anxious of general anesthetic: going for a... - Endometriosis UK

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anxious of general anesthetic

Edin profile image
6 Replies

going for a hysteroscopy on Wednesday and having a general anesthetic , l am extremely anxious, could any one help

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Edin profile image
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6 Replies
luthien profile image

ahh, what would you like to know / what's worrying you?

General anaesthetic is fine, you'll be talked through what's going to happen. They'll put a drip needle in the back of your hand / in your elbow that will bed used for fluid later, they put some anaesthetic through that, you'll start to feel drowsy (kind of like really tired and sluggish) and then get you to breath through a mask - just to help you drift off - it doesn't hurt or feel odd, it's literally seconds and you're asleep. You don't dream, you'll just wake up in recovery, sometimes you'll still have a mask to help you breath. That bit's odd as time has passed but you don't feel like it has, it doesn't feel like sleep in that sense.

There's no risk of you knowing what's happening when you're being operated on or waking up during the op as the anaesthetist closely monitors the anesthetic by monitoring your sats and adjusts accordingly, then gives you a drug through the needle in your arm to make you come round once you're all stitched up and cleaned / covered etc - they often give you painkillers and antibiotics through that too at the same time.

Does that help?

AllthatGlitters profile image

Please don’t worry as it really is like falling asleep, I actually like the feeling, it’s not scary, a nurse will be by your side and you will be awake before you know it x

weekari profile image


I had my first surgery 2 years ago (diagnostic lap) and I was terrified. I had never had anaesthetic and was so scared something bad would happen. I had every bad outcome in my head. I can honestly say that it was really not an unpleasant experience. I had to wait for quite a while on the ward before I was taken and that was probably the worst part. I tried to distract myself but I was really anxious. The woman next to me was also scared but a lot more open about it (I was very quiet so probably seemed fine) and she asked for a sedative- she was then totally calm and seemed quite happy about it all. If I was ever having surgery again, I'd be way more honest about how I felt and ask for a sedative- maybe you could do this?

I have to say, I was treated so well on the ward which really helped- everyone seemed to really care. They were so nice and friendly.

When I had my surgery, there was a few stages- I was on the ward for ages and then went to a waiting prep area and then through to an area where I got the anaesthetic. I held it together until i got to the anaesthetic area. That's when it suddenly seemed very real. They tried to talk to me but I quickly started to panic (I just was crying and and couldn't answer their chit chat) and then they just quickly gave me the first lot of the anaesthetic and it felt pretty amazing! lol! It was like a really nice, cosy drunk feeling and then the next lot went in and I had just a second of thinking omg this won't work and then I was out and the next I was aware, the surgery was over and I was in the recovery area asking the nurse if this was real life and telling her I thought she was truly beautiful! I am apparently very friendly when I'm completely out of it!!

I think for me, I'm such a controlling kind of person that it's so hard for me to believe I can be truly unconscious. Even when I'm asleep, I still think I'm a bit 'aware'. But being under anaesthetic is just totally different, you have no awareness, you're just awake and there before surgery and then it's like you just close you eyes and it's an hour later. It's quite magical really.

I have learned quite a few techniques since I had surgery that I would definitely use now to help me (I'd be less scared about all of it but I still like to feel like I'm in control so I'd likely still feel anxious about that). I would meditate regularly in the build up to it- every day and then I'd meditate while I was waiting (the CALM app is great). I would also use EFT (tapping) to help me manage me worries and anxiety. You can access great free EFT videos on youtube- brad yates is great- he does one on clearing fear and worry if you google that, it will come up. It seems crazy that this tapping with help but it really does. It just helps to clear things that are blocked or you're holding on to.

Just remind yourself how common surgery is- these surgeons do so many a day, it's really routine for them.

Good luck with it! x

Before I ever had surgery I was terrified at the thought of having a general anaesthetic so understand you feeling like this. I had to have surgery in an emergency first time so didn't get too long to think about it but I promise you it's ok. Like AllthatGlitters , I quite like the feeling now. I just feel nice & sleepy then before you know it your being woken up. x

Edin profile image

Thank you all, your comments have been really helpful x

Angellouise profile image

I had an hysterectomy 6 years ago, don’t worry about the anaesthesia it’s not that bad now a days like it use to be. Good luck

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