Hi all! Im finding it really hard at the moment with my fibromyalgia and RA my family dont understand how much pain I am in and how tired it makes me because they cant see it they dont believe it. They just constantly take the micky out of me or I get called lazy or pathetic. How can I make them understand how I am feeling??
Feel like no one understands! - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Feel like no one understands!

Get some fact sheets and leave them all over the house!! Maybe get some to go to doctor with you. Education is important for them and yourself!
Unfortunately I don't think people do understand because we look fine I know how frustrating it is... I told a friend the other day what was wrong with me and she said you would never guess.
a friend of mine on here suggested I take my Mum to the doctor's or pain clinic with me so she could understand more and I thought that was great advise, I find my closest are in denial that something is wrong because they love me.
Or hit them with a car, give them poo tablets and sleeping tablets and see how they cope hahahahaha sorry I am joking x x
I am so genuinely sorry to read of your predicament, and nobody should have to endure ridicule or abuse, not in the workplace, in the street and most definitely not in the home!
I have pasted you a link below to some printable Fibro fact sheets that explain all about Fibro and I sincerely hope that you find these useful.
I want to genuinely and sincerely wish you all the best of luck.
All my hopes and dreams for you
Been there and wearing the T.shirt.
My mum believed me, well sort of in the beginning, a few years ago now, like you said because we look fine, they think 'oh do a bit more exercising' My sister even said to me once, come with me to a Spinning Class!
I did send them links via email and the magazine that you can buy online and left it at my mums flat so they could read it when I'd gone home.
Cut a long story short, I felt embarrassed and still do in front of my sister using my walking aids, sticks, Tri-walker and now unfortunately it's got so bad I'm using a wheelchair and if I'm at home going out my electric disability scooter.
She now has stopped speaking to me, nothing to do with fibromyalgia but I'm slightly relived as now I can just be as I want to be.
My mum completely believes me and even gave me money towards treatment of Acupuncture so I shouldn't stop going!!
Leave some literature around, send links via email, hold your head up high, (if you can) and if they can't believe you, or support you, then it's their problem, their own issues and tissues not yours!
Wishing you well gentle hugs
Lottie 🌟
I'm so sorry your family are not supporting you. my husband is very supportive because he see's how I am everyday, but for the rest of my family circle they only see me when I am trying very hard to act normal and don't see me when I get home x
I feel for you. I have been going through the same for years but I woke up. 3 weeks ago I did something i couldn't believe I told my grown up children if they don't believe me then stay away I took my keys back from them . I told them if they choose to be ignorant about my illness I don't want that kinda negative crap so I have asked them to read about it if they don't they don't. Stand strong. ☺
A brave move Blonde 1959, we deal with enough negative feelings on a daily basis without toxic relatives making it worse. I hope your young adults feel ashamed and read up on Fibro, and make their apologies to you. I know you will be dignified enough to 'leave the door open' and graciously accept their apologies.
I find that people who suffer daily, be that emotionally or physically (as we do) are more gracious and understanding of other people's faults. Hope your family come back to, hugs, xx
I don't know if my to spoilt brats will ever say sorry. Ithink that because I have allowed them to run my life and now I have stood up for myself. I been called a fake and a liar. Only the other week because I was to ill to look after my grandbaby my daughter threatened to call up dla. So I told her she would be doing me a favour. Cos I probably not getting all I should. Hahaha hahaha. Well today is another day. BUT I AM FREE
I don't think anyone who has not got a chronic condition can ever understand. Without agreeing with it, their jokes may be an inappropriate way of dealing with it because they don't understand and don't know what to say. Unfortunately even our nearest can be selfish.
Family who don't or won't believe the existence of this very real illness are a nightmare and add pain and heartache where enough already exists. I've had to deal with this and come to the conclusion that it is their problem. ...that to recognise and face my illness would require something emotionally from them that they fear and cant handle within themselves and so denial and nastiness are the result. It's sad. It hurts. We could do with their love and gentle support.....but for some of us Fibros it just doesn't happen and we have to be even stronger to cope. Life has never been and never will be fair. There are those who have compassion and those who have no idea what it means. Let's not waste our precious limited energy on the latter.
Hi I'm so sorry you are having such an awful time no one should be treated like you have been its unforgivable, and sometimes people can be so cruel without realising they are even doing it . I had someone being incredibly patronising to me and also people staring when in my wheelchair.My daughter shouted at her as she was so upset for me and I was so embarrassed.......No should be judged for how they look these people who are so hurtful are simply uneducated and so very unkind!We need to give them a few hard true facts about our RA and leave out leaflets books and especially families see a DVD about it or read a book? Tell them in no uncertain words that people with your condition will have this horrendous debilitating tiredness that completely takes you over and that pain can set in so tightly you just cannot move n that you ache and ache so much even though we can look so well.Please please you have to tell your family and make them listen! And if you have any friends who are unkind to you or don't make contact any more they are not worth having as friends!
Let me know how it goes but please don't let this go on its wrong and has to stop now today.take care and look after yourself.