Desperately in need of wise words of support a... - Couch to 5K

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Desperately in need of wise words of support and encouragement please ๐Ÿ™

Bbq1 profile image
โ€ข45 Replies

I completed C25K at the beginning of July and discovered that i love running. I now run 3 times a week currently for between 30 to 45 minutes. My preferred time to run since I began has been 11am. However, i was off work due to Covid for 6 months but we finally returned to work yesterday. I work full-time as TA in a Special school. An active job but not heavy duty manual work. Obviously I knew this was coming so i had planned ahead and my idea was to come straight in from work twice a week, change and go straight out for a great, de stressing run with 1 run over the weekend...Well, that was the idea...I tried it tonight and it was awful, just horrible. I did my warm up walk albeit a bit slower than usual but that didn't really worry me. I began to to run and my legs felt terrible, just no energy in them whatsoever and my breathing was all over the place. Within a couple of minutes, I felt dreadful and I had to do something that I have never ever done since i began running. I walked. I had to. I run in a park by my house so I walked home as I needed the loo. I started running again and the same thing happened. I just couldn't run for more than a minute. I am so upset and frustrated and can't understand it. I feel so crushed and like i want to cry ๐Ÿ˜ข It is SO disappointing and demotivating . I don't really know what happened, why it happened and what I can do to get round it as I have to factor in 2 post work weekday runs. Please help.

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Bbq1 profile image
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45 Replies
mrrun profile image

No energy, heavy legs, heavy breathing? Are you hydrating properly? As in drink water daily, at least a few litres either through tap or food. If you're dehydrated and run faster, especially after a day at work you'll feel it. I would check that first, as well as the diet. Stretching as well. Try and see how it goes.

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to mrrun

Thanks for your reply. I don't think it's dehydration as i drink at least 3 litres of water a day on run and non run days as i actually Iove water. I had drank that amount prior to attempting to run yesterday. Stretching I could definitely do more of.

davelinks profile image

Are you well hydrated drinking enough water?

Can get heavy legs through dehydration.

Over training can be another factor, when was the last time you had a good break from running?

Having a break can work wonders..

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to davelinks

Thanks for your reply. I don't think dehydration was a factor as I drink a lot of water daily, 3 litres or more as I enjoy water as a drink anyway. I am really interested in what you said about having a break from running. I haven't had one. I've run religiously 3 times a week since April. So, six months. How long would you advise to rest for? I know fitness takes a little while to drop.

davelinks profile image
davelinksGraduate in reply to Bbq1

ok, so hydration may not be a factor, you could now try 1-2 weeks of rest, I do and find it helps, of course have to watch the diet as well.

You say you run late morning, well I was doing that for about 5 years and was finding running got harder, as I don't usually feel too good early in the morning (don't do mornings!) but have recently found if I do run before I eat any breakfast my performance seems to be better, so now try to run earlier in the morning, am thinking digestion has something to do with it.. maybe worth thinking about..

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to davelinks

Thanks so much for getting back, davelinks. I will rest and recharge as you recommended. Quite a few people have mentioned the effectiveness of the early morning runs plus I think you make a good point about digestion. Ok, I'll definitely try it after some r&r. I've got nothing to lose in trying it and who knows, i might find that I like it! it's good to have a break from time to time i suppose, as running puts a lot of strain on the body.

Thanks again for your much appreciated, valuable advice.

mrrun profile image
mrrunGraduate in reply to Bbq1

Three weekly runs is (should be) comfortable for many. Maybe take a week or so off. You need to figure out what's causing the fatigue - physical (less likely because you are hydrating and not overtraining, as you say) or psychological (back to work and balancing various things). Take a short break, spice it up, maybe run a new route, make it new and interesting again?

Instructor57 profile image

Would tend to agree with other replies regarding hydration ,

Heavy legs are often a symptom of dehydration.

As a runner you need to drink 2.5 to 3 litres of water a day , even on no run days .

Give yourself a couple of days off and get fully hydrated then give it another go and take it slowly.

