Any advice : Hi, I’m new to this. I need... - Endometriosis UK

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Any advice

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Hi, I’m new to this. I need some advise. I have pelvic pain in my right side worse during and after ovulation and carries on right until my period then I have horrible period pains. I have pcos but I feel there is more going on. I now how back pain with my pelvic pain and I feel a heavy feeling and get very bloated. My doctors have done a ultrasound scan to only comfirm my pcos but he said he just thinks I suffer with my back and he feels it’s not endometriosis, don’t feel like I’m being listened to and I’m not sure where to turn now. Any help would be great, thanks

1 Reply
luthien profile image

Ahh sounds awful :(

It's horrible when the docs don't listen.

You should push for a diagnosis to either see if you have endo / don't have endo / may have other things going on. You need to ask to have a diagnostic laparoscopy - that's the only formal endo diagnosis, nothing else will clearly pick it up.

Endo symptoms vary so much but it does sound like you could have it. You need push for a referral to gynae and endo specialist - others may be able to advise on this - I used my work health insurance to go private so my experience is different from here onwards.

If the doc won't refer you to a specialist or realise you need a laparoscopy to diagnose endo, I would see if you can have a second opinion so see a different doctor.

hope this helps xx

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