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Tinkp85 profile image
4 Replies

Hey! I'm new here how are we all?

I've been having a huge flare up for the past 18 months & it's all starting to get me down as the doctors won't listen to me. I was diagnosed 15yrs ago age 18 via a lap. Nobody has looked since & I have so many problems now but I keep being fobbed off. I'm just looking for some support so I know im not going mad!

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AllthatGlitters profile image

Hi & welcome, have you been to the GP or gynaecologist? It seems to be a common theme on here that women are fobbed off which is shocking x

Tinkp85 profile image
Tinkp85 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Hi hun yeah ive been to the GP loads & I was sent to a gyne & he wasn't interested & just told me im getting fat & get on with it. The GP then sent me to gastro who told me I have IBS. But after changing my diet & doing everything I was told to by gastro my problems still havnt eased at all. I've managed to get yet another GP appt tomorrow & I'm going to really push it all as it's really starting to get to me x

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Tinkp85

Hiya yeah I would say that if you get no luck tomorrow then book back in to see a female GP as I would like to think they are more sympathetic towards lady issues. Good luck!

Healthnut25 profile image

That’s terrible! When my endo/fibroids/ cysts we’re progressing I saw a Gynae every 6 months. However my GP service now does ultrasound scans so last time I asked my GP for a referral (due to some new twinges) I was given an U/S scan 3 weeks later without having to go to the hospital. I also had various blood tests at the GP clinic. The scan didn’t show anything new to worry about so it was left at that (my choice - mainly cos my new pains had gone by then, sorted with diet) but I could have seen a gynae had I wanted to. I needed to know what was going on inside me - and so do you. You definitely need a scan - and don’t be afraid of telling your GP that. Tell them - don’t ask them. Tell them a summary of your history and tell them your symptoms have progressed, how it’s affecting the quality of your life and that you need to know what’s going on (with a scan) and whether anything more sinister is developing. You’ve been diagnosed already with endo in the past - it doesn’t just go away (unless childbirth relieves it).

And don’t ever think you’re going mad - or let doctors think you are. Most docs haven’t the first clue what women with endo are going through. The fact that so many women get fobbed off with a ridiculous IBS diagnosis demonstrates that. It has nothing in common with endo pain.

Never be afraid of pushing in these situations - don’t wait to be asked - be upfront and insistent - ensure that your full story is heard. One thing I’ve learned over years with endo and a failed op and resultant injury is - sometimes you have to shout to be heard.

All the best - and I hope you find out what’s going on very soon x

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