Run into Summer Quest Week 1 - Feel free to join. - Couch to 5K

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Run into Summer Quest Week 1 - Feel free to join.

Realfoodieclub profile image
29 Replies

Welcome to Week 1

(25 May to 5 July)

Here we are starting another quest. I am sure 6 weeks keeps getting faster and faster.

What the quest is:-

The quest takes six weeks. You can join any time within that six weeks.

The main aim of the quest is to help you find a focus or goal that you would like to achieve by the end of the Quest period.

I ask that you will be a graduate or about to graduate to join the quest. The main reason I ask this is that while you are doing the program your plan is very structured so I wouldn't want the quest to interfere with that.

Most popular goals are:-

To run three times a week

To slowly increase distance

To train for a specific race

To add In Stretch and strength exercises

As you can see they are personal to yourself and it's totally your own choice.

Every week I will pin a new post where all the members of the quest can talk about how things are going.

So if you wanted to join all you have to do is put

I would like to join the quest, or count me in and then I would like to. ..............

Your name will then be added to the top post and every week your name will be in the quest until the end.

At the end, only for those that would like to, we each put out longest run of the quest and it is then marked on a virtual run we are doing from John O Groats to Lands End.

Then it all starts again for another six week Quest.























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Realfoodieclub profile image
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29 Replies
Realfoodieclub profile image

I am on the couch at the moment. I came down with a horrible kidney infection on Thursday so no running for me for a few days.

My aim for this quest I'd to get back on track and do one long run of 14-17km every six weeks. I would like to sort of keep that long run from the HM current. Not sure if it will really be easy to fit in as I am coming up to my busiest work time of the year, now until October and then it eases up again.

Also I want to strengthen my muscles with weight training as I now believe the way to get faster is to get stronger. So interval, hills and weights. And more stretching.

Happy running everyone.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Oh not good rfc Hope you feeling better soon

janda profile image

I'm in. Training for St Albans half marathon, 14 June. Not sure about what happens after then apart from recovery and maintenance (till the next event?)

GoogleMe profile image

There seem to have been a lot of lurgis around on the forum this year (really bad timing for a BH weekend RFC!)

My obvious goal for this Quest is to have another go at "Run or walk every day" This was a surprisingly hard challenge last time and then my own lurgi made a huge hole in it. I've just signed up for 30DaysWild for June which I hope might fit nicely with this too.

I'm really itching to say I'll get back to swimming and cycling but realistically these are going to be tough times and piling on the commitments isn't sensible. If I manage either it will be a bonus.

So the only thing I am going to add is that over the six weeks of the Quest I'll do at least 6 sessions of something like meditation or gentle yoga. I am really struggling to still my mind at the moment - even in the minute or two I do as part of my morning yoga session, so I'll play it by ear as to what works - sitting still or a little more movement to it. This is because I know I am going to need *something* whilst we battle with the local authority to get *them* to set appropriate SMART goals (and associated provision) for my younger son.

ActonHighStreet profile image

My quest goal is pretty simple, I'd like to run for 20 miles.

dagshar profile image

Count me in...I would like to be able to cope reasonably well with the Coombe Abbey 10k off road run in 5 weeks, i.e. run at least 2/3 of it. Planning to include one off road run in our local woods in my weekly schedule and hoping to get to 10k road running by then as part of preparation.

Pigivi profile image

I'm in - as soon as I get better - Pretty ambitious plans as it is busy time of the year as well. Will try to run 3 times/week: 1 short and fast, 1 interval, and one longish slow run (1 to 1 1/2 hour) . And 1 fast walk up the hill with no nature gazing stops every week (hill is 195 mt high - 1.2 km of paths and stone steps - no, I am NOT running it!)

Start swimming into the lake if it gets warmer ;)

poppypug profile image

Hope you feel better soon RFC, kidney infections are so painful xxx

I am doing a Ascis training plan, this week is 3k, 3k and a 5k

Good Luck to all fellow questers :-) xxx

frannyfran profile image

Count me in.

This quest my aim is 60k over 5 weeks, as I will be away for a week.

Rfc, hope you get better soon and off the IC.

Happy running everyone.

AncientMum profile image

Count me in too please, RFC. My aim is to walk at least 3 times a week, hopefully increasing my distances, and maybe, just maybe, manage a run by the end of the quest. Sorry to hear about the kidney infection, they really are very debilitating. Hope you're feelling better very soon. xx

Irishprincess profile image

Sorry to hear you're on the IC RFC. Hope you're not there long.

Count me in again as I have two 10K races in this period! (Did I just type that?). Must do more hill work to improve my speed and more weights as I've been a bit amiss recently. The quest helps me to stay focused.

