I am not a Bee, I don't need pollen quest week... - Couch to 5K

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I am not a Bee, I don't need pollen quest week 1 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
45 Replies

Welcome to the I am not a Bee, I don't need pollen Week 1 Quest feel free to join.

Hope you all doing well and the pollen and the weather are not getting to you all too much.

Please feel free to join in if you like, it's just a bit of fun. I just thought it would make a good name for the Quest, after nearly three years I'm running out of names so if anyone has any ideas please let me know.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run.




















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Realfoodieclub profile image
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45 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

Well I am still suffering hence the name of the quest. I just have no get up and go, it is hard to believe I did a HM in May. I didn't have to cope with this last year as I was on the IC with a frozen shoulder. Still getting out there and giving it a go though, so my Quest for the next six weeks is to keep plodding through my tick boxes and see how it goes. As long as I do 20km, 1 swim, 1 weight session and a very good stretch session and an alcohol free day I will be happy, also now I'm back from my little mini break stick to Weight watchers and hopefully lose a little weight.

misswobble profile image
misswobbleGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Morning RFC

Count me in please ☺

I am about to start my new half marathon training so will be running regularly (fingers crossed), will do some fitness and strength work and cycling too.

Good luck fellow Questers.

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

RFC, I am so with you on the lack of motivation. The summer zaps me. Thanks for posting about ticking boxes these last few weeks. It helped me put my whinging in perspective. Am I ticking boxes? Yes? Okay then, get over it! :-)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to parseraisin

Tick boxes are keeping me sane at the moment I think, at the end of last week I thought what a terrible week then I looked at all my boxes ticked and thought well I couldn't of been that bad. Hehe any little helps.

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

It really does, I completely agree!

parseraisin profile image

Hello RFC, sorry to hear you are suffering. I can commiserate, having just sneezed my way around town!

My goal this quest is both to take it a bit easier and also to remain consistent in running, stretching and strength. I have a stiffness in one knee and I'm pretty sure it is actually my hip, but it lingers right now in a worrying way.

This week I will aim to catch up on sleep after traveling last week. I also aim for three runs with a total of 20k, plus two arm and core. Hip exercises three times.

Good luck runners!

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to parseraisin

Taking things a bit easier is a good Quest goal!

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Thanks! During the last quest I had several other life quests culminating and I learned that I push myself harder in running when that happens. Good for stress, but not so good for my tired bones!

Anniemurph , I'm happy to report that I passed my thesis defense with minor corrections (a very good outcome). Thanks for your thoughts!

AncientMum profile image
AncientMumGraduate in reply to parseraisin

Congratulations on passing your thesis defence: something to be very proud of :)

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to parseraisin

I'm so glad! Congratulations! I was thinking about you but life overtook me rather at the weekend and I couldn't message you to ask how it went. Woohoo - well done :)

Kallyfudge profile image

This week I will aim to do one long run (10K) or a half-half marathon (10.6?).

To take my hayfever pills everyday.

To do at least 2 5ks

To not weigh myself

So stop drinking....

I've never done one of these before so sorry if I am getting it wrong. Love the name :)

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Kallyfudge

One of the great things about having these Quests every six weeks is that we learn a thing or two about goal setting.

I think you mean for this Quest rather than all in the first week, but that looks like a really good little collection of goals, the sort that have a record of being achievable with a nice mix of one-offs and regularity.

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

You are so right about goal setting. I do this for work regularly, checking that other people's goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based. Were mine for the last Quest? No.

GoogleMe profile image
GoogleMeGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

I often think Achievable and Realistic are the same thing and came across Relevant which is sometimes a useful and strangely novel notion! (Or A can be for Assigned... so that you locate the responsibility somewhere it should actually be... I kind of have this with the bike thing since to a very large extent, I am in someone else's hands with this.)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Kallyfudge

The great thing about the quest is its personal to you, if you want to do weekly goals within the 6weeks that works too. It's just to help us all feel a bit motivated and work together towards our own goals. Welcome onboard.