Good luck ๐Ÿ‘

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Instructor57

Thanks for your reply. My minimum daily water intake is a minimum 3 litres on run and non run days so I don't think that dehydration was a factor. Yes, a bit of time off is in order, I think just to recharge.

AlMorr profile image

Sorry about you getting Covid and being off for 6 months, I did hear on the news that people who have recovered from Covid-19 still feel the way you describe in your post.

As you were off for 6 months, including running I would advise you to restart at week 1,

I think you should get professional advice from your doctor, tell him you wish to start running and take his advice.

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to AlMorr

Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry if my post mislead you. I haven't had Covid. When I said I was off due to Covid I meant because the school where i work was closed for so long so I couldn't go to work.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Bbq1

That's OK, glad that you did not get Covid.

Ian5K profile image

I think you have a demanding job, and youโ€™re rescheduling a habitual morning run to much later in the day, and after a dayโ€™s work. Thatโ€™s probably affecting you both mentally and physically.

Youโ€™ve done the C25k, you can run. This is a temporary setback, I reckon. Try shorter runs until you get back to your old performance. You can run.

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Ian5K

Thank you for your very encouraging reply. I don't think I accounted at all for the mental and physical demands of returning to work. I am sometimes too hard on myself regarding the running. Years ago, I used to look for reasons to skip exercise but with running I haven't experienced that as the need to run regularly is almost addictive. I'll find a new routine and maybe temporarily shorten runs for a little while like you suggested until I'm back in the swing of things at work. Yes, i need to remember i completed the C25K, can run and 6 months ago was still sat on the couch. I need to be a bit kinder to myself I guess.

Thanks again.

Maz1103 profile image

I feel the same about changing running times. I work in a school too. Went out yesterday as soon as I got home at 4. OK it was hot but the whole thing felt panicky. I couldn't get my breathing right or my pace. Gave up after 3k feeling rubbish

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Maz1103

Hope you're ok Maz1103. Well, i am right there without. You completed 3K though so that was good. I would have been really happy with that yesterday. We have the determination and ability just need to readjust our routines again and find the new best times for us. I felt a bit panicked yesterday too. Work is a bit strange atm, maybe we need to account for that too. It's a big change.

Keep going.

Maz1103 profile image
Maz1103Graduate in reply to Bbq1

You too. Just did 5k this morning so feeling a bit better!! You're right. It's just a strange period of adjustment.

Baggaz profile image

Hi, could you maybe try running earlier in the mornings before work. I graduated a few weeks ago and I too have just gone back to work this week. Whilst on furlough I was going for a run between 7-9am. I knew once I was back at work and tired after looking after children all day I probably wouldn't want to run, or would struggle. So, I've been running before work. Getting up early for a run has been a bit tough but has been worth it as it feels good once I'm out. Also, running as the sun rises is pretty amazing. Hope you find something that works for you xx

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Baggaz

Thanks Baggazz. Oh, I wish I could run in the mornings! I'm rubbish first thing. It takes me at least an hour to wake up properly, I'm a real night owl. I've wished so many times I could just get up and out really early. Like you, I hsve a family to care for so mornings can be busy. Must be amazing running as the sun goes up though. Thanks, I'll just have to readjust my new routine a little more than I thought. To think, I used to look for excuses NOT to exercise...

shsoga profile image
shsogaGraduate in reply to Bbq1

I know exactly how you feel, I hate mornings too! But on the rare occasions I have been dragged out for an early morning run, once Iโ€™m out there, it actually feels ok. Itโ€™s getting out that is the hard bit but if you just do it in your sleep-drugged haze as soon as the fresh air and dawn light hit you, it all starts to feel a little easier. Maybe just try one early one, haul yourself outside and see how it goes - no need to repeat ever again if it is truly awful!

