How accurate is genetic testing of mi... - Fertility Network UK

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How accurate is genetic testing of miscarried embryos? What further tests should you have if the embryo was normal?

2 Replies

Hi all,

I had genetic testing done following my recent MMC of twins. The result stated female genetically normal pregnancy tissue was found. As I understand it this is kind of inconclusive because:

A) The tissue tested could have been mine; and

B) There were two embryos and only one result.

Does anyone have experience of such results and how to interpret them? The letter I got just said the tissue tested was genetically normal and to get a referral to a Gyne Consultant from my doctor as I’ve had 2 MMCs (one pre my son and this recent one post). I had just chalked it up to chromosomes given my age.

That said, I took Clexane, asprin and prednisone for the first 12 weeks with my son (precautionary) and with the latest pregnancy was just advised to take Clexane and asprin as all the research on prednisone points to assistance with implantation (which had already happened). Now I wonder if I’d been taking it whether the outcome would have been different.

Anyway, I’m getting a copy of the actual result and will speak to my IVF consultant about it.

However, can someone let me know what tests are worth doing following repeated miscarriage? I’ve had my thyroid levels checked recently and take loads of vitamin D. It would be helpful to be informed, as it might be worth getting checked out before we do any more FETs.

Thanks in advance!

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2 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

Im so sorry for your loss. If they have done full genetic testing then the specialist can determine what is your tissue (maternal decidua) and what is fetal/placental DNA (chorionic villi). They would use chronic villi for testing. I'm not entirely sure if they have done QF-PCR or FISH but they should be able to determine if there is a chromosomal abnormality for your embryos. You can ask what kind of testing they actually did for more info and they may allow you to see the results which may settle your mind. Sadly most of the time no reasons are found for miscarriage. I was under the impression that prednisolone can help with implantation and continuing pregnancy so not sure why they said not to take it this time around.xx

in reply to Cinderella5

Hi, thanks for your response.

I guess all I can do is wait for the detailed results. The hospital sent it to Guys and St Thomas’s for testing so I’m now waiting on their letter. My mind is unhelpfully just spinning.

But I agree. For peace of mind I wish I’d pushed to take predisnolone again.

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