Raised ALT+GGT over last few years, st... - British Liver Trust

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Raised ALT+GGT over last few years, stress ?

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1 Reply

Over the last few years my ALT + GGT readings have been raised enough to warrant further investigation into the cause. I don't drink alcohol, but am overweight which was put down as the cause. Multiple tests including numerous blood tests, ultrasounds, MRI etc have also shown no serious conditions. In the last few months I managed to lose a couple of stone which was reflected in my previous blood test result where the readings were slightly lower, but still abnormal.

In the last month I have put about a stone back on, so was expecting higher readings at the blood test, but was pleasantly surprised to see them even lower and normal, with ALT down to 19 from a high of 114 and GGT just over 60. So what has changed ?

I am now putting this all down to stress. With the passing of close relatives and just completing a house move I believe stress is the most significant contributing factor. I've also experienced IBS and many other issues which I would put down to health anxiety, but all this has gone (at the moment) and now I feel far more relaxed. I still plan on losing the weight, but thought others may relate to my issues in some way. Hope this helps, thanks.

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So sorry for the loss of family members but well done to you for recognising and acknowledging that much of your problems were caused by stress and anxiety which you have now addressed and freed yourself from and hopefully permanently if you now know the coping strategies. Yes this should be very helpful for many others who come to this forum suffering with nothing more than constant worry and anxiety. Best wishes to you

Laura x

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