Irishprincess profile image

Haha I love the name RFC! I didn't join the quest last time and found I really missed it so count me in to this one please.

I've had a bad time with my running recently due to problems with my orthotics, a cold and a bad pain in my hip but I got out today although it was so hot my face was Crimson when I finished 😡 but all good thus far 😊

For this quest my goals are:

- Increase my distance very gently. I do miss my long runs ☹️

- Continue the gym work twice a week

- Pilates once a week

- Know when to stop working in the garden. This is a biggie for me as I love the garden and get carried away but have had bad back problems this year made worse by the stuff I do in the garden! All this has affected my running so that's why it's here.

Thanks for organising again RFC and happy questing fellow questers x

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

Hi, it is nice to see you back here again. Your goals are always sensible and inspiring, no matter what distance. Happy Quest to you!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to parseraisin

Aw what a lovely thing to say. Thank you so much! Happy Questing to you too.

GoogleMe profile image

My Quest: Don't eat all the honey.


Running: an interval session and extend my longest distance... so I think that's a minimum 13k

Swimming: the school holidays present challenges at the local pool so I am going to keep my goal from last time and get to Masson Mills on my virtual River Derwent swim.... but I'd also like to try a swim at Hathersage Outdoor Pool

Bike: a ride

Walking: I'd like to get a longer walk of a few hours under my belt. Maybe something that would get me to 25,000 steps in a day.

Yoga: keep to my daily practice and complete a new programme.

Weight: below 68kgs

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

I love your quest! When I read it I imagined bears with sticky paws, thinking the same thing :-)!

Outdoor pools! The mark of summer! Happy quest!

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to GoogleMe

Ideal weather for Hathersage, but I bet it's overbooked right now :D

Oldfloss profile image

Sorry you are pollenified... The air is full of stifling spores :(

Count me in please.

- Try to move on from the three run pattern of a 3K, a 5K and an 8 K, which I have got into.

-Cycle every non-run day

-Take a tip from Irishprincess .. and know when to stop gardening, and, additionally, remember that at 66, I cannot balance on top of my steps, leaning as far as I am able, with loppers, to deadhead the climbing rose which grows up the front wall of the house, without experiencing twinges the day after!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Haha I do things like that too floss. I'm tackling the ground elder tomorrow because it's in the shade 😏

parseraisin profile image
parseraisinGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I like your goal to move beyond current patterns. Once they get too comfortable, I think they lose their value a bit. Plus it is harder to get out and do the same old thing.

folkieboater profile image

Count me in please rfc.

Looking at how poorly I did with my goals last time, I may adjust them this time...

Run - as much as possible. Love to moor up somewhere new and explore. Try for at least 2 a week.

Walking - will do lots of that. Trying not to count walking to the pub and back.

Locks - well as we're out boating for all these 6 weeks I'll do a lot of these. See them as cross training - definitely work the old upper body muscles.

Swimming - I'll try not to 😳😳

Good luck everyone and thanks rfc

melly4012 profile image

Can I join please?

Doctors orders to rest from running for a week after checking over my ankle so will have to have a running goal and a non running goal for the 6 weeks.

- run 3 times a week after the week rest (take it slow and not overdo it on my return)

- eat more fruit and veg (with every meal plus snack on that rather than naughty foods!)

My rule is if it's on the forum then I have to stick to it! First quest, fingers crossed it will kick me into gear!

poppypug profile image

I'm in please Rfc and thank you for putting this up again. Sorry to hear youre struggling with the pollen. This heat sucks all the energy out of you and to have a allergy to deal with as well is very tough.

I am carrying on with my HM training, Ive got a couple more 14ks to do and then I have a couple of " easier " weeks before it cranks up a bit again .

I am still not drinking enough water and it is really beginning to show on my runs. My legs have felt very heavy a few times and it seems to co-incinde with the days I haven't drank enough.

Am sleeping much better since I managed to sort my hot flushes out, I am just not getting enough ! I am trying to go to bed at a decent hour and not spend hours reading and messing about on my phone .