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to shsoga

Hi shsoga. Thanks for your advice. That's my plan. I'm resting for a week then I'll try it. I am just so much not an early morning person, sleep drugged haze sums up how I am first thing very well! However, as you say I can't say I absolutely cannot do it when I haven't tried. I will just try and get up and do it one day without thinking and planning because once I plan it the doubt will start to niggle. I'm going to feel the fear but do it anyway!

shsoga profile image
shsogaGraduate in reply to Bbq1

Good for you, let us know how you get on!

Magicfairy11 profile image

I had this problem aswell- minus the horrendous Covid situation you had. I am an early morning runner, but in school I just canโ€™t, or Iโ€™d be up before 5.

Tuesday - run after work - horrendous! I managed C25k run 1 but it was grim. I didnโ€™t enjoy it. I thought Iโ€™d have to stop. It took me a long time to recover. I was sat in the garden cooling down for half an hour thinking I was going to throw up. Thought about it.

Thursday - should have been run day but I had to have another rest day. After Tuesday I was actually dreading the next one.

Friday - forced myself out after work again, but.... beforehand I drank LOADS! all day I drank water, and I tried hard on Thursday.

Result - best run Iโ€™ve ever had!!!! I donโ€™t know if it was the water, or the cooler weather or the Friday feeling, but it was really good and I enjoyed it.

Donโ€™t let it lose your mojo. Try and drink loads and take an extra rest day xxxxx

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Magicfairy11

Hi, Magicfairy11. I didn't actually have Covid, I meant the Covid situation prevented me from worked as school was closed. I see how my post was a bit mislead though.

Thanks for your reply. It sounds like I am experiencing the same as you but it's so encouraging you've come through it and had a great run. Well done! Yes, taking a chance of days rest now and re thinking my routine. No, I'm not a morning runner either sadly because I'm not really a morning person! I do drink a lot of water throughout the day but I guess I could up it a bit more.

Thanks again.

Magicfairy11 profile image
Magicfairy11 in reply to Bbq1

Oh hahahahaha sorry! I probably read it in a half asleep dream. Iโ€™m very glad you didnโ€™t have the illness I gave you ๐Ÿ˜†

Good luck on the next run! X

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Magicfairy11

Haha! Me too!๐Ÿ˜


Tasha99 profile image

Iโ€™m having the same issues. I ran 150 miles in July and again in August. Iโ€™ve gone back as a teacher into a new year group and I feel like the world is caving in around me. Could barely do 5k the other day ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Tasha99

Tasha99, keep your chin up. 5k is excellent. I'd have loved that or less yesterday. You're a brilliant runner obviously. It's so tough going back to a school environment. I have a 15 year old son back at his school and me at mine. Now, I've thought about it, I think we need to take a breather to regroup. September is always a hard month WITHOUT Covid, now it's 10 times harder. We can get through this.

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Tasha99

Hi Tasha, I have been thinking of you returning to work and wondering how you are getting on. September is always super busy settling in a new class and this September will be much more so in the current circumstances. Be kind to yourself- everything, including your running, will fall into place. Xxx ๐Ÿ˜„

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Elfe5

Thank you guys, I know youโ€™re right. The year group Iโ€™ve got had really crap teaching last year too so itโ€™s a bit of a nightmare. Been for a run this morning, and despite crying halfway round (after crying all morning), I felt better by the end. Weโ€™ll get there Xx

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Tasha99

Oooh, how frustrating & annoying - been there, done that & have many t- shirts, (although without the considerable Covid extra). It will come right- it will look much better in a monthโ€™s time. Xxx

Tasha99 profile image
Tasha99Graduate in reply to Elfe5

Thank you Xx

(#TotallyDeflectedOriginalPostToMyself ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿคฃ)

Netstet profile image

Hiya, I too have been back at school for a few weeks and none of my after school runs have been successful so I switched to early morning. I now run at 6am Mon and Fri, and while I had dreaded trying to run before work in reality I love them, starts off the day on a high. Days at school are just too exhausting, when I get home I collapse. Good luck.

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Netstet

Hi, Netset. I'm really now a morning person. 8 would love to run innthr early morning but I don't think I could do it. It sounds a great plan though. I might attempt it once soon and otherwise, I'll just have to find that new routine.

