Still here...: Well it’s been a little... - British Liver Trust

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Still here...

Identity75 profile image
15 Replies

Well it’s been a little over six months since my transplant. My new gifted liver is doing great, I’m now on very little immunosuppressants.

I’m now on my 7th of 8 cycles of chemotherapy. For the most part it’s been ok, I’ve not experienced the worst of side effects that I know some have. The worst has been my feet which have blistered and cracked and basically just slothed off the skin on my soles.

So I’m midway through this cycle, get a week off and then just two more weeks to do. After that I’ll get a scan done, hopefully all will be good and I’ll just go into a monitoring stage. If not it’ll be a new round of a different chemo. All good fun.

Oh and I’ve now got two incisional hernias from the transplant. Herbert and Henrietta. Trust me they don’t like it if you sneeze.

Life is good. I’m officially retired now, work has medically retired me. So I’ll be looking at maybe fishing or setting up a train set in the garage any day now.

I hope everyone else is well, or at the very least as well as can be.

All those waiting for their gift, stay strong, it’ll come when the time is right. Which for some reason always seems to be in the wee small hours.


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Identity75 profile image
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15 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

Great to hear you are still battling on, hope you are still tucking into the Haribo.

All the best mate, hope your chemo does the trick and you get a break.

Katie xx

Millie09 profile image

Great to hear from you! Pleased your liver is ticking over nicely. 👍. Love the names of the hernias lol.. keep that positivity going and hope all goes well post chemo.

Best wishes Linda x

Porphyriamaniac profile image

All the best to you identity, so glad you're doing well, everything crossed for no more chemo! I remember your post transplant photo eating your Xmas dinner, looking great and loving life 😁. Fishing honestly is a great hobby! really relaxing especially so in this weather, I love a bit of fishing, give it a go 😉. Xxx

Paisley71 profile image

Hi great news .glad your responding to your treatment.. I'm suffering day after day with my cirhosiss portal hypertension.. varices.enlarged spleen.. hepatic encephalopathy.. I've been told by my liver specialist that if I run into problems.that I'd be a candidate for a transplant...what is the life expectancy if your body bodes well with it..if you keep yourself healthy???

Wass71 profile image

Hi, great update!!! Its good to hear things are going well. You strike me as being a super positive person, and I'm sure that has helped you deal with this adversity. Its awful that such bad things happen to good people, but maybe your positivity and sense of humour give you the strength to cope, that and the haribo!!

I'll be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts about your scan, and hoping that will be enough to give you the all clear ( or whatever will be needed to make things OK).

Loads of best wishes


You've done soo well, you've been through so much

My son is 26 and would love your train set!! He's loved them for as long as I can remember!!

I like the names of your hernias!!

My mother in law, in 1989 was diagnosed with breast cancer, she a mastectomy and called her prothesis ezmerelda!! She dropped it down the stairs one day and put s plaster on it. The look on the faces of the drs and nurses was a picture when we had to go to the hospital for a new one!!!, All we could do was giggle, it was her way of getting through it

Love and hugs Lynne xxxx

Millie09 profile image
Millie09 in reply to

Haha, oh that's made me chuckle lol.

Hope you are ok lynne

Lots of love xxx

1football profile image

Your positivity is inspiring it really is let’s hope when you have your scan it’s all good news you’ve certainly earned it.On a lighter note,your photo with the Xmas dinner a day after your op I believe please tell me you didn’t actually eat it did you? Because it properly puts me to shame if you did as it took me 2 days just to manage a spoon of ice cream lol

All the best on your recovery


Identity75 profile image
Identity75 in reply to 1football

Damn straight I ate it. Not letting a little thing like major surgery stop me from having me Christmas dinner, had the pudding too. I was just happy that I wasn’t cooking it, greatest excuse for a day off I’ve ever had. 😋

1football profile image
1football in reply to Identity75

Animal 😂

Litimag profile image
Litimag in reply to Identity75

I loved that image of you with the Christmas dinner too, it was day 12 after my transplant when I finally ate solid food.. You sir are a horse 👍😀

Glad to hear you are doing well, I remember commenting something about a kick in the stones when you told us about the cancer stuff.

Oh, and keep an eye on those incisional hernias, you really don't need a strangulated one.

chugalong profile image

So great to hear all going well.

X19Dave profile image

Well done mate stay strong and start living again


Great to get an update from you.

Your positivity is inspiring.

Best wishes and Harribos ( only a few for me! ;))


sunnysmile profile image

Hi, not been on here for very long but loving the forum. So good you update, and massive hugs for all u have gone through and you still retain a sense of humour - respect.

I took early retirement, live in the UK and my fave hob is fishing. I am longing for a giant train set lol. Such a good post and thank you.

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