Stretches and arm exercises- I have been doing these , but not as often as what I should , so going to make a proper effort this quest.

Good Luck to all fellow questers , hugs and healing vibes to all those on the IC, and all those of us going through tough times in their lives, I hope you gain peace of mind soon and that there are brighter times ahead for you. Hang on in there , this too shall pass xxx

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate in reply to poppypug

Sorry to hear you're not getting enough, Pops :O :D :D :D

poppypug profile image
poppypugGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Ha ha ! Story of my life Annie ! :-D xxx

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Count me in again, please! I would like to continue running a minimum of 3x a week - increasing to 4 weather and free time permitting. I'm also going to be doing some travelling over the next few weeks so would like to run in a few new places (Berlin, the Lake District and Scotland). When in the Lake District I would like to tackle a few hills. I assume Scotland will be hilly aswell, but we're staying with friends near Glasgow and I don't know the terrain.

It would be nice to get a 10k in again with a PB, my current form indicates I could probably shave a couple of minutes off my 1 hr 13 mins PB.

I would also like to continue chipping away at my current 5k speed and get a bit closer to 30 mins.

I think it's just a question of getting some mileage in now. Towards the end of the 6 weeks I would like to start increasing my distances again.

I will put core exercises on my list aswell - I can't seem to motivate myself to do them at the moment, but maybe this quest will give me the necessary kick up the ****.

Mollydex profile image

Is it too late to join the quest ?

If not I'd like to be in

I want to run 3 times a week and try to attend one boot camp in the park each week

AncientMum profile image

Hi RFC and a big thank you from me for organising the challenge yet again - I love the title btw. My goals are modest because every time I set something ambitious I end up injured again. So, 3 runs a weeks with my daughter doing c25k (until she gets too fast for me) then back to my longer runs again. Schools hols from the end of the week, so my other challenge is to do something memorable or constructive every day, otherwise I'll end up frittering the whole 6 weeks away just pottering about. May give the 30day shred ago with my other daughter, as it seems wrong to support one daughter in her fitness drive but not the other. xx

sparky66 profile image

Hello all :)

Please count me in RFC :) I've been late posting as I've been trying to think carefully of my goals for the quest..

But I really feel I pretty much still need to carry on as I am yet.. still feel it's just as important to consolidate my 5k ..still finding this as far as I can manage.. but so very pleased with that :) so....

1. Run two 3ks improving on my pace. ..happy to say ive made small improvements here.. just under 9mins per k...

2. A slow 5k concentrating on posture and form.

3. Two swim sessions.

4. Keep up dumbells, stretch ,and knee strengthening excercise.. few squats.

5. Keep up healthy eating and try to control those treats that are becoming a little more often than should be!

I will be away in Majorca for 5th week of quest :) :)

My 50th birthday treat with my 30 year old insperation ..my daughter.. can't wait as I live at home with my man and three teenage boys.. love them dearly and all that.. but...

So RFC asking permission for a week off? Lol I will try not to be too naughty! ;)

Keep up the good work questers xxx

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to sparky66

Hehe time off granted I was wondering if the 66 was the same as mine. Hope you have a great time.

Anniemurph profile image

Hi Rfc, count me in, please.

Great name! I'm sorry you're suffering though.

I was very unrealistic last time with my goals. I have a lot of interesting stuff going on over the next few weeks though, so my goals for this Quest are:

1) Keep going with the Beginners' Running Club. It's every Tuesday night for the next 8 weeks. I'll miss a couple but it is already motivating me which is exactly what I needed it to do, even though I don't think it's beginner-ish at all, and I don't much like running in a group. But I am pushing harder than I would on my own, so that has to be good!

2) Run a 5k on 13th August at a local event, kindly pointed out by GoogleMe

3) Persevere with learning to ride a bike :O in the hope that it will increase my fitness (but be careful not to fall off and damage myself which will impact my running)

4) Run 7k twice in this Quest. I ran 6k the other day so this is achievable.

