W7R1 Dogs!!!: Just running round the park when a... - Couch to 5K

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W7R1 Dogs!!!

ArticImp profile image
4 Replies

Just running round the park when a pack (5 dogs) came running at me barking and growling and then all jumped up me not in a friendly fuss me manner, actually bought tears to my eyes and really hurt my thigh. The owner was really sorry. I was too upset to make a scene and the owner put the dogs on the leads immediately. I carried on with my run because I didn’t want to become nervous about it. Why on earth would he take the dogs off the lead if that’s how they react to people! I could have had my kid with me!!!

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ArticImp profile image
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4 Replies
Stottygirl profile image

That’s awful 😐I really don’t like dogs and have had dog related issues in our local park where it’s otherwise great for running. It has put me off running there. Sorry I don’t have a solution but know how off putting it is 😐 I tend to run on streets now where dogs tend to be on leads. I give them a wide berth. It’s still unnerving but I feel in greater control.

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Stottygirl

As a cyclist, walker and now a runner dogs have occasionally caused me a few problems, but only when running, if cycling I ring the bell and pass the dogs with no problems whatsoever, usually when out a walk they do not cause any problems either, but running, I usually slow down and the dog does not jump on me, however, if I am on a timed run and see dogs I shout 'excuse me' and pass OK, but there is always the odd dog that jumps up on me, that is annoying.

Summernights profile image

That sounds really horrible. I’m really sorry that happened to you? I also run in a park often with many dogs off lead. I have been jumped on twice but not hurt in the way you have just been. The jumping alone was enough to cause me to stop as I was worried about avoiding the dog and falling. In my 9 months most dog owners have been lovely, considerate and happy to share the park, I hope this is a one off for you. Only two owners were rude and uncaring. Since graduating parkrun has been a joy because of the dog on short lead rule, I’m never on dog alert there. I have also discovered quieter dog times in my park too . I hope you feel better soon and you find a way to keep running without a dog problem.

Madge50 profile image

Oh how annoying, I hate it when dog owners don’t keep control of their dogs, me and my OH went out once down a bridleway - a regular route of ours - and plenty of dog walkers too, who I must say, usually keep very good control of their dogs....... there was a woman with a dog off the lead, it ran and jumped at my OH, then ran and jumped at me, catching my sleeve in its teeth (luckily I had a jacket on) she said ‘it’s because you’re running’ - so that’s ok and our fault then? What if it had been a child?, I couldn’t bring myself to speak I was so cross.........I do think she was rather shaken and embarrassed- we haven’t seen her down there since......

I am wary of dogs when out running, I tend to slow down and be ready to stop, just in case, I always thank owners who put leads on or grab them. One habit I’ve got into, is if I see a loose dog I never look directly at it...


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