Hi sorry I'm new and just want to know... - British Liver Trust

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Hi sorry I'm new and just want to know weather to push for an answer

Treewade profile image
9 Replies

Hi I'm tree I have been on this sight before but confused myself went away figured out what I wanted to ask then came bk, I only have one dodgy liver results but since I now have access to my records I decided to spend a little bit of time delving I got bk to 2009 n yep same results n now I'm bored as can only do 60 days at a time lol it's my alkaline phosphate normal measurement is 30-130 mines 16 and has been since as far bk as I got before I got bored. My gp readily admitted she hadn't come accross a low reading before but they don't seam too worried so I did the unthinkable and googled yup well I doubt I'm malnourished though I am losing a lot of hair but I do weigh over 15 stone and eat a varied diet any ideas and more importantly is it something to worry about or not please any advice great fully recieved



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9 Replies
LAJ123 profile image

Good morning Tree,

The important thing to think about is; do you actually have any symptoms to suggest that you have liver disease ?

Losing hair ? You don't say where from and if you are a man or a woman. It does make a difference. When I had liver disease, my chest hair all fell out. Because of the liver failure the hormones become unbalanced so I even had enlarged and sensitive breasts. Embarrassing for a man. Both completely reversed by my liver transplant last year.

As you know, most liver disease is picked up when somebody becomes seriously ill or hospitalised. The symptoms are often overlooked by GPs as not important and they don't investigate for liver disease.

You should be looking for weight loss, itching, fatigue/tiredness, nausea, abdominal pains, expanding waistline, muscle and joint pain (water in the abdominal cavity - ascites. this was the first sign I was aware of).

However, from what you have said, you have been investigated and your liver function seems to be fine and the odd result is nothing to worry about.

If you follow the guidelines that you will find on the British Liver Trust website, you should enjoy a healthy and long life with a liver in good condition. This means, a good varied diet, free of excess sugars and salt, plenty of regular exercise and, if you drink, a sensible approach to alcohol. The recommended intake is now 14 units per week together with at least three alcohol free days every week.

Jim and Lucy

Treewade profile image
Treewade in reply to LAJ123

I don't drink alcohol as the head of a cider is enough to make me feel tipsy I am tired all the time have poor concentration and memory my joints and muscles hurt and my legs are changing shape I swell a lot and have vitamin D and iron deficiency since I was a kid the hair on my head halls out when I touch it how I'm not bold yet I don't know and my bones hurt can't tolerate cold I am seeing neurology physiotherapist waiting to see rheumatologist diagnosed with fibro mialgia raynauds hyper mobility hiatus hernia non alcoholic fatty liver desease arthritis I just think I have one thing wrong with me but because of the one pro plea one appointment think I'm diagnosed with everything. Very rare I get a good blood reading never had a normal liver function test well not since 2008 that's only how far I went bk but could be from childhood. I guess what it is I'm sick of having lots of diagnosis when it's probably one thing that just gets overlooked cos off all the other diagnosis covering the symptoms n my liver doc was great he lost my bloods n said I ll see you in a year I have such confidence lol. I am normally so up beat but I'm having an I'm exhausted day n I wanted to take my daughter out so feeling guilty, sorry

Thanks for reply it does help I am hoping rheumatologist helps lol who knows lol


AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Treewade

I have had a look at various pages regarding low ALP readings and on labs test on line it says the following:-

"Low levels of ALP may be seen temporarily after blood transfusions or heart bypass surgery. A deficiency in zinc may cause decreased levels. A rare genetic disorder of bone metabolism called hypophosphatasia can cause severe, protracted low levels of ALP. Malnutrition or protein deficiency as well as Wilson disease could also be possible causes for lowered ALP".

You certainly have a lot going on with all your other diagnosed conditions but like you I wonder if there isn't something underlying them all. Prolonged low ALP can be related to hypophosphatasia as mentioned above and sorry to say reading about it suggests it could be rather nasty but it might fit with some of your muscle, joint and organ issues and would be something worth enquiring into - it is rare and it is genetic so any family history of similar?

