Very painful cramps : Hi, is there any... - British Liver Trust

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Very painful cramps

Echo67 profile image
5 Replies

Hi, is there any remedy for cramps? I'm an alcoholic in various stages of recovery but never achieved abstinence, the cramps are severe, toes, feet, calves, fingers and hands.quinine sulphate works but GP wont prescribe it. Please help me out

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5 Replies

Magnesium helps relax muscles (calcium keeps them tense).

Magnesium is also the most common mineral deficiency, and alcohol tends to wash this out of your system.

Low doses are best, as too much mag can cause diarrhea. Magnesium Citrate is easiest on the tum, & well absorbed. 100-200mg/day taken before bed will help reduce those night cramps. You may need to invest in a pill cutter, as most mag citrate supps come in 400mg tabs.

Always best to check with your doc before you buy or try supplements, but Mag Citrate is pretty benign. It doesn't thin the blood or stress the liver, & the only side effect is the possible loose stool/diarrhea if you take too much. Mag can also make you feel a bit washed out if you take it during the day, but actually helps with sleep if you take it in the evening.

Best Wishes for better health.

Abstaining completely and permenantly may help

Hi Echo,

No one on the forum is medically qualified so cannot advise. We would suggest you discuss your cramp complaint with your own doctors again who are best placed to help.

Best wishes


Cramp is caused by dehydration or too little salt. A packet of ready salted can correct the salt. Quinine can get rid also. It can be found in bitter lemon drinks or tablets from your gp. Drink plenty of water also. Good luck

Thistle09 profile image

Hello, Echo67 ~ Despite this having been posted two years ago, I think it's an important question that merits more attention. First and foremost, Trust1 is right in suggesting that you consult with your doctor. Yes, again!

Magnesium can be very helpful for night cramps, as well as promoting good sleep. However, there are several different forms of magnesium. Some are helpful for people with Multiple Sclerosis (as I recently discovered in a Facebook discussion initiated by a friend with MS). One in particular sounds more beneficial for me because it's absorbed more quickly and is easier on the stomach -- I have a hiatal hernia that requires TLC at all times. I probably have been taking the wrong kind...

Why not do some online research about the various forms before your next visit with your GP, if you still haven't resolved this two-year-old issue? I can understand why s/he does not want you to take quinine in any form. Many years ago I took chloroquine as a malaria prophylaxis, and had to stop because it made me feel nauseated for an entire day. If it's that hard on your stomach, imagine how it could be affecting your liver. If your GP can't comment knowledgeably on which one to recommend for you, ask for a referral to a specialist (endocrinologist? dietician? internist?). My Primary Care Physician (who is an internist) is quite knowledgeable about supplements, but I don't believe she knows about the magnesium confusion, and I intend to bring it up in our next video appointment.

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