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Bbq1

NOT a morning person, they should have read! Bit if gobbledygook going on im my reply to you now I've re read my reply to you!

Tillybeach profile image

Sorry to hear your post. Good advice from others. Hydration seems to be quite a major factor. I think believe in yourself you have been running 30-40 mins X3 before so you can do it. It was just one of those off days! Next run will be better. Good luck๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Tillybeach

Thanks Tillybeach. Yes, the advice and support on here is great. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I do feel a lot better today. Going to give myself a little breather and rethink thr routine. It was just massively disappointing yesterday, i couldn't believe it. However, as you said, I know i can run, it's just something to put down to experience.

Frizzbomb67 profile image

Yeah I agree with all the above. Youโ€™re back at work which is demanding and stressful dealing with the new normal in school. Even on a โ€˜normalโ€™ year it takes a while to build your stamina again after returning to work after the summer break. You need to find a new routine which fits in the demands of work, family and running and that will take time. As a teacher my goal for September is just to fit running into my working life. Iโ€™ve not committed to any other challenges as that will be hard enough! Good luck with it all and donโ€™t stress too much. Life in school is hard enough! ๐Ÿค—

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to Frizzbomb67

Hi, Frizzbomb67. Thank you for your reply. Yes, i totally agree that September is a challenging month normally, never mind with the 'New Normal'. I think I underestimated the toll returning to work would take, for at least the first week or two. I will make my goal the same as yours, just to find a new normal for my Running too around work and family life. I'm going to have a couple of days off, recharge and then get going again.

acountrycabbage profile image

Congrats on completing the programme ๐ŸŒŸ Sounds like youโ€™ve had the freedom to focus on running during lockdown (and nailed it) and now going back to your normal demanding routine has thrown a spanner in the works.

Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s nothing more than an off day as you try to get back into the flow of work. Keep faith - you know deep down you can do it ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to acountrycabbage

Yes acountrycabbage, I think that's a major factor. I would probably never hsve started running if it hadn't been for lockdown but it afforded me the luxury of time. Now I have to rethink my routine. Thoughtless work!! Thank you for your encouragement. You're right, I know i can do it. I'll take a little breather and then adapt and adjust my Running routine to fit.

Thanks again.

LoveC25k profile image

Brilliant support and encouragement! Havenโ€™t been out since going back as a teacher - feeling too exhausted. Will try some of these tips tho.

Good luck with keeping up the running - youโ€™re doing better than me.

During the holidays I ran in lovely places - a bit spoilt - Iโ€™ll have to go back to running locally and just get on with it!

Great to know others are in the same situation - so good to have this virtual support! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bbq1 profile image
Bbq1Graduate in reply to LoveC25k

Hi, LoveC25K. We've got this and we can do it! I feel much better today and encouraged by the amazing support from lovely people on here. I was spoilt too, with time really so just need to take a breather, take stock and replan.

Good luck!

LoveC25k profile image
LoveC25kGraduate in reply to Bbq1

Youโ€™re so right! Weโ€™ll find the right balance.

Just had a lovely slowish run in the forest with the husband! I may keep that in the routine and try to do a couple of runs after school locally (and just suck it up!) and one at the weekend in a prettier spot.

Good luck with the school year and the running!๐Ÿ˜Š

Elfe5 profile image

Hi Bbq1, I think it would be very easy to underestimate how busy and tiring it is returning to working in the school environment after all these months. Itโ€™s not surprising at all that it might have a temporary affect on your running. It would also be easy for your water drinking patterns and needs to change too on returning to work.

Donโ€™t worry, I am sure it will come right as you adapt to your changed life pattern - be kind to yourself & a bit patient. - You are not alone with a run that doesnโ€™t work, it happens to most of us. I had one like that about a month ago, when I just had to walk home. - It was a โ€œone offโ€ on a hot day when I was tired after helping my daughter move house. ๐Ÿ˜„

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