When admitted for surgery.....: Hello... - Endometriosis UK

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When admitted for surgery.....

AllthatGlitters profile image
27 Replies

Hello ladies

Hope you are all having a pain free day & feeling okay.

I feel like a big balloon walking around as I have my period, I’m hot & bothered and not feeling quite right :(

When you are admitted onto the ward for your laparoscopy, are you given a time for your surgery? Can your family wait with you? Do they give you a bed?

I always like to know exactly what will be happening!


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AllthatGlitters profile image
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27 Replies
princessk09 profile image

Hey, you get taken to the admissions ward where your family can wait with you but depends on the hospital. You meet the surgeon and anaesthetist who explain what will happen. You get changed into the gown and get told where you are on the list.

I was just chilling on the bed as I was second in. However it can change any time, I went from being last to second haha. I was on my own which was better for me as I was so calm.

When they call your name, you walk down to a room near the theatres and wait on the bed they will operate you on. Then you get wheeled to the anaesthetist room who will look after you and put you to sleep. It takes like 5 seconds and feels weird as the ceiling lights went blurry and then I remember waking up in recovery feeling on cloud 9 due to the painkillers 😂 xxx

vmagpie profile image
vmagpie in reply to princessk09

Sorry to jump on this thread.. can I ask if you got a brief chat with surgeon straight after? Read a lot of posts saying they were told what was found whilst coming round?

I’m worried that I won’t be with it enough to remember what I’m told when my time comes.. I’m so curious as to what is exactly going on with my insides I’m wonder wether it’s ok to ask them to jot it down for me for when I come round. (Haven’t been given a date for lap yet lol) xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to vmagpie

Yeah the nurse told me what they had found. I was so alert and awake (no idea what drugs they gave me haha). I nearly cried because I finally had an answer. A few days later was when it hit me and I couldn’t move

However they do give a discharge letter with a vague description of what they found. I didn’t see my surgeon after as he had another surgery to do but you can ask the nurse to write it down for you xx

vmagpie profile image
vmagpie in reply to princessk09

Thanks. You know when you get a mental image of what you think is going on.. and just want to know if what you’re feeling is right.

Had symptoms since 17.. now 33 so just want to know xx

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to vmagpie

You’re welcome, if you have any more questions, feel free to message me 💕 xx

Ajem197 profile image
Ajem197 in reply to vmagpie

I'm jumping in too! They told me what they had found and showed me a couple of photos also which really helped to visualise it. I'm waiting for my 3rd lap at the moment so interested to see where it is now! I'm hoping for a video this time! 🤞😂

in reply to vmagpie

6 days late but going to jump in anyways. Just to give you the other side of the coin, I wasn't told anything official at all. The gyn/surgeon happened to walk past on her way to the next surgery as I was coming round and just said "Hi, yes we did find something..." she then went on a tangent about (tmi) how constipated I looked from the inside.

I do remember everything she said but in my case they didn't say much until my follow up appointment and even then the information was lacking. (My advice is to write a list of questions down to take with you to the follow up so everything in answered)

Stroppyboard profile image
Stroppyboard in reply to vmagpie

When I had mine done it was originally to remove cysts, there was never any mention of endo so they didn’t know it was there til they were doing the surgery. The surgeon came to see me when I was in recovery and told me what they’d found and explained a little about what endo was. But I was wrapped in a lovely morphine hazy and just kind of nodded and he was only with me for a few minutes but I was giving a follow up appointment with him a few weeks later to discuss the op and what options I had

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Stroppyboard

Do you mind me asking what your options were? X

Stroppyboard profile image
Stroppyboard in reply to AllthatGlitters

Erm well to be honest there weren’t any, for me anyway. At the time when I had the op we were waiting to be accepted for ivf treatment. The only option the surgeon could give me re the endo was to give me some kind of injections which would temporarily stop my periods, this would be for 6 months but no idea what would happen after that. But as we are trying to have a family that wasn’t an option so they closed my case. But hopefully you’ll have better options than me x

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Stroppyboard

Thank you x

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to princessk09

Can your family be with you when you see the surgeon after? So you actually remember what they say as I doubt that I will lol

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to AllthatGlitters

You may not see the surgeon, it may be the nurse in recovery but your family won’t be allowed in that ward. They are allowed in the normal ward though.

