wow!: feels like only yesterday i posted in... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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nsd_user663_3197 profile image
8 Replies

feels like only yesterday i posted in day one AGAIN!

can't believe i'm into my second week already and I have done a few of those days- cold turkey!

Since i stopped , it only took one week to get my breathing back to normal so i could start running for more than 20 mins at the gym again. I couldn't believe what a difference a few ciggies had done to me. I was out of breathe in the first five mins and my body got very tired very quickly.

Thanks for all the support on here! I feel like a million dollars !

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :D

I have now been smoke free for 1 Week, 1 Day, 20 hours, 58 minutes and 2 seconds (8 days). I have saved £24.90 by not smoking 106 cigarettes. Life saved 8 hours and 50 minutes . Quit Date: 29/06/2008 16:30

I have had one slip up and now see things in a different light! Bring it on!

Came off the patches and went cold turkey on 04/07/0

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nsd_user663_3197 profile image
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8 Replies
nsd_user663_2743 profile image

well done!!

feels good , dont it?!! ;)

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

Hi Princess

you are doing really well. Cold Turkey sounds a lot worse than it actually is when you have your "quit head" in the right place and you seem to have yours in the right place.

Are you reading whyquit and woofmang for info and support?

nsd_user663_3197 profile image


feels really good!

BTW well done Jude for coming off the champix... :D

Was it tough at all?


nsd_user663_3197 profile image


Hi Princess

you are doing really well. Cold Turkey sounds a lot worse than it actually is when you have your "quit head" in the right place and you seem to have yours in the right place.

Are you reading whyquit and woofmang for info and support?

at the moment i am living on whyquit.. and the more i read the more my decision to stay off the evil sticks in reinforced.

best decision i ever made.

I can't believe i made excuses to smoke for soooooooooooooo many years.. but I have learnt from that now.. .. don't see my self as an ex smoker.. see myself as someone that just doesn't smoke ! :D

And your right.. cold turkey is soooooooooooooooo much easier than the patches, and you do have to be in the right frame of mind to do it though.

I went to the Allan Carr quite smoking clinics and unfortunately it didn't work for me i had a ciggie three days later and was in total agony over withdrawals. When i look back now, i can see why it didn't work, i didn't want to stop ! or i was scared tp stop!


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

feels really good!

BTW well done Jude for coming off the champix... :D

Was it tough at all?


no, it was fine, i cut them down gradually then stopped.

didnt have any problems :)

nsd_user663_3356 profile image

I went to the Allan Carr quite smoking clinics and unfortunately it didn't work for me i had a ciggie three days later and was in total agony over withdrawals. When i look back now, i can see why it didn't work, i didn't want to stop ! or i was scared tp stop!


Are you serious??????

I went to one of his clinics and stopped. havent looked back although i did discover whyquit about 4/5 days later and i think thats how i stayed off them.

AC for the initial euphoric "i have stopped" feeling and whyquit for reinforcement after that.

This forum was also a big help and Catwoman introdiced Woofmang to me which is another great site.

Being honest, this quit is a doddle now although i know i cant get complacent, especially with the holiday season now here.

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Well done Princess - just read your thread. I have done my quit with patches and came off them before I should have but haven't looked back since. Still have the inhalator though for those silly moments.

nsd_user663_3197 profile image

oh that is so true.. it all too easy to think you are through the worst of it and that if anyone dangled a ciggie in front of you, you would now turn your head away in disgust.

Real easy to give in but really really difficult to get to that time and place where you know you are ready to stop and beat it!

Its taken me years of feeling depressed and wanting to stop , thinking i was going to die, to scared to go to the doctors for routine checkups. Now that is all over.. life is real good!

One thing i must share is that once you have done the patches and if like me you had a few smokes(naughty me i know), i found it really easy going cold turkey because of it. Once you are down to the low strength patches you are hardly getting anything anyway... so i stopped wearing them and found that i felt the same with/without them. That might just be me though so don't stop wearing them on my account! :D

I have now been smoke free for 1 Week, 1 Day, 22 hours, 54 minutes and 1 second (8 days). I have saved £25.13 by not smoking 107 cigarettes. Life saved 8 hours and 55 minutes . Quit Date: 29/06/2008 16:30

I have had one slip up and now see things in a different light! Bring it on!

Came off the patches and went cold turkey on 04/07/0

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