Brand new to this. Advice please - British Liver Trust

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Brand new to this. Advice please

Villa73 profile image
8 Replies

Hi, I'm 49 and just got a fibroscan score result and I'm a bit worried. I am over weight. I do drink beer weekly definitely not daily.

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Villa73 profile image
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8 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Who did your fibroscan? Was this ordered by your doctor? Have you had any other tests - bloods etc. ?

Fibroscan alone doesn't diagnose anything and needs to be looked at in conjunction with other tests. Fibroscan can give false high readings if you've eaten before the test or have any ongoing liver inflammation - which doctor will be able to detect in blood tests. Fibroscan struggles to tell the difference between inflammation and actual fibrosis.

A score of 11 kPa (if accurate) is at highest F3 (the stage of fibrosis before full on cirrhosis) and at this stage big steps can be taken to reverse the damage. If the cause is identified then it can either be treated medically or indeed if the cause is more due to fatty liver disease then lifestyle changes can help halt further deterioration and indeed reverse damage.

As you say you are over weight - this is a major contributor to non alcohol related fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and the bit of booze you take will also have some sort of an effect. Some positive lifestyle changes - better diet, more exercise would help no end.

The BLT has an excellent page on NAFLD - worth following the advice on this even if it isn't the cause of your issue.

Have a chat with your doctor regarding next steps.


Villa73 profile image
Villa73 in reply to AyrshireK

Hi & Thanks for talking sense. I've been on increasing levels of Methotrexate for YEARS. Been on the injections for 4 years +

My GP is awful. Missed stroke symptoms 48&24 hours before I was hospitalised. Advised topical steroids near my eyes. AWFUL

The actual fibroscan was done at Royal Derby Hospital. Referred by my dermatologist. I have a dermatologist because of my psoriasis

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Villa73

So are you on the methotrexate for psoriasis? I am guessing that as it's a fairly toxic medication (indeed can cause liver damage) your dermatologist has had the fibroscan done to check the liver. Methotrexate can also cause weight gain so you've a few angles to explore.

Maybe you now need referral to a hepatologist/gastro to investigate the liver side of things more thoroughly.

You may have a combination of issues here with the knock on effect of causing your liver some problems.

All the best,


55spenc profile image

Hi what was your score?

Villa73 profile image

Fibroscan 11. LFT 70 Something

Villa73 profile image
Villa73 in reply to Villa73

I think

Roy1955 profile image

Needs looking into alongside other tests but probably not seriously high. Won't hurt to quit the beer and probably some lifestyle changes needed.

It's probably just an early warning, listen to it!

pushthrough profile image

You had a KPA of 11? There’s a chart our angel Katie has shared. However you would need additional testing before they can say where you stand. This is the first time I heard a dermatologist refer out for a fibroscan. However it sounds like your dermatologist really cares about your well being. They may have saved you from seriously damaging your liver. Keep us posted.

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