What feelings to expect on a Cold Turkey quit. - No Smoking Day

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What feelings to expect on a Cold Turkey quit.

nsd_user663_3097 profile image
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Someone started a thread on what to expect on a quit, here is what to expect on a cold turkey quit, it is a much more different experience than a NRT quit.

What to expect?

(THIS IS A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE AND DIFFERS FROM PERSON TO PERSON. I have attempted to document a general journey after discussing with various cold turkey quitters).

1. apprehension of the quit (-1 days)

2. anxiety as the first crave kicks in (day 1)

3. a sense you are in a war and you are a soldier as craves hit you in waves (day1 - 4)

4. I must beat the enemy the enemy is nicotine (day 1 - present, strongest from day1 to week 3, I still feel this after 110 days)

5. determination and dedication are the no.1 traits, these are your major weapons in the fight (day 1 - present, NEVER surrender to Nicotine)

6. realisation - the enemy is not as strong as you thought, a few hours in there is NO PAIN but constant emptiness (late in day 1)

7. the emptiness of life without fags starts kicking in, ignore it, it will not last (Day 2/3)

8.a need to find ways of filling the void with GOOD food, gym, jog, walks, cinema anything but smokes. Weird Dreams but i liked mine (day 1 - 10+)

9. lack of concentration, slur words, useless at your job, your mind is completely occupied with nothing but cigarettes constantly (day 1 - 7+) need loads of support here or without the support just support yourself by boring everyone to death and talk about it all the time. Like on this forum. You WILL be dumb for a while. It will pass and gets a lot better... read on.

10. emptiness can turn to depression for a few days (day 10 -14 THIS IS THE STORM BEFORE THE CALM, DO NOT SMOKE IN THIS TIME FRAME) it's almost over. This is nicotines final weapon against you - i have spoken to many people, he will try to depress you and force you to start thinking the way to beat the depression is smoking. DO NOT smoke, this will last MAXIMUM 4 - 5 days.

11. emptiness and depression subsides as you do other things like gym, eat, jog, restaurant, cinema ANYTHING but smoke and suddenly you reailise you are not actually craving for cigarettes, in fact you haven't for a while, the enemy was playing with you you are starting to realise what life is like without the enemy and like it. (day 14 - 20)

12. Confidence, you can go to pubs and stuff and know you will not smoke. (20+)

13. An elation which is unmatched, you have beaten an enemy, you are free. You are no longer anxious, you do not crave for cigarettes you can get through any psychological craves by just letting them pass (21 - 30 days +)

14. You laugh and schadenfreude other smokers. When you go to the gym you are astounded at what you are capable of. (4 - 20 days +)

15. You start to despise cigarettes and the industry and wish everyone would just stop smoking the things. You have a complete ZEN like calm and relaxed unanxious free outlook on life, you no longer smoke. (4 - 6 weeks +)


You can be free.

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