Good morning to my friends who have MS. I want to ask you about how you cope with Summer heat. Only in the last 3-4 years has heat been an issue for me. I used to like going to the beach. Remember tanning? Ha ha. It's supposed to be bad for you. Recently read that getting sun for Vitamin D is worth a little sunburn, Anyway, now the heat is hard to take but the humidity or any moisture really, like rain, is the worst. I get stiff and it zaps my energy severely. What do you do to cope? thanks. ⛱🩱
Coping with heat/humidity: Good morning to... - My MSAA Community
Coping with heat/humidity

If I have to be outdoors on a hot, humid day, my wheelchair has been a God send.
My husband & I enjoy car shows and the wheel chair enables me to get out there and not feel as wiped out as I would if I tried to walk it.
We don't have central air at home but use fans and a few window units to keep cool.
I make sure to get things done that would overheat me earlier in the morning.
I did buy a few "cooling" scarves that you wet down and wrap around your neck.
I have yet to try them as I don't want to offend my eyes with their atrocious colors.
Stay at home as much as you can. Change your habits to thwart the summer. Do things early in the morning or later in the evening. Turn the air conditioning down. Take coolish baths or showers. Cool your extremities and your throat, to combat the heat.
I have an ice vest and neck wrap that I wear on long walks. If I can’t wear those things, I take some ketones on the way. If I can’t do that either, then I eat ice the whole time I’m wherever.
This is a tough issue for me, too. Just this past weekend I went to Phoenix to see friends and was out in the 100 degree heat too long. This was a big mistake. My leg spasms increased and I limped around fighting pain.
I thought I could "tough it out" and I was mistaken!
Soaking in cold water has helped, but I really need to be more careful and not put myself through that in the future.
Like you I love the sun. My way of coping is grab the early sun, that way you get your free vitamin D. 🤗
I just work on getting things done by 1 o’clock before heat kicks in. I do have cooling neck ties and a ice 🧊 vest from MS Society and it works for 2-4 hours depending on temperature 👍. Also have AC so afternoons in the house 🏡. 👍😉🤗🙏☺️Ken 🐾🐾
here in Chgo we have yet to feel the heat and its June we have had nothing but rain and cold weather.
in the past the heat would do me in so I only did thing in the morning. I drank only cold water. when I was at pt they had cold packs ready for me.
As soon as I start to over heat things go down hill really fast for me I would become dizzy and close to passing out so I would have to sit down immediately.
Strangely enough I'm not sure why but I enjoy cold weather a lot. It started once I started O. b4 that the cold was not my friend my body and especially my legs would stiffen up. One year I couldnt bend my legs and this muscle bound man couldn't get them to bend my legs were like metal poles in concrete
two of the ms societies offer cooling programs, each have something different hit them up now b4 they run out
I love the cold weather. Even when i lived in Upper MI where it can get to below zero like -40 and then wind chills making it -60.. it didn't bother me at all.. the thing that DID bother me was the car door locks getting frozen and having to climb in thru the back window hatch of my SUV to start the truck to let it warm up before i could go anywhere... LMAO.. but i was the crazy one going to work with a hoodie on in the middle of the -40 degree snowstorm because the Walmart in town did not close for anything except Christmas... I worked in the automotive shop at the time.. there i was.. all decked out in my hoodie and my Tire Lube Express Uniform in the -40 degree weather.. people thought i was insane.. LMAO. When I moved back to Florida and went to work at the Walmart here in the Auto shop, i was dying from the heat.. some days was so bad and i would get so weak that i literally could not stand up anymore and my legs would give out and i would find myself sitting down right where i had been standing on the floor. I cannot imagine what the managers must have thought if they had been watching the video at the time.. one second i was standing there entering info into the computer and the next second i was sitting on the floor... BOOM! it was that bad.. This was before i was ever dx'd tho...
Cooling vests, cooling towels, AC...I’m in hot humid Florida 🥵
Me too... Space Coast.. What part of Florida?
Hi neighbor—Just north of orlando, winter park
I’m not far from you, west of Clermont.
Both of you are not far from me at all.. I was in Orlando a couple of years ago and moved back to the coast. Could not deal with the traffic and being unable to drive having to rely on friends, there are a lot more options for me over here than in Orlando. I like being near the ocean anyway. Orlando is just too far away from he water for me.. LOL
I’m more in the country setting. I’m not a city girl and I don’t like traffic, crowds or trying to get around.