Good luck fellow questers.

misswobble profile image

14k last week but not very successful due to knee. One 8 k run left to do to finish my asics plan and then onto a new one, knee permitting. Not run since Thursday

I hope you're feeling better now RFC!

folkieboater profile image

Hope you feel better soon RFC. Thanks for organising these quests.

Count me in again please.

Likely to set off poorly - one run if I'm lucky at the end of this week.

Friday brings the most looked forward to day of the year though - summer boating starts - yay!

Plenty of excercise and fresh air - and as much running as possible(hopefully 15k a week somehow). First two weeks are pretty full on due to having to get to Liverpool for a job - but calms down after that. New canals and running routes to explore. Hav even spotted a couple of canalside parkruns if schedule fits. Bring on the nice weather :)

Good luck everyone.

Noaky12 profile image

I'd like to improve a) my speed & b) my stamina at speed please.

I aim to do a parkrun evey 2nd week & am aiming firstly for a sub 40 min & secondly not to collapse whilst doing it!

Carolecal profile image

Count me in please Rfc....after a 9- week break I am finally back in mind,body and spirit :)

I was away from home for 8 weeks while Mum was in hospital having a heart bypass and looking after her while she recuperated at home.

I didn't run in all that time ,my eating habits went to pot ...consequently I have returned home feeling totally unfit 3 and a half kilos up.

Today is a brand new start...I got out and shufflejogged 5.2K round my favourite track and lanes ,then came home and did 5 minutes on the rowing machine.

For this quest I plan to run at least 5K,3 times a week...hopefully getting back to 10K by the final week,use the rowing machine 4-5 times a week....and to lose the excess poundage.

Sorry to hear you've been poorly Rfc...hope you feel better soon...also belated but massive congratulations on your recent HM :)

Happy running everyone :)

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Carolecal

Hope your mum feeling better Carole Know exactly what you mean about eating going to pot when stressed / out of your routine. Hopefully this quest will get you back on track - running and eating .

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Fitfor60

Thankyou Rona...yes she has made a good recovery...remarkable ...she'll be 81 in July :)

One run done and another lined up for a good start !

ajwyld profile image

Count me in again please. I'd really like to manage 3 runs a week this time ! (Last Quest was a bit of a wash out for me.) Hope you feel better soon !

Fitfor60 profile image

Not quite sure what I hope to do this quest

Wk 1 tapering as have 1st Half Marathon on Sunday (words I never I thought I would say)

Wk 2 been told shouldnt run

Wk3 - 6 help! I don't really know what to to aim for. Maybe just usual 3 runs a week but slow and easy. Any advice greatly received from Half Marathoners out there .

Enjoy your running fellow questers.

christian1 profile image

Please count me in Rfc. My aim is to get in as many runs as possible. We are on holiday for 2 weeks during this time so that should send my schedule to pot. i intend to run while away, but to avoid the heat I have to run early and getting out of bed and running before breakfast is not really what my body likes.

Hope yu get well soon Rfc.

Get well soon RFC. I'm off the IC and just want to get back to running three times a week, with one or preferably two swims per week as well. Good luck with your quests everyone :)

Realfoodieclub profile image

Just to let you know I will be doing the virtual run post soon. I just don't feel up to it right now. I'm on my second lot of antibiotics to try and break this infection, the first ones did not work, they think I might have stones as well. Happy days. Hopefully I will be fighting fit soon.

Fitfor60 profile image
Fitfor60Graduate in reply to Realfoodieclub

Don't you be worrying about that just now RFC Just concentrate on yourself And getting better

Coddfish profile image

Hello RFC, please count me in. My quest continues to be working to running 5k in less than 40 minutes. I now have the 5k bit so it's a question of improving pace. I am running one 5k run per week plus a shorter, faster, intervals run. My quest will be made more difficult by a June holiday in Canada.

Bit later than normal to the party on this one but I'm in again!

My last quest all went a bit to pot; plan was to follow a MyAsics training plan to get to a sub-60 10k. But I got bored with the lack of variety of the runs so I have now switched to a straightforward "Improve your fitness" one within Garmin Connect. My quest is to stick to this one.

Sorry to hear about the kidney infection and possible kidney stones. Hope you're starting feel a little bit better today :)

happyharris profile image

Count me in please! My goal is to do a 16 km run - I am in training for a HM, also to lose 6 lbs would be good!!!

Curlygurly2 profile image

I'm in UK for a few weeks, got some new shoes and need to make sure they're both ok in case I need to return them. I expect they're fine, they're the same brand as I've had before. I'm hoping to increase my distance a bit, maybe to 12K, while I've got the chance to run on the flat.

Langata_S profile image

I would like to join the quest, my aim is to run 3 times a week for the remaining 5 weeks and try to increase my stamina/distance (I use a treadmill) at least once a week.

samsonandrew profile image

I would like to join the quest please, I will aim to run for 20 k and try to get below 25 min for 5 k ! Feel better soon RFC !

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