Does discoid lupus cause lots of needing to wee? ... - LUPUS UK


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Does discoid lupus cause lots of needing to wee? no pain just embarrassingly frequent and real nuisance during night

foxglove profile image
3 Replies
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foxglove profile image
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3 Replies
Maya23 profile image

I have SLE and I have very recently had trouble with needing to pee a lot, with a dull ache/cold/burning sensation in my bladder that didn't respond to anti-biotics. Very helpfully other more experienced lupus patients on this site let me know about 'Interstitial cyctitis' which is basically inflammation of the bladder and it's apparently associated with lupus. It's always worse in the evenings and at night.

I found the drinking lots of cranberry juice made it worse, but eating asparagus and avoiding very acidic and spicy food seemed to help. I am intending to tell my GP about it tomorrow as I've still got it after eating curry yesterday! But it has calmed down a lot, which is a great relief.

I hope that is helpful!

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Maya23

Thanks for reply - will check out what you said Although prob is a nuisance in the night the frequency is more in the morning after breakfast If Iforgoe fruit juice not so bad, so perhaps something to do with acidity grateful for your suggestions

Maureenpearl profile image

Hi Foxglove, I was having a lot of problems with pain and frequency in passing urine last year. I had my urine checked but it was cleared of any infection and antibiotic did not help, the symptoms went without any medical intervention. I find with SLE which is what I have any unusual symptoms I have will always go on its own if left. I do always check with my GP or consultant first just in case it's nothing serious or needing medical intervention. I also find that what works for a particular symptom once doesn't always work again. Hope this is helpful.

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