Your discharge letter will tell you what’s they have found or you can ask the nurse to write it down xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to princessk09

Thanks princess, did you stay in overnight? I have to, been told that already. Thanks for responding, it’s been great to hear your experience x

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Don’t worry, if you have any questions, feel free to message me.

No I didn’t stay overnight however I couldn’t wee after surgery but told the nurse I did so I could go home as the woman next to me was snoring so loud 🙄 xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to princessk09

Oh haha you would have got a better rest at home then (minus the snoring) x 😜

princessk09 profile image
princessk09 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Yeah haha and an ice pack was my best friend for two weeks after surgery due to the swelling xx

livvi_livvi profile image

At my local hospital it depends if your time of arrival is early morning (for the morning list) or dinner time (for the afternoon list). If on the morning one you go into a waiting room with your family. Then get called onto the ward where you family have to say goodbye. You then get into gown and wait in bed. You get told where on the list you are. I was first so was also told a time. For afternoon I found you wait longer in a waiting room but your family isnt allowed. Then you go to the ward. Then you walk down to the aneasthetic room and get put to sleep. (In my experience the aneasthetic nurses and dr make you laugh and always set me at ease.) Then you wake up in recovery. You go back to the ward and I saw my surgeon but this is still without family. Then when you are ok and have eaten, drunk and wee'd you can call your family to come get you to go home.

All hospitals do vary though. If you are concerned or want to know you could always ring pre admissions and they may be able to tell you as per your hospital. Xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to livvi_livvi

I might give them a ring, thanks so much x

Mrsgillygumdrops profile image

Hiya. It will all depend in the hospital. I had mine last week, waited in lounge from 7.30am to 11.30am then to a bed on the ward - stayed there until 4pm when I finally had surgery! All the time my husband was allowed to be with me (but I sent him off for a few hours as he was getting very bored!!)

Met the aneathetist and the surgeon by 9am. Wee sample given.

Wheeled from ward to theatre.

Recovery nurse told me they found endo. (Thank God I was not making it all up!)

Tea and biscuits - best food ever after nil by mouth for nearly 24 hours!!

Wheeled back to a ward.

Registrar came to see me in ward and told me and my husband the results and gave me a discharge letter and sick note for 2 weeks.

Hope this helps and all the very best for your operation and recovery xxx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Mrsgillygumdrops

Thanks for letting me know your experience x

luthien profile image


It very much depends on your hospital and whether it's private or NHS (UK). I went private, checked in at reception at 7am on the day, then get taken to my room, to wait for surgery, relatives / friends can wait as there's seats (it's your room).

I was seen by a nurse whom checked I knew what I was in for, allergies, put the band on my wrist, and gave me the gown plus stockings. Then my anaesthetist and my consultants saw me. I was second in line for my op so had about an hour wait, watched stuff on my tablet.

My room had a bed - a wardrobe, desk, tv, shower room, valuables locker. I was walked down to the anaesthetist room where they put you on a bed and check you are you, while getting your drip in etc. I think they must take your bed from your room to collect you after the op.

I had a chat with my surgeon (my consultant) after the op while in recovery and then he came round later that afternoon / evening - my hubby stayed with me while I had my dinner and chat with the surgeon, which really helped lift my mood.

I was in overnight and was given my sick note that morning, the nurse said my consultant had called in (he was in clinics) to check I was okay. The letter of what had been done was cc'd to me at home (it went to GP) a few days later.

I had a follow up appt two weeks later, at the end of my sick note; to see how healing was going and if I needed more time.

Follow up appt again in three months time.

Hope that answers your queries xx

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to luthien

Yes thanks so much! X

Remy18 profile image

When are you going in? Good luck!! I literally feel like you’re in my brain, I’m having these exact same questions 😂

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Remy18

Hi Remy I don’t have a date yet but know it will be soon, well this year!

Good minds think alike 💕I always have lots of questions haha x

Remy18 profile image
Remy18 in reply to AllthatGlitters

Well good luck for when you finally get your date! I’ve got mine due in October and I’m stressing like crazy! 😂

AllthatGlitters profile image
AllthatGlitters in reply to Remy18

Yeah that’s like me too, without a date yet! Let us know how you get on x

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