Stage two endos and gastrologists problem... - Endometriosis UK

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Stage two endos and gastrologists problems too

Alarna profile image
4 Replies

Now I know for certain that I have Stage 2 endometriosis and gastrologists problems and bowels its all driving me mad again with worry as whats next the time and when am I ever going to be better and to make my problems so much worse and upset in it's hubby's birthday tomorrow feel so useless as can hardly move my self never mind celebrate his birthday without still being in pain and the way I am hate it all. Glad have this site some time for this illness coz i really wish i never had it so could be normal

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4 Replies
Ash24601 profile image

I have severe gastro symptoms too. The majority of gastro illnesses were ruled out pre endo diagnosis. I had major endo removed from my bowel last year (op number five) but had worrying bowel symptoms since. I’m now awaiting op 6 with the endo team and a gastro referral.

Bowel symptoms can be extremely difficult to live with! It should be a normal daily habit for most people but for me it’s week long ordeals of constipation or extreme “bowel prep”.

This weekend I’ve been living off oxo cubes and picolax, I haven’t left the house, trying to make sure I can get on top of it by the time Monday comes back around.

May I ask what gastro issues you suffer with?

Alarna profile image
Alarna in reply to Ash24601

The same with me I dread going to the toilet because it hurt so much it's just fighting battle with everything hope you get some more answers and help soon

Natcamb profile image

My gastro problems have got worse and worse as the years have gone by. My last laparoscopy was in 2015, with mild Endo diagnosed. I've visited Colorectal surgery and Gastroenterology. After a CT Colonography and colonoscopy I've been reassured I have no bowel diseases. It's most likely the Endo causing so many of your gastro problems, but it's always a good idea if you haven't to get other things ruled out there. I've seen so many things on here about how Endo interferes with the bowel and digestive system, so it may be down to that. I really struggle to release my bowels properly end up sitting for ages trying to get everything out. Though I don't have hard stools. Digestion and bowel filling up/after release is both painful all around pelvic area and the rectum. Like Ash I also am finding eating food very difficult at times.

Natcamb profile image

Sorry, I forgot to mention, have you tried the low FODMAP diet? It offered me some relief for a year or so, but unfortunately has now become ineffective. I think that's partly because I'm in need of another laparoscopy. There also seems to be some various Endometriosis recipe books on the market. I'm thinking about getting one or two and trying that, not sure if I will help. Hope you find some relief.

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