it.:) Are you using anything to help with your quit? I used Champix, but there are loads of different things that help. I also found that coming on here, whenever the cravings were bad, really helped. By the time that l had read a few posts, or replied to a few, the craving had passed. DO NOT GIVE UP giving up. :eek: Keep coming back, and throw the rest of the wicked nic. away.

Love Josie XXX

nsd_user663_3074 profile image

Don't let it get ya

Shadow Hi,

I failed also after being quit since April, i'm not proud of myself in fact far from it - but the first few days/weeks are the worse. Try drinking fruit juice, I'm not saying it works for everyone but for me initially it did. Also try every time you have a craving to sing a song, yeah I know daft but you can't think and sing at the same time!

Good luck anyway and if all else the pillow can always get another bashing:eek:

nsd_user663_3356 profile image


firts things first....your cravings will not be as bad as days 1-3 if you only had a couple of puffs so don't worry too much about that.

Second and more important, if you are continuing with your quit, sometimes ot does get difficult to deal with the cravings. One thing which may help is to post on here and agree with yuorself NOT to give in untill you have had four replies. If after that time you still want to then fine, but i'll betv you don't.

There will always be the "odd" bad day but you will be much stronger for getting through them and really, there arent that many of them.


i found reading on whyquit, when i had a craving, really helped me.

start with any of the links on this page:

Stay strong Shadow and you will be fine. (My g/f is still smoking and it does get difficult when she smokes. Try to change your mind to feeling sorry for your mates instead of feeling jealous of them when they smoke.

I realise this post is a bit rambling but hopefully it can help.

nsd_user663_3375 profile image

Mmm some good suggestions and ideas, I went around the house destroying ashtrays [not in a dramatic fashion, mind you.. just discarding them] and lighters, and emptying bins and throwing the bags outside so theres no damn way I can get any more even if i wanted to lapse [It's not as if I got the money to buy more :)]

To clear my head (and my body!) after the puffs, I went for a 2 hour and 15 minute cycle down to the beach and marina, and then back against the wind... feel a little better for it, cravings still aren't fun...

I read somewhere that 3-5% of quit attempts succeed on willpower alone (cold turkey) and that most people succeed on between their 7th and 15th quit attempt... This is my first real quit attempt (yeah I've had moments before whre I've said "yeah thats my last ciggy" and a few hours later got some more) and I'm doing it cold turkey... Mustttt beeeee stronggggg

I will drink some fruit juice John :) and sing.... and cry!

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

It was all going so well until today... stuff stirs up, and the fact 2 other people in the house are smoking means I have convinient access to tobacco, and the constant reminder of people smoking... and it's really getting to me... I'm so close to cracking, and after 6 days of hell I don't want to crack :( I just beat the living daylights out of my pillow for 5 minutes straight, drank loads of water, listened to soothing music, it's just not working.... I can't do this anymore :(

Shadow, sorry you are feeling so crap right now, you need to read something and educate yourself. (John probably told you already)

You can't stop thinking about smoking (hey, we've all been there!) and you really need to start thinking about something else! Not easy I know. You also need to stop smoking for the right reasons, don't stop because 'X' has stopped because the first time 'X' gets on your nerves you'll be straight up the corner shop! When you read some of the links in Johns signature you will feel better about stopping I promise, then hopefully you will continue your quit for other reasons.

I had my last cigarette four months ago today and that feeling beats anything that any smelly old cigarette could give me! Hang in there, if was that easy no-one would smoke but the benefits are worth it in the long run.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself down and get back to your quit.

Wise words from the fairy LOL;)

nsd_user663_3375 profile image

I don't know, the cravings right now are more severe than they were from day 1 - 5... I've read that time gets distorted and you feel like a few minutes is a few hours and that looking at a clock when you get a craving helps you get your sense of time reality back... My cravings are lasting well over 15 minutes... it's just a general tightness in the back of my throat and it's very uncomfortable and makes me irritable... It's 5:30am at the moment... I do need to stop thinking about smoking so much, but almost everywhere I go it's rubbed in my face lol..

Take this as an example; It was 4am and after dealing with another craving I thought "I'll reward myself by watching the telly for a while" (I rarely ever watch TV).. We have both Sky and NTL(Virgin media now I guess) so I put it on Sky One on Sky, and some entertainment channel on Virgin... On Sky One was a repeat of an episode of "Rescue Me" (A show about firefighters in NY) I really loved this show so I thought "Great, a nice way to reward meself" almost the entirety of the episode focused around nicotine addiction, quitting nicotine, smoking bars.. etc.. IT drove me mad so I switched to Virgin, and it was some comedy act, and the guy was joking about smoking!... lol It's everywhere.. So it's difficult to keep my mind focusing on something other than smoking when the cravings are near constant and the appearance of cigarettes and smoking behaviour is publicized in almost every form of media and entertainment I observe..

So far I've found the most effective treatment for mind clearance is cycling long distances, but it still only kills a couple of hours... It's now 5:38am, havn't slept yet.. I'm going to go cycle through the woods to tire myself out and get my mind off the smoke

nsd_user663_2629 profile image

hey shadow

u really seem to be suffering u poor thing - ct is very hard, i used champix fo the 1st month and it just took the edge off, i still felt crap at times but got thru it. All on here know i have had sneaky drunken puffs :o some i enjoy some i dont, but funnily enough never enough to want more !! Hopefully you are really determined this time and that will help enormously also the cycling will keep the weight off!!!! lol

Good luck



nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Shadow, another thing i have thought of....have you read Allen Carrs "Easyway". If not give it a try. It is a great book on stopping smoking andmay help you get over these urges to have a ciggie.

nsd_user663_2743 profile image

you do seem to be suffering with your quit.

why not try something to help you ........champix, nrt, easyway book.......

nsd_user663_3375 profile image

you do seem to be suffering with your quit.

why not try something to help you ........champix, nrt, easyway book.......

I do keep hearing about this Book and how it helps a lot of people.. I might have to invest in it, as for NRT at first I decided I'd leave them alone because if the worst was over within 3 days, then using them would just prolong the inevitable, but the longer I go CT with no end in sight to the cravings, I might consider gum in 1 or 2 more days if cravings don't get better, but will definately check out the book!

I managed to get some great photos in the beautiful Glade a few minutes cycle from my home, so I'm happy about that :D It's now 11:02 AM.. I last woke up at 9:30am yesterday... so 26 hours of waking... I think I need to cut down on the caffeine lol :D I heard after quitting you only need half as much, so I should probably do that! (On the bright side, at least I know if I need to pull an all nighter in the future, coffee will actually do the trick!)

Timeee to sleeep and maybe wizz through day 7 and wake up in day 8 :D

Last full cigarette: Friday, July 11th 2008, 11:50AM.. Last puff of a cigarette: Thurs 17th: 4pm.. Detriments caused by it?: none.

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

That's it Shadow, one day at a time. I had to spend a couple of weeks distracting myself, but eventually you will forget about smoking for longer and longer during the day. It's amazing how quickly you get used to forgetting about it! The time distortion thing will correct itself too. :D

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

Hello Shadow

I have 2 pieces of advice for you.

1. Read the Book!!

2. Read the book again

Good luck

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