Good luck with your goals, everyone - happy running to all Questers, and a swift recovery to all those on the IC or struggling in any other way x

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Anniemurph

Hi Anniemurph. Re item 3:

That's just what I did. Fell off the bike and damaged my Achilles tendon - nearly 2 years ago!

Please do not fall off and good luck with your Quest.

I'm going to start the next Quest. (Monday?)

So at the moment I'm W1/D1!

dagshar profile image

Hi there, I haven't been on here or taking part for some time now, but would like to join again :-)

Over the summer I want to try and slowly build up mileage again to get to 15kms on easy long runs. I have done quite a few 10k events (mainly trails) over the past few months, so now need to start preparing for two half marathons in Oct and Nov. The challenge for me is to keep the long runs really slow and easy, so i may even go by time rather than distance over the next couple of months (say aim for 2 hours irrespective of distance and then push further closer to the events).

Also need to get back into the habit of rolling regularly and doing some speed work at least every other week!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to dagshar

Welcome back. I've added your name.

Spongecake7 profile image

Please count me in Realfoodieclub . My goals for the next 6 weeks:

1. Run 3 times a week.

2. Get to 3 park runs.

3. Improve my 5k time of 37 mins.

Thank you!

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Spongecake7

Welcome onboard your name has been added.

Alicat47 profile image

Count me in,

Remember to take my blue inhaler before, and with me just in case I need it.

Remember to take it slow to begin with as I have lungs that weak at the moment.

Get out there no matter what happens

Do some stretches, and find somewhere different to run.

Beek profile image

Hi Realfoodieclub.

I have been away from C25K for a very long time due to partially ruptured Achilles tendon.

I really miss the good feelings I used to have with the running and want to start all over again.

I did W1R1 last Monday and managed very slow 'running' sections and my fast walks were really just gentle saunters. This morning I was just too tired to get up to run but hopefully in time this will improve.

I am also starting the 8 week blood sugar diet because I've been warned of small bleeds in one eye after retinopathy exam. (I must admit that this does scare me somewhat)

At the risk of moaning on, I am feeling my age and have aches and pains all over.

Can you point me in the right direction for this 'tick box list' mentioned in the replies?

Do you think at age 69 and 80kg it's too late to improve? Struggling big time really. :(

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Beek

Hiya there and welcome back. I am Sorry your having such a tough time. We have a brand new quest starting on Monday so please join in that one, and thank you as I had forgot to put the post up for the end of this quest on Friday., whoops, The tick box is something I tried on for size to help me do other exercises. I have a list of things that I want to do over the six weeks of the quest. I set mine as items per week then set myself a challenge to tick all the boxes. For me I did one swim, one weight session, one alcohol free day, and 15km broken up into three or four runs. Followed by one really good stretch session. I found it was really good at making things feel manageble. The outcome for the last two quests 12 weeks is that I've managed to tone my arms and feel more in control of what I was doing. Before that I was basically biting off more than I could chew and then feeling discouraged. I think I will use the same system again as I have now joined weight watchers online and now in general I feel more in control of everything going on which really has made me a happier person. Please feel free to use your own tick boxes for the next quest if it helps. I really am the sort of person who responds to positive feelings so I found for me it helps to make it all sensible and achievable, obviously some weeks I did a little more if I felt like it but mostly just did my tick boxes and felt good about my week.

Beek profile image
BeekGraduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Hiya RFC. Just joined the quest, into which I have included some of my 8 week blood sugar diet aims.

All the 3 gentle runs a week (starting the programme again) also include a session in the middle when I use the open air gym equipment in the park for toning my arms. I am also going to start (in the morning) doing Strength and Flexibility on my 'rest' days because I know I need to significantly improve my core strength.

I'm feeling inspired! Thank you!

Tick boxes printed out so bring it on!!! :) :) :)

Realfoodieclub profile image
RealfoodieclubGraduate in reply to Beek

That's great. I'm sure you'll get there. Good luck Rfc x

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