I am the same way.. I hate all the city hustle and bustle. I left NY because of that.. Moved to NC.. and when i got sick of the encroaching cities there i moved to the Space Coast of FL.. now IDK.. it feels too crowded here as well.. where to next? LOL
I'm currently in Orlando, but lived on the space coast most of my life. May I ask where you go for care? I've not been diagnosed yet & have to wait until November to see someone (scheduled in March). Right now we are homeless due to the crazy housing situation, so you never know where we may end up.
Dear MyLifeMS Please please take care of yourself. stress and chaos make MS worse! i hope you find a safe place to live soon.
Omgoodness.. This is crazy.. I am seeing a neurologist who has his main office in Palm Bay. Dr. Gary Weiss. He has offices in Merritt Island (where I live) and Satellite Beach as well.. Not sure where else to advise you to look but I can tell you to stay away from Dr Niazi.. He is off his rocker.. LOL
In Central Virginia, the coolest part of any summer day is before 11 a.m. Past that, even 5 minutes in the sun and I am wiped out. So, like Kenu, I get outside work done early, then come inside. Inside, I have ceiling fans and AC set at 77, and even then, if I've been out and get overheated, I take a shower in lukewarm water to cool down quickly.
I moved to Florida 6 years ago and the heat here is more intense then Pennsylvania. I found that using my cooling vest, neck cooler a big help. My body has adjusted now and having a steady temperature rather then the change of seasons is great.
I live in the midlands of South Carolina. It is hot, humid, and separated from Hell by a screen door. The heat and humidity wreak havoc with my MS symptoms. Every relapse has occurred after extended time in it. Essentially, I'm an indoor creature from April to mid-November, which breaks my heart because I'm an outdoors girl. (Camping in February, anyone?) I have an ice vest from the MS Society that I use when I absolutely have to go outside.
Separated from Hell by a screen door! I love that! This will be my first summer with MS. I am worried! July and August are about 2 degrees hotter than Hell in the southern US. I have noticed that stormy weather also affects my physical state, and we are still in tornado season. I have my cooling vest from MSAA, and have been picking up neck wraps here and there. Ace Hardware has some pretty patterns for us ladies, if fashion is your thing. Blessings to all!
My friend who lived in Houston said Houston was the warmest spot on the Sun.

Thank you for starting this important conversation, Sandydemop . For you and anyone else trying to cope with the summer heat, please check out MSAA's Cooling Distribution Program, where you can apply online or through the mail for one of our cooling products.
For more info, visit:
Stay cool,
- John, MSAA
i agree with all that you said for i am with you on all ...just do.....i am so sorry many will probably be able to tell you and happiness is my way ...we do ...
I can take the heat only so far. When we got our camper last year I made sure it had AC. Last year when we were camping, when I could tell the heat was starting to get to me I would go in the camper and read until my temp came down. I've had to turn into an outside/inside person. In and out, depending on the heat and humidity. I just have to be really aware and not let my body temp get too high.
Sandy,Heat also bothers me. I use a Cooling Towel
that you can get on Amazon. I also have our fans on to keep me cool. I hope that helps.
thanks Leslie
You're Welcome. How are you doing?
thanks. I'm still the same. I fell the other day which sucks but no real injury. feeling cranky. the wet weather is really hard on me. just trying to recuperate. a shower really took a lot out of me. I don't mean to complain. :< how are you?
i have an ice vest for when i absolutely cannot beg off being outdoors in the summer. MSAA has them available for free to low income people with MS, otherwise you can buy one at an outdoor place like a sporting goods store. they are full of pockets that come with with their own ice packs that are made to slip into them them.. freeze the packs the night before and you will be set for hours in heat.. they really help a LOT!
I take advantage of early mornings if I need to be outside. Once the heat and humidity start, I just need to generally stay inside. I don't mean to be a party pooper, but I've tried drinking cold water, used a cooling vest from MSAA, a cooling hat, cooling towels and scarves - none of them really make the heat and humidity tolerable. I wish I had a better experience with all the suggestions. AC is my friend and I need to make use of it (although I hate to admit it).
I have a cooling vest. I got mine thru MSAA for free because i am low income. If you are able to afford to buy one they are available thru sporting good stores like Dick's.. I also spend a lot of time indoors during the Florida summers.. I cannot take the heat at all.. it just will not be tolerable for me... I get dizzy and weak in a matter of minutes really. When I do have to be out tho the cooling ice vest is a godsend
We have AC and my husband never goes outside unless it is cooler than 70 degrees. He stops functioning with any kind of heat, including a fever.