Also you'd want them to rule out the zinc deficiency or Wilson's Disease as mentioned above.

I am not a doctor or any sort of medic, your post just made me wonder and l just did a few internet searches and of course any diagnosis can only be made by a doctor with all your results and stuff in front of them. Prolonged ALP deficiency sounds like it shouldn't just be ignored and perhaps there is something going on which requires more investigation.

Wishing you all the very best, let us know how you get on, maybe neurology, rheumatology and other departments may eventually get to the bottom of this.


GrittyReads profile image

I would contact the advisors at the BLT (they host this site, link to their website at top of the page) and have a talk to them. I'm afraid I don't know anything about low ALP, but I doubt it should be ignored.

Hope this helps, sorry I don't know more.

mrsmerlin profile image


I can only comment from personal experience of myself and others in my life.

I too have fibro which covers the fibro fog for memory and confusion. I must admit art first I put my pain to a fibro flare because as you know it's a pain that wanders round your body stopping for a holiday wherever it wants.

Raynauds is another delight we share, aren't we lucky?

I also have epilepsy and a couple of other things so none of them get lonely.

As I said it's easy to attach new symptoms to one of the obvious candidates and ignore other possibilities.

There is a possibility that you have an infection hiding somewhere which could explain some of the mysteries. Of course you need to ask your doctors about this.

Oh and the hair - my brother has your problem and after testing it turned out tgat he just had hair with a short life. It falls out quicker than others find.

Again all experience we share has to be taken as that and in no way medical advice.

Good luck in the wonderful maze of multiple conditions. Not a club to want admission to

Rita x

kurtymac profile image

ALP makes its way into the blood stream by two ways. 1. Via bone, 2 via liver/bil system. Most of the time it is more bone than it is liver. How does the rest of your blood work look, White cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelets? The bone marrow is where these come from. A few suggestions are this, reticulocyte blood count, this measures immature red erythrocytes (RBCs, red blood cells). In bone disease, reticulocytes will normally be low. Erthropotein test measure the amount of erthropotein your kidneys are giving out which allows your bones to put out RBCs, also healthy for bone cell turn over. I would check to see if that comes back low. A few disease, mainly stated above can be the cause of low ALP, also another serious one, but more than likely isn't this. Primary Myelofibrosis, a rare blood cancer, it causes fibrosis of the healthy bone marrow. Therefore, not much bone change over occurs causing low ALP. ALP is released into the system when bone cells change over. These few tests are a good way to rule out whether it is a bone problem or not, these would be the tests a hematologist would do to rule out a bone condition. Remember, blood results are 90% bell curve, 10% of healthy people have labs that aren't to standard. My MPV has always been low since I can remember. Hope some of this helps.

Treewade profile image

Thanks for all your comments and sugestions I think my go is sick of sight of me lol ok I'm getting a lot of new symptoms at mo so driving my gp mad strange lumps and rash that doesn't spread really but doesn't get better I will ask rheumatologist I think but will write everything down see if he can connect the dots lol hopefully it's summat simple I'm hoping lol xxx

kurtymac profile image

Did he do a sedimate rate, ESR? This is a good blood test to check for auto-immune issues, C-reactive protein is good for inflammation and other rheumatoid possibilities. All of those blood test with the ones I mentioned above will give you some really good answers or at least give you a green light on your health.

Treewade profile image

Not sure what has already been checked know they did lots of bottles I felt weak n sent results to liver specialist who lost results I'm waiting to see rheumatologist hopefully in next 4 ish weeks was a very long waiting list and will ask him/her re ESR as I won't see liver specialist til October unless I can convince my go to let me go to an NHS hospital as I don't like the one I'm at they don't share information and lose results and I feel like an inconvenience xxx

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